Hi all my best friend .... How are you all in Steemit? I wish all of you on good health and keep enjoy. On this day I am writing about the benefits of rice straw for soil and plant growth. May be useful.
Lack of agricultural information on farmers about the benefits of straw for soil fertility. Typically, many of the farmers think that straw is a waste that needs to be destroyed, usually by burning it after the hay is stacked on the edge of the rice fields and then burned to clean the farmland because it is considered to have no benefits and will reduce the cost of cleaning the land.
In fact, content contained in rice straw is very much, one of them can increase the growth of rice crops, because rice straw has a very high nutrient potential that should be used by farmers throughout Indonesia, especially Aceh. So, if rice straw is burned, nutrient content will be lost, it should be able to add soil fertility.
Rice straw is part of the growing stem which after harvesting the fruit grains together or not with the stalk is reduced to the roots and stems left behind after the disabit. Rice straw has several disadvantages, among others: high crude fiber content, less palatabel, and high amba nature (Widodo et al., 2012). [Source]
In addition, according to Koddang (2008) rice straw contains 84.22% dry matter (BK), 4.60% crude protein (PK), 28.86% crude fiber (SK), 1.52% crude fat (LK) , 50,80% extract material without nitrogen (BETN). [Source]
How to benefit rice straw for soil and crops if not burned?
Rice straw can be utilized as the best planting medium because the protein is relatively complete compared to other planting medium. In addition, the use of rice straw as a planting medium will be minimal risk to plant growth when compared to other organic materials. The benefits of straw for plant growth (rice) are as follows :
- The soil will be more friable and can keep moisture so as to help root growth in plants.
- Increase the number of tillers that will come out of rice plants if given straw on the planting medium.
- The root of rice plant will grow and spread well so that the absorption of nutrient is more.
- Giving straw on farm can help increase the nutrient needed by plant, Can reduce the cost of fertilizers, because straw contain a lot of organic fertilizer that beneficial for soil and plant.
- Can suppress pest and disease attacks, because in the straw contains elements of K, which can help the reinforcement and hardening of the plant so that the resistance of the plant will become stronger.
- Placing straw into the soil layer will encourage the activity of N-binding bacteria rotting straw can revive the activity of organisms that are useful for plant growth.
-The content contained in the straw can help the plant to be healthier so that the stem of the plant can be stronger and not easily fall down. Physically (if decomposed will be humus, organic material or C-organic) will only burn to carbon or charcoal.
-Slowly but surely when the straw is burned then the productivity of the harvest will decrease, due to the lack of nutrients in the soil. - The straw that is buried in the paddy field will be very beneficial for food soil microorganisms. [Source].
So, if rice straw can be utilized properly (not burned), then it is very beneficial for plant growth. Use straw as an organic fertilizer by allowing it in the rice fields to straw to decompose, so that when the straw land processing is more soft.
The organic benefits from rice straw
- As a source of macro and micro nutrient
- Binding cations are readily available to plants but withstand nutrient loss due to washing
- Increase the value of land cation exchange capacity.
- Establish organic bonds (chelat) with micro nutrient such as Fe, Mn and Zn so as to remain available to plant.
- Provide energy for life of soil microbes.
- Improve biological health of soil be development of beneficial soil microbes.
- Increase groundwater storage capacity, so that under limited irrigation conditions, plants do not experience drought quickly.
- Improve the soil structure.
- Prevent soil hardening.
- Supports the soil reaction of acidity, alkalinity and salinity.
- Facilitate the processing of soil and the development of plant root. [Source]
Hara's source from rice straw
According to Dobermann and Fairhurst (2000), straw contains 0.5 - 0.8% N, 0.07 - 0.12 P2O5, 1.2 - 1.7% K2O and 4 - 7% Si. The element of this straw is actually very useful to improve the condition of the growing environment. The composted straw into the soil can improve soil properties, both physical, chemical, and biological soils. Source
Rice straw is one of inorganic materials (urea, SP36, KCl, ZA) as a source of micro and macro nutrients for crops, hence rice straw needs to be utilized to add soil nutrient through recycling.
Burning straw just destroying the nutrients present. That means we have removed in the nutrient straw contains in vain. While the burned straw can only be charcoal or carbon.
According to research when we harvest 5 tons of dry grain from 1 ha of rice field we have lost nutrients 150 kg N, 20 Kg P, 150 Kg K and 20 Kg S carried by our harvest. From the yield of 5 tons of dry unhusked rice will usually produce 7.5 tons of straw. In Indonesia the average nutrient content contained in straw is 0.4% N, 0.02% P, 1.4% K and 5.6% Si. And to know is that when we harvest 5 tons / ha rice will be produced 7.5 tons of straw containing 45 kg N, 10 Kg P, 125 Kg K, 10 Kg S, 350 Kg Si, 30 Kg Ca 10 Kg Mg. Source
We need to understand together that rice straw is inefficient and ineffective for organic fertilizers when it is relied upon as a source of N and P nutrients, but is quite effective as sources of K, Si and C
This is all I can discuss today and thank you to all friends who have visited my blog, if there are any shortcoming and different view I apologize. Hopefully this discussion will be useful for all of us.
