Hello Steemian ....! How are you all....! I hope you all the Steemians are fine ... Amiin ...! Okay come back with me @agoesdeuge, Who is still loyal to discuss about Game Dota 2, as usual there has been no bored words in my personal dictionary to discuss about this Dota 2 Game. On this occasion, I will discuss hero Hard support for your team and it could be this Hero become Support Killer hehehehe. Maybe some of Steemian is already on the skill and how to play it, but every Dota 2 player must be different. Therefore I will explain what I understand and I understand in Game Dota 2. now in this article I will discuss Hero Crystal Maiden.
Crystal Maiden is a hero of Intelligence type attack (ranged) playing in Roles Support, What is Hero Support? Hero Support is a hero that helps Carry's role and the way of the game, without Hero Support MAP in Game will Dark and can not see how the enemy movements, sometimes suddenly the enemy appears without your knowledge, then from there in the team must be required to have Hero support, hero supporters to keep Hard Carry In Safelane so your Carry is safe and easy to get Lasthit / Gold to build the required items. Not far from the word advantages and disadvantages of this Hero, then from that I will explain what are the shortcomings and advantages of Hero Crystal Maiden below.
Have the advantage of a very skill Area or so-called Global Skill, which in which the Skill issued by Hero Crystal Maiden will reach a very wide or called Radius. not only that, Hero Crystal Maiden does not need many items to be able to help your team to kill enemy or enemy target.
Has a deficiency in terms of HP is very Small and damage is not so great against the enemy when hit last hit. And the movement of Lasthit is a very slow and easy loss of Lasthit In lane. And when the ultimate skill can not move, just silence where you remove the skill.
About Hero Crystal Maiden
Able to keep her allies supplied with mana as she slows enemies to ensure a kill, Crystal Maiden is a helpful addition to any team. And, when the opportunity arises, she can unleash her massive ultimate ability to devastate her foes. With a skill that is full of snow and can make your enemy frozen for a moment. well now let's see what Roles is owned the Hero Crystal Maiden.
- Hard Support
- Nuker
- Disabler
- Jungler
With all these skills, possessed by Crystal Maiden has a potent early game potential and Roles. In addition, although it will be greatly assisted with the item, Crystal Maiden hardly needs any items to be used effectively.
Biography Hero Crystal Maiden
Born in a temperate realm, raised with her fiery older sister Lina, Rylain the Crystal Maiden soon found that her innate elemental affinity to ice created trouble for all those around her. Well springs and mountain rivers froze in moments if she stopped to rest nearby; ripening crops were bitten by frost, and fruiting orchards turned to mazes of ice and came crashing down, spoiled. When their exasperated parents packed Lina off to the equator, Rylain found herself banished to the cold northern realm of ice wrack, where she was taken in the an ice Wizard who had carved himself a hermitage at the crown of the Blue heart Glacier.
Well little I understand from the biography that Crystal Maiden has, and now I will take you deeper to explain and understand about this hero. Well now I will explain the Skill and Ability owned by Hero Crystal Maiden, let's check below.
Crystal Nove
Skill that releases Crystal ice on Target, until your enemies will impact Slow movement and slow attack, accompanied by a fairly large Damage to this skill when the skill reaches max level.
- Ability: Point Target
- Damage Type: Magical
- Pierces Spell: No
- Dispellable: Yes
- Radius: 425
- Mobement Slow: 50% in level max
- Attack Slow: 50 in level max
- Duration: 4.5
- Damage: 250 in level max
- Cooldown skill: 9 seconds in level max
- Mana: 160 in level max
Skill that produces Stun against your enemy, and your enemy becomes frozen from Ice exposed from this 2nd skill. And accompanied by damage in this skill. and the enemy can only move in place and can not move to another place.
- Ability: Unit Target
- Affects: Enemy Units
- Damage Type: Magical
- Pierces Spell: No
- Dispellable: Yes
- Damage per half-second: 50
- Hero Duration: 3 in level max
- Hero Total damage: 300 in level max
- Creep Duration: 10
- Creep total damage: 1000
- Cooldown Skill: 6 in level max
- Mana: 155 in level max
Arcane Aura
Skill that generates Regen Mana for all your Team. And this passive skill only produces Aura above the ability of all your team. great skill level, great also Mana regen for your team.
