Can anyone see the connection from my last post regarding the captivity of whales, orcas, belugas, and other mammals, to our own state of affairs here being trapped and enslaved in cities?
What happens to these magnificent creatures, as discussed in the documentary "Vancouver Aquarium Uncovered?" when they are captured and kept in an unnatural environment? Well, they are very miserable, they get sick and die early.
Can you use your own common sense and understand that is what is happening to us here living in an unnatural way in these concrete jungles? Look around you, there are hardly any healthy people, how many have diseases, how many are depressed and miserable.
The Wise Indigenous Nations, look at nature and follow nature's laws to understand how we must live. This sick society bases its structure, by greedy man-made laws used to benefit a few and have the rest of us living as slaves, chasing meaningless things.
Over 90 Million Indigenous people were wiped out from our homeland when the invaders came to take over and since this time this place has become a living hell. People here willingly breathe toxic deadly chemicals into their lungs, such as smoking cigarettes and being surrounded by toxic fumes from cars. You cannot understand how ludicrous this is because you grew up in this place and you don't know anything different. It's normalized to you.
The remaining Indigenous people here are mostly struggling and living in poverty, unhealthy, sick and miserable. Take a trip down East Hastings, and you will see the suffering that we are going through. Meanwhile take a short drive up to British Properties on the mountain side in Vancouver, and you will see enormous mansions and such wealth and how can this be, when this is our homeland and now we are left destitute while the occupiers reap the benefits of our land. They are thieves and criminals.
You may say that this was before your time and you have nothing to do with this, the genocide of the Indigenous Nations, but as Sakej Ward states, if you are still living in a house on our land, then you are benefiting from crimes against humanity and you need to question your right to occupy our lands.
Land Given Back to the Indigenous by a Developer
Just found you. Welcome relation.
Definitely voted and would love to teach you the game.
Nice to see more first Nations people here.
I'm of my own culture but definitely want to start a new group for our people.
Welcome and here is a vote follow and big blessings!
Got discord? I got a chat room so can hit you up with my room.
Keep up the mission of truth.
All things have life. Plants animals and mother earth.
I'm mostly off grid. Trying to get back to the woods and hotsprings area to relax and heal.
You USA or Canada? Thinking Canada! Bit how the Europeans drew the lines in the dirt cut our families apart at times. Lucky we are not like the southern border the natives there are having problems!
Greetings @gangafarmer and thanks so much for connecting and it is such a pleasure to meet you. I'm glad to meet other Native people on this platform.
I reside in so-called Canada on the west coast on the Coast Salish Nation territory, otherwise known of British Columbia. I come from the east coast and i'm a member of the Innu Nation.
I don't know much about this platform, I only write and up vote and that's about it. I would like to get into the crypto market because I really believe it is the answer to get us out of this trap we're all in. Thanks for offering your help that is very kind of you.
That is just amazing that you're mostly off-grid, I admire that and that is my long-term goal and I have to pay back my loans here and then i'm out to have a better life being self-sufficient.
I don't use discord, but it sounds like a great idea and a way for us all to come together. I will learn about this and I hope to connect with you there as well.
I like when you say "I'm of my own culture," because I feel like that as well. I am learning about anarchy and I believe in freedom for all. I am against capitalism and enslavement of us and I am very proud to be Native. I love Mother Earth, Animals and Nature and I love to stay healthy, exercising, eating healthy food, thinking good.
I have frustration and anger inside that I have to deal with and exercising helps. I don't take shit from anyone and I feel like I don't belong here in this place. I don't enjoy many peoples company and I like being surrounded by awakened, kind-hearted people. I love to be around my Native people, brings me comfort.
I'm a very sensitive to peoples energy and that is why I I have to be careful who i surround myself with. I haven't cut my hair in 3.5 years and I'll never cut my hair again. My belief and understanding is that our hair is an extension of our nervous system and it gives us great power.
Have an enjoyable and relaxing day :)
And I'm Shoshone from ft Hall Idaho Shoshone bannock reservation. Or our prisoner of war camp...
Anyways hope to talk to you and keep posting.
And there is so you can make double Crypto at the same time and others...
Just wait good time to be alive...
Good words.
That link will take you to my room after you figure how discord works.
And yeah I like spending time with dog and nature over having hords of friends.
As to excersise? You were meant to be a warrior and to fight bears. Not to sit at a desk.
Well let's connect and talk more. Besides getting your account growing quicker!
And yeah we need a group throwing votes for natives.
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks for the link, I'l l check it out and let you know how it goes for me. That would be so awesome to have a group that gives support to one another. I'll be in touch again soon :)
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