
Do not worry bro, she will not jumping of course waiting for you. If she is really do that, I am already at bottom to get her... then 100% up to me..... hehehehe. Do not join us... lol. Thanks for comment bro, keep on to next part, it's more excite. Nice dream bro and take care.

dear @jenara, if anybody eat turmeric in sleep sleepwalker what is it including sleepwalker condition? I assume that if sleepwalking conditions can be cured with turmeric powder. and by the way, what do you think? poh samping sigo go he he he.

The sleepwalker not used turmeric because the turmeric just for coloring the bulukat two send. let's see the girls sleepwalker....? her skin is not yellow that mean, she is eat the pecal lele..... hehehe.
