Hello Steemian ...! Glad to see you again all the Steemians ...! how are you all, I hope all of you are fine, Amiin ...! Come back with me @agoesdeuge. Who always smile to make writing that you can understand for newly dive in Game Dota 2. May be useful for beginners in the Game. On this occasion I will discuss hero Hard Support, which became my favorite hero while playing Dota 2. Hero can save a friend with the ability he has. Skill healing and skill keep the team not dying in vain. The Hero I am going to discuss is Dazzel.
Dazzel is a Hero Hard Support type Attack (ranged), Indeed Dazzel does not have the Damage to become a Fighter hero, but with the skill he has been able to rupture your enemy's body defenses with ultimate skills. Often we see Hero Dazzel is often in the combo with Huskar Hero, which where Huskar Husni Hp lived a little, with Dazzel skills can be saved and Huskar can use his Skill 1 for Regen Hp as before. Hero who always keep Hero Carry to survive, despite his life floated, the word word willing to die for victory hehehehehe. Since there is a new Update of each patch, skill 1 can make your enemy mini-stun, if skill 1 reaches max level. Well let me take you to see what are the advantages and disadvantages of Hero Dazzel.
Having the advantage of the skill that can save the team from the remaining Hp can increase, and keep the hero Carry can survive from the very very terrible attack. Ultmate skills that can make enemy defenses break from 100% to 25%.
Has a shortage of which is very little, because this Hero skill is very much in need of mana, and very easy to kill by enemy with a little Hp.
About Hero Dazzel
Dazzle is called hero babysitter, support hero-caster as Hard Support, Hero Dazzel includes hero spammers who have 4 spell skill, which can be to spam skill to target or your enemy. nah very unique belonging to hero Dazzel, other heroes usually the type of INT spell his magical damage, but if Dazzel hero he has 3 spell skills phsical damage. then he also has a skill healing that is useful for the team, and also with the ultimate skill really bener really useful to reduce the resistance or defense of your enemy's body. Let's see what Roles is owned by this Dazzle hero.
- Hard Support
- Nuker
- Disabler
Biography Hero Dazzel
There is no specific explanation about the beginning of him (Dazzel) join the Squat Scourge, he emang old people. What is clear is that this (Dazzel) magician from the Realm Nothl State, can heal and can also be deadly. Then I've read it first, this Dazzle who helped (heal) Hero Huskar when almost died in the big war. When already aware, Huskar invited to go to Squat Scourge (for remuneration), but Huskar rebelled and did not want to respond to Dazzel's invitation. Until the transition took place he between them both.
Well little I understand from the biography that Dazzel has, and now I will take you deeper to explain and understand about this hero. Well now I will explain the Skill and Abilities owned by Hero Dazzel, let's check below.
Poison Touch
Skill that makes your enemy slow down with efeck poison in this Skill 1. and if you take a Skill Talent Tree that can pull this Skill randomly towards the enemy. and if this skill is at max level then your enemy will be affected by mini-stun.
- Ability: Unit Target
- Affects: Enemy Units
- Damage Type: Physical
- Pierces Spell: No
- Dispellable: Yes
- Targets: 7 in level max
- Damage Per Second: 40 In level max
- Slow: 20% in level max
- Range: 900 in level max
- Cooldown Skill: 35/30/25/20
- Mana: 80
Shallow Grave
Skill is often used to save your friends in a big fight, and your friends will survive the cage can pass through the lasthit or skill that is owned by the enemy, except the escape skill in the form of Stun.
- Ability: Unit Target
- Affects: Allied Heroes
- Pierces Spell: Yes
- Dispellable: Cannot be dispelled
- Duration: 5
- Range: 1000
- Scepter Radius: 450
- Cooldown Skill: 15 seconds in level max
- Mana: 150
Shadow Wave
Skill that adds Hp to your team and can also add to Creep and can reduce your enemy's Hp if close to this 3 skill.
