After a long dream of coming to the Land of Seribu Bukit, the title for Gayo Lues, on Wednesday 21st February 2018 night, I can join the AGC team who will attend a meeting with USAID in Blangkejren, Gayo Lues, Aceh.
AGC itself is one USAID Grantee working on environmental issues at Gayo Lues. This time, I decided to participate in order to see and enjoy the beautiful nature of Gayo Lues directly in contact with the Ecosystem Lauser (KEL).
After tracing the forest and mountains wrapped with cool air, ranging from Bener Meriah, Central Aceh, and Gayo Lues, we finally arrived at Gayo Lues Capital, Blangkejren at around 05:00 in the morning. Cool air is increasingly felt in this Seribu Bukit Country.
At about 09.00 am, we prepared for the USAID Office in Blangkejren, along the way, I saw a number of buildings built together with nature, where the building is adapted to the natural conditions, so it looks beautiful.
By @abdulhalim