- Ability: Passive
- Affects: Allies
- Ally Mana Regen: 08./1/1.2/1.4
- Self Mana Regen: 1/2/3/4
Freezing Field (ultimate)
A very deadly skill if you are in a precise position and not within reach of your enemy, a global skill that produces snowfall from the sky. and you can only be quiet when this skill is active, if you move a bit, this skill will Cancel, if you have Aghnim's Scepter Item, then your enemy will be hit by Mini stun in the ultimate skill area.
- Ability: Channeled
- Damage Type: Magical
- Pierces Spell: No
- Radius: 835
- Explosion Radius: 300
- Movement Slow: 30%
- Attack Slow: 30
- Damage: 105/170/250
- Cooldown Skill: 90 in level max
- Mana: 600 in level max
Skill and Ability Hero Crystal Maiden that I have described above, hopefully, to read the Steemian will understand the function and ability of Hero Crystal Maiden, then I will explain more complite again using the video below.
Now I will take you deeper to build a very useful Hero Crystal Maiden item for your team.
Starting Items:
- Animal Courier.
- Observer Ward.
- Tango Use: devour, Range: 165.
- Clarity, Use: Replenish, Range: 250.
- Iron branch +1 All attributes range: 200.
- Iron branch +1 All attributes range: 200.
Core Items (Support):
- Tranquil Boots, +90 Movement Speed, +13 Hp Regeneration.
- Magic wand, + 2 All attributes +1.5 Hp regeneration Active: Cooldown energy 13 seconds.
- Glimmer Cape, +20 Attack Spedd, +15% Magic Resistance, Active: Glimmer, Mana: 90, Cooldown Items: 14 Seconds, Range: 800.
Utility Items:
- Observer Ward.
- Sentry Ward.
- Dust of Appearance, Use: Reveal, Cooldown items: 30 Seconds.
- Gem of Treu Sight, Passive: true sight.
- Smoke of Deceit, Use: Disguise, Cooldown Item: 1 Seconds.
Situational Items:
- Ghost Scepter, +5 All Attributes, Active: Ghost Form, Cooldown Item: 20 Seconds.
- Drum Of Endurance, +6 Intelligence, +7 Strength, +3 Agility, +0.75 Mana Regeneration, Active : Endurance, Cooldown Items : 30 Seconds, Radius : 900.
- Hand of midas, +30 Attack Speed, Active: Transmute, Cooldown Items: 100 seconds. Range: 600.
- Veil Of Discord, +5 Hp Regeneration, + 6 Armor, +6 Agility + 6 Strength + 14 Intelligence, Active: Magic Weakness, Mana: 50, Cooldown Item: 20 seconds, Range: 1000, Duration: 16 seconds.
- Spirit Vessel, +250 Healt, +30 Movement Speed, +1 Mana Regeneration, +2 All Attributes, +2 Armor, Active: Soul Release, cooldown items: 7 Seconds.
Extension Items:
- Black king bar + 10 strength +24 damage Active: Avatar Cooldown 80 seconds, Duration 10/9/8/7/6/5, Dispel type: Basic dispel.
- Force Staff, +10 Intelligence, +5 HP Regeneration, Active: Force, Mana: 25, Cooldown Item: 23 Seconds, Range: 800.
- Blink Dagger, Active : Blink, Cooldown Item : 12 seconds.
- Lotus Orb, +10 Armor, +5.5 Hp Regeneration, +1,75 Mana Regeneration, +250 Mana, Active: Echo Shell, Mana needed: 75, Cooldown Item: 15 seconds, Range: 900, Dispel Type: Basic Dispel.
- Aghanim's Scepter, +10 all Attributes, +175 Health, +175 Mana, Passive: Ultimate Upgrade.
- Level 10 Skill talent tree : +100 Cast Range
- Level 15 Skill talent tree : +14 Manacost/Manaloss
- Level 20 Skill talent tree : +60 Freezing Field Damage
- Level 25 Skill talent tree : +300 Crystal Nova Damage
Game Play Hero Crystal Maiden
Early Game
Almost in all situations, the first thing you need to do early in the game is to do a farm in a jungle. Using Frostbite Skill 2 A great creep jungle will get you up to level two quickly, without having to take the experience on the lane. You may still need to stay and do farming in the forest until you step on level three or four. But you should always pay attention minimap and immediately help your team who need in lane. Once you have Frostbite and Crystal Nova, look for a chance to do a gang, to help your team get kill or kill your enemy while in lane.
Mid Game
Entering the mid-game, your task to be active and diligent initiation in ganking is still needed during the game. Just do it more carefully and make better use of SOD items, because in this phase your opponent can just kill you easily. Make sure you should always be in a safe position and get in touch with your team to help.