- Ability: Unit Target
- Affects: Allied Units
- Damage Type: Physical
- Pierces Spell: Yes
- Heal Arc Radius: 475
- Damage Radius: 185
- Max Heal Targets: 7 in level max
- Damage: 140 in level max
- Cooldown Skill: 6 seconds in level max
- Mana: 120 in level max
Skill that type of area when active, and can make your enemy's defense broken or flabby for your team attack to the target or enemy, this skill if used for the team will increase the defense Armor and vice versa, if the enemy then the enemy armor will be reduced.
- Ability: Point Target
- Pierces Spell: Yes
- Dispellable: Cannot be dispelled
- Radius: 575
- Armor per second: 1.25 in level max
- Duration: 24
- Cooldown skill: 40 seconds
- Mana: 100
Skill and Abilities Hero Dazzel that I have explained above, hopefully to read the Steemian will understand the function and ability of Hero Dazzel, then I will explain more fully using the Video below.
Now I will take you deeper to build a very useful Hero Dazzel item for your team.
Starting Items:
- Animal Courier.
- Observer Ward.
- Tango Use: devour, Range: 165.
- Clarity, Use: Replenish, Range: 250.
- Iron branch +1 All attributes range: 200.
- Iron branch +1 All attributes range: 200.
Core Items (support):
- Arcane Boots, +50 Movement Speed, +250 Mana, Active: Replenish Mana, Cooldown: 55 Seconds, Radius: 900.
- Magic wand, + 2 All attributes +1.5 Hp regeneration Active: Cooldown energy 13 seconds.
- Solar Crest, +10 Armor, +1 Mana Regeneration, +20% Evasion, Active: Shine, Cooldown item: 7 Seconds.
Utility Items:
- Observer Ward.
- Sentry Ward.
- Dust of Appearance, Use: Reveal, Cooldown items: 30 Seconds.
- Gem of Treu Sight, Passive: true sight.
- Smoke of Deceit, Use: Disguise, Cooldown Item: 1 Seconds.
Situational Items:
- Infused Raindrops, +0.5 Mana Regeneration, Passive : Magical Damage Block, Cooldown Item : 7 Seconds.
- Ghost Scepter, +5 All Attributes, Active: Ghost Form, Cooldown Item: 20 Seconds.
- Urn of Shadows, +1 Mana Regeneration, +2 All Attributes, +2 Armor, Active: Soul Release, Cooldown Skill: 7 Seconds.
- Eul's Scepter Of divinity, +10 Intelligence, +2.25 Mana Regeneration, +40 Movement Speed, Active: Cylone, Mana:175, Cooldown Items: 23 Seconds.
- Pipe of Insight, +6.5 Hp Regeneration, +30% Magic Resistance, Active: Barrer, Mana: 100, Cooldown Item: 60 Seconds. Radius: 900.
Extension Items:
- Guardian Greaves, +55 Movement Speed, +250 Mana, +5 All Attributes, +5 Armor, Active: Mend, Cooldown Item: 40 seconds. Radius: 900, Dispel Type: Basic Dispel.
- Glimmer Cape, +20 Attack Spedd, +15% Magic Resistance, Active: Glimmer, Mana: 90, Cooldown Items: 14 Seconds, Range: 800.
- Force Staff, +10 Intelligence, +5 HP Regeneration, Active: Force, Mana: 25, Cooldown Item: 23 Seconds, Range: 800.
- Aether Lens, +450 Mana, +1.25 Mana Regeneration, Passive: Aethereal Focus.
- Aghanim's Scepter, +10 all Attributes, +175 Health, +175 Mana, Passive: Ultimate Upgrade.
- Level 10 Skill talent tree : +200 Health
- Level 15 Skill talent tree : +125 Cast Range
- Level 20 Skill talent tree : +50 Movement Speed
- Level 25 Skill talent tree : -4s Shadow Wave Cooldown
Game Play Hero Dazzel
Early Game
When it comes to early game you are obliged to keep the main carry heroes in your team in order to farm well and easily get Gold / xp, heal your carry hero when HP is reduced and also do not forget to always carry TP items wherever you go. When an enemy is attacked to your tower, you should immediately TP into the lane and give Shallow Grave - Shadow Wave to your dying friend.
