Super expensive in some respects but it makes sense. The population is imploding in the Upper Peninsula and I feel like there is still some value around Marquette Michigan. I do like the upper part of the Mitten as well but there is not really a city big enough. I feel like with Marquette I could maybe carve something out.
If someone held a gun to my head and said I had to live somewhere in the United States I would pick Marquette because I think it will survive Nuclear attack if WW3 ramps up and we get bombed out and if someone had to they could get in a boat and make a break for Canada to head further North if need be to survive WW3.
I love living way up North. I don’t need a big City. I love the long cold winters and I prefer to be way off the grid.
I love getting in the cold lake water. It's refreshing. The only bad thing is the shorter growing season but if a person couples it with a greenhouse to get things going early the setup can work and as you know being up there close to the lakes it doesn't get as cold at the coldest of the winter.
Yeah. People pay a lot of money for those Cold Plunge baths … here on Lake Superior, Huron and Michigan you get it Free all year round.
We cut a hole through the ice during the winter….
For a plunge after the sauna.
I love it. I'm not built up to do what that guy is doing right at this moment but I love the cold water. Especially if the sun is out.
I definitely need a sauna before and after… and probably some good bourbon 🥃
Absolutely, The people in Scandinavia are big on this contrast stuff. Ice plunge and then Sauna!!!
These barrel saunas are perfect … built one in 4 hours.