Late Game
Late game, do initiation only if you believe you can move as far as possible to safe distance, or in your team run. And your Carry team can kill one target you are looking for quickly. Otherwise, you should leave the initiation assignment to a stronger Carry and enter as follow-up in a secure position from your enemy.
This is all I can share for Steemian, more or less I'm sorry, See you at the next hero.
REGARDS GAMERS @agoesdeuge
Original Skill + Ability In Game Dota 2
Original Image Screenshot From In Game Dota 2
Follow @agoesdeuge for next post about Dota 2
Hello Steemian....! Apa kabar kalian semua....! Saya harap kalian semua para Steemian dalam keadaan baik-baik saja... Amiin...! Oke kembali lagi bersama Saya @agoesdeuge, Yang masih setia untuk membahas tentang Game Dota 2, seperti biasa belum ada kata-kata bosan di kamus pribadi saya untuk membahas tentang Game Dota 2 ini. Pada kesempatan kali ini, saya akan membahas hero Hard support untuk team anda dan bisa saja Hero ini menjadi Support Killer hehehehe. Mungkin sebagian dari Steemian sudah pada tau skill dan cara memainkannya, tapi setiap para pemain Dota 2 pasti cara mainnya berbeda-beda. Maka dari itu saya akan menjelaskan apa yang saya mengerti dan saya pahami didalam Game Dota 2. nah pada tulisan ini saya akan membahas Hero Crystal Maiden.
Crystal Maiden adalah hero Intelligence yang type attack (ranged) yang bermain di Roles Support, Apa itu Hero Support? Hero Support adalah hero yang untuk membantu perannya Carry dan jalannya pertandingan, tampa Hero Support MAP in Game akan Dark dan tidak bisa melihat bagaimana pergerakan musuh, kadang tiba-tiba musuh muncul tampa sepengetahuan anda, maka dari situlah didalam team harus wajib mempunyai Hero support, hero pendukung untuk menjaga Hard Carry In Safelane sehingga Carry anda aman dan mudah untuk mendapatkan Lasthit/Gold untuk build item yang diperlukan. Tidak jauh dari kata kelebihan dan kekurangan dari Hero ini, maka dari itu saya akan menjelaskan apa saja kekurangan dan kelebihan dari Hero Crystal Maiden dibawah ini.
Mempunyai kelebihan dari Skill yang sangat Area atau biasa disebut Global Skill, yang dimana Skill yang dikeluarkan oleh Hero Crystal Maiden akan menjangkau yang sangat luas atau disebut dengan Radius. tidak hanya itu, Hero Crystal Maiden tidak perlu banyak item untuk bisa membantu team anda untuk membunuh musuh atau target musuh.
Mempunyai kekurangan dari segi HP yang sangat Kecil dan damage yang tidak begitu besar terhadap musuh apabila terkena last hit. Dan pergerakan dari Lasthit yang sangat lambat dan mudah hilangnya Lasthit In lane. Dan saat Skill ultimate tidak bisa bergerak, hanya terdiam ditempat yang anda keluarkan skill tersebut.
About Hero Crystal Maiden
Mampu menjaga team-teamnya dilane dimana dia bisa memperlambat musuh untuk bisa membunuh musuh anda, Crystal Maiden adalah hero yang sangat membantu tim manapun. Dan, saat kesempatan muncul, dia bisa melepaskan skill ultimate yang besar atau Global untuk menghancurkan pertahanan musuh-musuhnya. Dengan skill yang penuh salju dan bisa membuat musuh anda membeku sesaat. Nah sekarang mari kita lihat apa Peran yang dimiliki Hero Crystal Maiden.
- Hard Support
- Nuker
- Disabler
- Jungler
Dengan semua skill ini, yang dimiliki oleh Crystal Maiden memiliki potensi dan potensi permainan awal yang sangat manjur. Selain itu, meski akan sangat terbantu dengan item yang dimiliki oleh Crystal Maiden tersebut, Crystal Maiden hampir tidak membutuhkan barang apapun untuk digunakan secara efektif dan berguna untuk membantu Gank musuh.