Mid Game
Currently you do not have Arcane Boots and Medallion of Courage, buy smoke of deceit items and do a gank with your team. Do not forget to give the Skill Weave to your team or to the enemy team, give Poison Touch Skill to the enemy and let your carry kill the enemy. Do not forget to use Shallow Grave to a friend in gank and Shadow Wave to add HP to your team.
Late Game
You will be much needed by your team in the late game, the usefulness of the Shallow Grave skill will be very useful for the team and can even make your team a victory along the war at the late game in Dota 2. You should always remember using the Weave to your team or team Enemy, do not forget to use Shadow Wave to your team to offer HP to them.
This is all I can share for Steemian, more or less I'm sorry, See you at the next hero.
REGARDS GAMERS @agoesdeuge
Original Skill + Ability In Game Dota 2
Original Image Screenshot From In Game Dota 2
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Hello Steemian...! Senang bisa bertemu lagi dengan anda semua para Steemian...! apa kabar kalian semua, saya harap kalian semua dalam keadaan baik-baik saja, Amiin...! Kembali lagi bersama saya @agoesdeuge. Yang selalu tersenyum untuk membuat tulisan yang bisa anda pahami bagi yang baru terjun dalam Game Dota 2. Semoga bermanfaat bagi yang pemula didalam Game tersebut. Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membahas hero Hard Support, yang menjadi hero Favorit saya saat bermain Dota 2. Hero bisa menyelamatkan teman dengan kemampuan ia miliki. Skill healing dan Skill menjaga team tidak mati dengan sia-sia. Hero yang akan saya bahas adalah Dazzel.
Dazzel adalah Hero Hard Support yang type Attack (ranged), Memang Dazzel ini tidak memiliki Damage untuk menjadi hero Fighter, namun dengan skill ia miliki mampu membuat pecah pertahanan tubuh musuh anda dengan skill ultimate. Sering kita lihat Hero Dazzel ini sering di combo dengan Huskar Hero, yang dimana Saat Huskar Hp tinggal sedikit, dengan skill Dazzel bisa selamat dan Huskar bisa menggunkan Skill 1 nya untuk Regen Hp seperti semula. Hero yang selalu menjaga Hero Carry untuk tetap selamat, walaupun nyawanya melayang, istilah kata rela mati buat kemenangan hehehehehe. Semenjak ada Update baru dari setiap patch, skill 1 bisa membuat musuh anda terkena mini-stun, apabila skill 1 mencapai max level. Nah mari saya membawa anda untuk melihat apa saja kelebihan dan kekurangan dari Hero Dazzel.
Memiliki kelebihan dari skill yang bisa menyelamatkan team dari Hp yang tersisa bisa bertambah, dan menjaga hero Carry bisa selamat dari serang yang sangat amat dasyat. Skill ultmate yang bisa membuat pertahanan musuh pecah dari 100% hingga 25%.
Memiliki kekurangan dari mana yang sangat sedikit, karena skill Hero ini sangat banyak membutuhkan mana, dan sangat mudah dibunuh oleh musuh dengan Hp yang sedikit.
About Hero Dazzel
Dazzle itu disebut hero babysitter, hero support-caster yang sebagai Hard Support, Hero Dazzel ini termasuk hero spammer yang mempunyai 4 spell skill, yang bisa untuk spam skill ke target atau musuh anda. nah yang sangat unik dimiliki oleh hero Dazzel, biasa heroes yang lain yang Type INT spell-nya ngehasilkan magical damage, tapi kalau hero Dazzel ia mempunyai 3 skill spell phsical damage. trus ia juga mempunyai skill healing yang berguna untuk team, dan juga dengan skill ultimate bener-benar sayang berguna untuk mengurangi ketahan atau pertahan tubuh musuh anda. Mari kita lihat apa saja Roles yang dimiliki oleh hero Dazzle ini.