One of the benefits of straw for soil paddy fields/to be learned, namely the level of soil fertility worked better than ever, this is because in the straw manure contains a lot of ranging from fertilizer N, P, K, S, Si, Ca, and Mg.
From the discussion above, I can deduce that the straw is one of the most important factors in increasing plant growth so that it will be minimal risk on planting media.
Burn the straw just destroy the existing nutrient elements. That means we have an indispensable nutrient element contained hay in vain. While the straw that can only be burned charcoal or carbon.

Kurangnya informasi pertanian terhadap petani tentang manfaat jerami untuk kesuburan tanah. Biasanya, banyak diantara sebagian petani yang menganggap bahwa jerami merupakan limbah yang perlu di musnahkan, biasanya dengan membakar begitu saja setelah jerami ditumpuk dipinggiran pematang sawah kemudian dibakar begitu saja untuk membersihkan lahan pertanian karena dianggap tidak mempunyai manfaat dan aakan mengurangi biaya pembersihan lahan.
Padahal, kandungan yang terdapat dalam jerami padi sangat banyak, salah satunya mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman padi, karena didalam jerami padi memiliki potensi hara yang sangat tinggi yang harus dimanfaatkan para petani di seluruh Indonesia khususnya Aceh. Jadi, apabila jerami padi di bakar, maka kandungan unsur hara yang ada akan hilang, seharusnya bisa menambahkan kesuburan tanah.
Jerami padi adalah bagian batang tumbuh yang setelah dipanen bulir-bulir buah bersama atau tidak dengan tangkainya dikurangi dengan akar dan bagian batang yang tertinggal setelah disabit. Jerami padi memiliki beberapa kelemahan antara lain: kandungan serat kasar yang tinggi, kurang palatabel, dan sifat amba yang tinggi (Widodo et al., 2012). [Sumber].
Selain itu, Menurut Koddang (2008) jerami padi mengandung 84,22% bahan kering (BK), 4,60% protein kasar (PK) , 28,86% serat kasar (SK), 1,52% lemak kasar (LK), 50,80% bahan ekstrak tanpa nitrogen (BETN). [Sumber].
Bagaimana manfaat jerami padi untuk tanah dan tanaman apabila tidak dibakar?
Jerami padi dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai media tanam terbaik karena proteinnya relatif lengkap dibandingkan media tanam lainnya. Selain itu, penggunaan jerami padi sebagai media tanam akan berdampak minimal terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman jika dibandingkan dengan bahan organik lainnya. Manfaat jerami untuk pertumbuhan tanaman (padi) adalah sebagai berikut
- Tanah akan lebih gembur dan bisa menjaga kelembaban sehingga membantu pertumbuhan akar pada tanaman padi.
- Menambah jumlah anakan yang akan keluar dari tanaman padi jika diberikan jerami pada media tanamnya.
- Akar tanaman padi akan tumbuh dan menyebar dengan baik sehingga penyerapan unsur hara pun lebih banyak.
- Pemberian jerami pada lahan pertanian dapat membantu menambahkan unsur hara yang dibutuhkan oleh tanaman, Dapat menekan biaya pupuk, karena jerami mengandung banyak pupuk organik yang bermanfaat untuk tanah dan tanaman.
- Dapat menekan akan serangan hama dan penyakit, karena didalam jerami mengandung unsur K, yang dapat membantu akan penguat dan pengeras bagian tanaman sehingga ketahanan tanaman akan menjadi lebih kuat.
- Pembenaman jerami ke dalam lapisan olah tanah sawah akan mendorong kegiatan bakteri pengikat N
- Jerami yang membusuk dapat menghidupkan kembali aktifitas organisme yang berguna untuk pertumbuhan tanaman.
- Kandungan yang terdapat didalam jerami dapat membantu tanaman menjadi lebih sehat sehingga batang tanaman bisa lebih kuat dan tidak mudah rebah.. secara fisika (jika membusuk akan menjadi humus, bahan organik atau C-organik) hanya akan terbakar menjadi karbon atau arang
- Perlahan tapi pasti bila jerami dibakar maka produktivitas dari panen akan semakin menurun, karena kurangnya akan unsur hara di tanah
- Jerami yang di benamkan ke lahan sawah akan sangat bermanfaat untuk makanan mikroorganisme tanah. [Sumber].
Jadi, jika jerami padi bisa dimanfaatkan dengan baik (tidak dibakar), maka sangat bermanfaat bagi pertumbuhan tanaman. Selain itu, Gunakan jerami sebagai pupuk organik dengan cara membiarkan di petakan sawah agar jerami membusuk, sehingga saat pengolahan lahan jerami sudah lebih lunak.