Biography Hero Crystal Maiden
Lahir di alam yang beriklim sedang, diangkat dengan kakaknya yang berapi-api Lina, Rylai the Crystal Maiden segera menemukan bahwa afinitas bawaannya yang mendasar pada es menciptakan masalah bagi semua orang di sekitarnya. Well springs dan sungai pegunungan membeku pada saat-saat jika dia berhenti untuk beristirahat di dekatnya; Tanaman masak digigit es beku, dan kebun berbuah beralih ke labirin es dan jatuh, manja. Ketika orang tua mereka yang kesal itu membawa Lina ke khatulistiwa, Rylain mendapati dirinya terdampar ke dunia es dingin di icewrack, di mana dia dibawa ke dalam sebuah Wizard es yang telah mengukir dirinya sebagai pertapaan di mahkota Gletser Blueheart.
Baik sedikit yang saya mengerti dari biografi yang dimiliki oleh Crystal Maiden, dan sekarang saya akan membawa Anda lebih dalam untuk menjelaskan dan memahami tentang pahlawan ini. Nah sekarang saya akan menjelaskan Skill dan Kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh Hero Crystal Maiden, ayo cek di bawah ini.
Crystal Nove
Skill yang mengeluarkan Crystal ice on Target, hingga musuh anda akan berdampak Slow movement dan slow attack, diiringi dengan Damage yang lumayan besar untuk skill ini apabila skill mencapai level max.
- Ability: Point Target
- Damage Type: Magical
- Pierces Spell: No
- Dispellable: Yes
- Radius: 425
- Mobement Slow: 50% in level max
- Attack Slow: 50 in level max
- Duration: 4.5
- Damage: 250 in level max
- Cooldown skill: 9 seconds in level max
- Mana: 160 in level max
Skill yang menghasilkan Stun terhadap musuh anda, dan musuh anda menjadi beku akibat terkena Es dari skill 2 ini. Dan diiringi dengan damage didalam skill ini. dan musuh hanya bisa bergerak ditempat dan tidak bisa move ketempat yang lain.
- Ability: Unit Target
- Affects: Enemy Units
- Damage Type: Magical
- Pierces Spell: No
- Dispellable: Yes
- Damage per half-second: 50
- Hero Duration: 3 in level max
- Hero Total damage: 300 in level max
- Creep Duration: 10
- Creep total damage: 1000
- Cooldown Skill: 6 in level max
- Mana: 155 in level max
Arcane Aura
Skill yang menghasilkan Regen Mana untuk ke semua Team anda. Dan skill ini passive hanya menghasilkan Aura diatas ability semua team anda. besar level skill ini, besar juga Mana regen untuk team anda.
- Ability: Passive
- Affects: Allies
- Ally Mana Regen: 08./1/1.2/1.4
- Self Mana Regen: 1/2/3/4
Freezing Field (ultimate)
Skill yang sangat mematikan apabila anda tepat posisi dan tidak dalam jangkauan musuh anda, skill global yang menghasilkan hujan es salju dari atas langit. dan anda hanya bisa terdiam saat skill ini aktif, apabila anda sedikit saja bergerak, maka skill ini akan Cancel, apabila anda mempunyai Item Aghnim's Scepter, maka musuh anda akan terkena Mini stun di area skill ultimate tersebut.
- Ability: Channeled
- Damage Type: Magical
- Pierces Spell: No
- Radius: 835
- Explosion Radius: 300
- Movement Slow: 30%
- Attack Slow: 30
- Damage: 105/170/250
- Cooldown Skill: 90 in level max
- Mana: 600 in level max
Skill dan Kemampuan Hero Crystal Maiden yang telah saya jelaskan di atas, semoga untuk membaca para Steemian ini akan mengerti fungsi dan kemampuan Hero Crystal Maiden, maka saya akan menjelaskan lebih lengkap lagi menggunakan Video dibawah ini.
Sekarang saya akan membawa Anda lebih dalam untuk membangun item Hero Crystal Maiden yang sangat berguna untuk tim Anda.
Starting Items:
- Animal Courier.
- Observer Ward.
- Tango Use: devour, Range: 165.
- Clarity, Use: Replenish, Range: 250.
- Iron branch +1 All attributes range: 200.
- Iron branch +1 All attributes range: 200.
Core Items (Support):
- Tranquil Boots, +90 Movement Speed, +13 Hp Regeneration.
- Magic wand, + 2 All attributes +1.5 Hp regeneration Active: Cooldown energy 13 seconds.
- Glimmer Cape, +20 Attack Spedd, +15% Magic Resistance, Active: Glimmer, Mana: 90, Cooldown Items: 14 Seconds, Range: 800.
Utility Items:
- Observer Ward.
- Sentry Ward.