- Hard Support
- Nuker
- Disabler
Biography Hero Dazzel
Tidak ada penjelasan spesifik tentang awal mula dia (Dazzel) gabung denga Squat Scourge, dia emang orang lama. Yang jelas dia ini (Dazzel) ahli sihir dari Negara Realm Nothl, bisa menyembuhkan dan bisa juga mematikan. Kemudian saya pernah baca dulu, Dazzle ini yang menolong (menyembuhkan) Hero Huskar sewaktu hampir mati di perang besar. Saat udah sadar, Huskar diajak masuk ke Squat Scourge (untuk balas jasa), tapi Huskar berontak dan tidak mau menanggapi ajakan Dazzel. Hingga perkalihan sempat terjadi dia antara mereka berdua.
Baik sedikit yang saya mengerti dari biografi yang dimiliki oleh Dazzel, dan sekarang saya akan membawa Anda lebih dalam untuk menjelaskan dan memahami tentang hero ini. Nah sekarang saya akan menjelaskan Skill dan Kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh Hero Dazzel, ayo cek di bawah ini.
Poison Touch
Skill yang membuat musuh anda melambat dengan efeck racun yang dimiliki di Skill 1 ini. dan apabila anda mengambil Skill talent Tree yang bisa mengeluarkan Skill ini random ke arah musuh. dan apabila skill ini berada dilevel max maka musuh anda akan terkena dampak mini-stun.
- Ability: Unit Target
- Affects: Enemy Units
- Damage Type: Physical
- Pierces Spell: No
- Dispellable: Yes
- Targets: 7 in level max
- Damage Per Second: 40 In level max
- Slow: 20% in level max
- Range: 900 in level max
- Cooldown Skill: 35/30/25/20
- Mana: 80
Shallow Grave
Skill yang sering digunakan untuk menyelamatkan teman anda dalam pertarungan yang besar, dan teman anda akan selamat dengan kurungan tampa bisa tembus lasthit atau skill yang dimiliki oleh musuh, kecuali skill escape yang berwujud Stun.
- Ability: Unit Target
- Affects: Allied Heroes
- Pierces Spell: Yes
- Dispellable: Cannot be dispelled
- Duration: 5
- Range: 1000
- Scepter Radius: 450
- Cooldown Skill: 15 seconds in level max
- Mana: 150
Shadow Wave
Skill yang menambahkan Hp ke team anda dan bisa juga anda menambahkan ke Creep dan dapat mengurangi Hp musuh anda apabila dekat dengan skill 3 ini.
- Ability: Unit Target
- Affects: Allied Units
- Damage Type: Physical
- Pierces Spell: Yes
- Heal Arc Radius: 475
- Damage Radius: 185
- Max Heal Targets: 7 in level max
- Damage: 140 in level max
- Cooldown Skill: 6 seconds in level max
- Mana: 120 in level max
Skill yang type area saat aktif, dan bisa membuat pertahanan musuh anda pecah atau yang lembek untuk team anda attack ke target atau musuh, skill ini apabila digunakan untuk team maka akan bertambah Armor pertahanan dan sebaliknya, apabila kemusuh maka armor musuh akan berkurang.
- Ability: Point Target
- Pierces Spell: Yes
- Dispellable: Cannot be dispelled
- Radius: 575
- Armor per second: 1.25 in level max
- Duration: 24
- Cooldown skill: 40 seconds
- Mana: 100
Skill dan Kemampuan Hero Dazzel yang telah saya jelaskan di atas, semoga untuk membaca para Steemian ini akan mengerti fungsi dan kemampuan Hero Dazzel, maka saya akan menjelaskan lebih lengkap lagi menggunakan Video dibawah ini.
Sekarang saya akan membawa Anda lebih dalam untuk membangun item Hero Dazzel yang sangat berguna untuk tim Anda.
Starting Items:
- Animal Courier.
- Observer Ward.
- Tango Use: devour, Range: 165.
- Clarity, Use: Replenish, Range: 250.
- Iron branch +1 All attributes range: 200.
- Iron branch +1 All attributes range: 200.
Core Items (support):
- Arcane Boots, +50 Movement Speed, +250 Mana, Active: Replenish Mana, Cooldown: 55 Seconds, Radius: 900.
- Magic wand, + 2 All attributes +1.5 Hp regeneration Active: Cooldown energy 13 seconds.
