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RE: Generalizing Makes Sense Because Individuals Are Rare

in #individualism8 years ago

Its all Prickles Vs Goo

The answer to all these arguments is always BOTH. We are both individuals and a collective, Both the whole and pieces of the whole.

Nature Vs Nurture ..... answer is BOTH! Your a product of gentics yes but also effected by the environment you grow up in.

Determinism vs Free will .... its Both with the deterministic part of reality being natural law but within the rules of nature you have free will.

As a people we must stop with the illusion of duality and realise we have all the answers, they are in the paradox of Unity, in the grey between the black and white, very simple very beautiful. Systems can be fluid, there is no need for these rigid polar systems anymore, they are being pushed by the controllers of society because without dividing us there is no control.