- Dust of Appearance, Use: Reveal, Cooldown items: 30 Seconds.
- Gem of Treu Sight, Passive: true sight.
- Smoke of Deceit, Use: Disguise, Cooldown Item: 1 Seconds.
Situational Items:
- Ghost Scepter, +5 All Attributes, Active: Ghost Form, Cooldown Item: 20 Seconds.
- Drum Of Endurance, +6 Intelligence, +7 Strength, +3 Agility, +0.75 Mana Regeneration, Active : Endurance, Cooldown Items : 30 Seconds, Radius : 900.
- Hand of midas, +30 Attack Speed, Active: Transmute, Cooldown Items: 100 seconds. Range: 600.
- Veil Of Discord, +5 Hp Regeneration, + 6 Armor, +6 Agility + 6 Strength + 14 Intelligence, Active: Magic Weakness, Mana: 50, Cooldown Item: 20 seconds, Range: 1000, Duration: 16 seconds.
- Spirit Vessel, +250 Healt, +30 Movement Speed, +1 Mana Regeneration, +2 All Attributes, +2 Armor, Active: Soul Release, cooldown items: 7 Seconds.
Extension Items:
- Black king bar + 10 strength +24 damage Active: Avatar Cooldown 80 seconds, Duration 10/9/8/7/6/5, Dispel type: Basic dispel.
- Force Staff, +10 Intelligence, +5 HP Regeneration, Active: Force, Mana: 25, Cooldown Item: 23 Seconds, Range: 800.
- Blink Dagger, Active : Blink, Cooldown Item : 12 seconds.
- Lotus Orb, +10 Armor, +5.5 Hp Regeneration, +1,75 Mana Regeneration, +250 Mana, Active: Echo Shell, Mana needed: 75, Cooldown Item: 15 seconds, Range: 900, Dispel Type: Basic Dispel.
- Aghanim's Scepter, +10 all Attributes, +175 Health, +175 Mana, Passive: Ultimate Upgrade.
- Level 10 Skill talent tree : +100 Cast Range
- Level 15 Skill talent tree : +14 Manacost/Manaloss
- Level 20 Skill talent tree : +60 Freezing Field Damage
- Level 25 Skill talent tree : +300 Crystal Nova Damage
Game Play Hero Crystal Maiden
Early Game
Hampir di semua situasi, hal pertama yang perlu anda lakukan di awal permainan adalah melakukan farm di jungle. Menggunakan Frostbite Skill 2 creep jungle yang besar akan membuat anda naik ke level dua dengan cepat, tanpa harus mengambil experience di lane. Anda mungkin masih perlu tinggal dan melakukan farming di hutan sampai anda menginjak level tiga atau empat. Namun anda harus selalu perhatikan minimap dan segera bantu team anda yang membutuhkan in lane. Setelah kamu memiliki Frostbite dan Crystal Nova, carilah kesempata untuk melakukan gank, untuk membantu team anda untuk mendapatkan kill atau membunuh musuh anda saat berada in lane.
Mid Game
Memasuki mid-game, tugas anda untuk aktif dan rajin melakukan inisiasi dalam ganking tetap diperlukan saat dalam pertandingan. Hanya saja, lakukan dengan lebih berhati-hati dan lebih bagus lagi menggunakan item SOD, karena di fase ini lawan anda bisa saja membunuh anda dengan mudah. Pastikan anda harus selalu berada di posisi yang aman dan masuk jangkauan team anda untuk membantu.
Late Game
Late game, lakukan inisiasi hanya jika anda yakin bisa sesegera mungkin menjauh ke jarak aman, atau dalam jangkaun team anda. Dan Carry team anda bisa membunuh satu target yang anda incar dengan cepat. Kalau tidak, sebaiknya serahkan tugas inisiasi ke Carry yang lebih kuat dan masuklah sebagai follow-up dalam posisi yang aman dari musuh anda.
Inilah yang bisa saya bagikan untuk Steemian, kurang lebih saya minta maaf, sampai jumpa di hero berikutnya.
SALAM GAMERS @agoesdeuge
Original Skill + Ability In Game Dota 2
Original Image Screenshot From In Game Dota 2
Follow @agoesdeuge for next post about Dota 2
Nice guide for beginner new player. I start adventure with DOTA 2 months ago. Thanks for very guide, it makes me better in future :D
@ogniobojca, hehehe yup welcome... just stay on my blog man, for other guide hero :)
Hero yang sangat cantik parasnya...:D
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