- Solar Crest, +10 Armor, +1 Mana Regeneration, +20% Evasion, Active: Shine, Cooldown item: 7 Seconds.
Utility Items:
- Observer Ward.
- Sentry Ward.
- Dust of Appearance, Use: Reveal, Cooldown items: 30 Seconds.
- Gem of Treu Sight, Passive: true sight.
- Smoke of Deceit, Use: Disguise, Cooldown Item: 1 Seconds.
Situational Items:
- Infused Raindrops, +0.5 Mana Regeneration, Passive : Magical Damage Block, Cooldown Item : 7 Seconds.
- Ghost Scepter, +5 All Attributes, Active: Ghost Form, Cooldown Item: 20 Seconds.
- Urn of Shadows, +1 Mana Regeneration, +2 All Attributes, +2 Armor, Active: Soul Release, Cooldown Skill: 7 Seconds.
- Eul's Scepter Of divinity, +10 Intelligence, +2.25 Mana Regeneration, +40 Movement Speed, Active: Cylone, Mana:175, Cooldown Items: 23 Seconds.
- Pipe of Insight, +6.5 Hp Regeneration, +30% Magic Resistance, Active: Barrer, Mana: 100, Cooldown Item: 60 Seconds. Radius: 900.
Extension Items:
- Guardian Greaves, +55 Movement Speed, +250 Mana, +5 All Attributes, +5 Armor, Active: Mend, Cooldown Item: 40 seconds. Radius: 900, Dispel Type: Basic Dispel.
- Glimmer Cape, +20 Attack Spedd, +15% Magic Resistance, Active: Glimmer, Mana: 90, Cooldown Items: 14 Seconds, Range: 800.
- Force Staff, +10 Intelligence, +5 HP Regeneration, Active: Force, Mana: 25, Cooldown Item: 23 Seconds, Range: 800.
- Aether Lens, +450 Mana, +1.25 Mana Regeneration, Passive: Aethereal Focus.
- Aghanim's Scepter, +10 all Attributes, +175 Health, +175 Mana, Passive: Ultimate Upgrade.
- Level 10 Skill talent tree : +200 Health
- Level 15 Skill talent tree : +125 Cast Range
- Level 20 Skill talent tree : +50 Movement Speed
- Level 25 Skill talent tree : -4s Shadow Wave Cooldown
Game Play Hero Dazzel
Early Game
Saat tiba saat dimana early game anda wajib menjaga hero carry utama di tim anda agar dapat farm dengan baik dan mudah mendapatkan Gold/xp, heal hero carry anda ketika HP berkurang dan juga jangan lupa untuk selalu membawa item TP dimanapun anda pergi. Ketika ada musuh yang serang sampai ke tower anda, maka secepatnya anda harus TP ke lane tersebut lalu berikan Shallow Grave - Shadow Wave ke teman anda yang sedang sekarat.
Mid Game
Saat ini anda tidak memiliki Arcane Boots dan Medallion of Courage, belilah item smoke of deceit lalu lakukan gank bersama tim anda. Jangan lupa berikan Skill Weave ke tim anda atau ke tim musuh, berikan Skill Poison Touch kepada musuh dan biarkan carry anda membunuh musuh tersebut. Jangan lupa gunakan Shallow Grave ke teman yang di gank dan Shadow Wave untuk menambahkan HP kepada tim anda.
Late Game
Anda akan sangat dibutuhkan oleh team anda di late game, kegunaan dari skill Shallow Grave akan sangat berguna bagi tim bahkan dapat membuat tim anda mendapat kemenangan di sepanjang war di late game in Dota 2. Harus selalu anda ingat gunakan Weave ke Tim anda atau ke tim Musuh, jangan lupa gunakan Shadow Wave ke tim anda untuk menembahkan HP pada mereka.
Inilah yang bisa saya bagikan untuk Steemian, kurang lebih saya minta maaf, sampai jumpa di hero berikutnya.
SALAM GAMERS @agoesdeuge
Original Skill + Ability In Game Dota 2
Original Image Screenshot From In Game Dota 2
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