Manfaat organik dari jerami padi
- Sebagai sumber hara makro dan mikro
- Mengikat kation yang mudah tersedia bagi tanaman tetapi menahan kehilangan hara akibat pencucian
- Meningkatkan nilai kapasitas tukar kation tanah
- Membentuk ikatan organik (chelat) dengan hara mikro seperti Fe, Mn dan Zn sehingga tetap tersedia bagi tanaman.
- Menyediakan energy bagi kehidupan mikroba tanah
- Meningkatkan kesehatan biologis tanah oleh berkembangnya mikroba tanah yang bermanfaat
- Meningkatkan daya simpan air tanah, sehingga dalam kondisi sumber pengairan terbatas, tanaman tidak cepat mengalami kekeringan
- Memperbaiki struktur tanah
- Mencegah pengerasan tanah
- Menyangga reaksi tanah dari kemasaman, kebasaan dan salinitas
- Mempermudah pengolahan tanah dan berkembangnya akar tanaman [Sumber]
Sumber Hara dari jerami padi
Menurut Dobermann dan Fairhurst (2000), jerami mengandung 0,5 - 0,8% N, 0,07 - 0,12 P2O5, 1,2 - 1,7% K2O dan 4 - 7% Si. Unsur yang dimiliki jerami ini justru sangat berguna untuk memperbaiki kondisi lingkungan tumbuh. Jerami yang dikomposkan kedalam tanah mampu memperbaiki sifat-sifat tanah, baik fisik, kimia, dan biologi tanah. [Sumber]
Jerami padi merupakan salah satu bahan anorganik (urea, SP36, KCl, ZA) sebagai sumber hara mikro dan makro untuk tanaman, maka jerami padi perlu dimanfaatkan untuk menambahkan hara tanah melalui pendauran ulang.
Membakar jerami berati membakar unsur hara yang ada dalam jerami tersebut. Itu berarti kita telah membuang unsur hara yang dikandung jerami dengan sia-sia. Sedangkan jerami yang dibakar hanya bisa menjadi arang atau karbon.
Menurut penelitian ketika kita memanen padi 5 ton gabah kering dari 1 ha sawah maka kita telah kehilangan unsur hara 150 kg N, 20 Kg P, 150 Kg K dan 20 Kg S yang terbawa oleh hasil panen kita. Dari hasil panen 5 ton gabah kering tersebut biasanya akan dihasilkan 7,5 ton jerami. Di Indonesia rata-rata kandungan unsur hara yang terkandung dalam jerami adalah 0,4 % N, 0,02 % P, 1,4 % K dan 5,6 % Si. Dan yang perlu diketahui adalah ketika kita memanen padi 5 ton/ha akan dihasilkan jerami sebanyak 7,5 ton yang mengandung 45 kg N, 10 Kg P, 125 Kg K, 10 Kg S, 350 Kg Si, 30 Kg Ca 10 Kg Mg. [Sumber].
Perlu kita pahami bersama bahwa jerami padi tidak efesien dan tidak efektif untuk pupuk organik bila diandalkan sebagai sumber hara N dan P, tetapi cukup efektif sebagai sumber K, Si dan C.
Salah satu manfaat jerami untuk tanah/lahan sawah yang bisa dipetik yaitu tingkat kesuburan tanah manjadi lebih baik daripada sebelumnya, ini dikarenakan didalam jerami banyak pupuk yang dikandungnya mulai dari pupuk N, P, K, S, Si, Ca, dan Mg.
Dari pembahasan diatas maka dapat saya simpulkan bahwa jerami termasuk salah satu faktor terpenting dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman sehingga akan minim resiko pada media tanam.
Membakar jerami hanya menghancurkan unsur hara yang ada. Itu berarti kita telah membuang unsur hara yang dikandung jerami dengan sia-sia. Sedangkan jerami yang dibakar hanya bisa menjadi arang atau karbon.


very interesting
it is very true your discussion above,
but I see people especially aceh community does not utilize the straw as a source and material for fertilizer.
Thanks. Because it is still minimal understanding, but now people in Aceh have started to use it
By the way, I want discuss with you aboth blockchain, curator, investment. But I am still studying hard to known all the steemit enviromnet and application such as steemit chat and any else. I hope you can spend little bit time to discuss with me in steemit chat or by skype. Thanks lot for your kindness.Hi,.... Mr. @blogtrades very glad to meet you in here. You are right about a Aceh's farmer, all of them always burned the rice straw in every harvest season, this is one of their big mistakes and we are trying to make sense of it.
Ini adalah informasi yang sangat bermanfaat bagi para petani. Semoga kedepannya oleh para petani dapat menyadarinya. Ilike your post.
Thanks @boyasyie
I have had very important information about fertilizer especially the bio-compos (you can find the bio compos technical process from google.com or youtube.com)[check it out ]. They said " the best fertilizer for a plant was came from them self" of course it's through a natural process. What the meaning is that. The meaning is just only the right resources would become the true destination. If you need the good fertilizer for the rice's plant, just take it from them self. Just that from me. Your posting is very much interesting, although simple. And Mr. @blogtrades's comment it's a truht of fact. I don't know when he had been came to Aceh. Good luck bro.