Hey Guys ....! how are you Steemian, I hope all is well Amiin ...! back again with me @agoesdeuge hehehehe, in my writing times, here I am going to discuss about hero who is often his ultimate so as ICON Dota WTF, why not, with chrono skill that will make your enemies pause in the circle and more painful if any your team is caught in it, it will be silent and can not do anything, therefore from this hero must focus to use this deadly ultimate skill, the hero I will discuss is FACELESS VOID, Faceless Void is hero agility which type attack ( mele), often this hero is used for OFFLANE position, with skill to escape when attacked by your enemy and can regen HP like when attacked by your enemy when using skill 1.
Advantages and Disadvantages Hero Faceless Void
Have the advantage to save your team when the ultimate fig with the ultimate that makes your enemies into the circle will be silent like a statue.
Has a deficiency depending on the item build and level up early in the game or in the late game.
- Time Walk: Skill that produces a very fast movement, when hit enemy damage then HP back as before by using this skill.
- Time Dilation: Skill that works to make enemy skill 100% delay when the skill is in use it will be long to use the skill again.
- Time Lock: Skill that impacts mini stun and damage, there may be stun and no stun.
- Chronosphere: The skill that makes the big circle, which will make your enemies fall silent when trapped in the circle, then it is very easy to attack your enemy.
"You can watch the video below for Faceless Void skill"
Skill 1
- Ability: Target Point
- Pierces Spell: No.
- Range: 675
- Backtrack Duration: 2
- Cooldown Skill: 24/18/12/6
- Mana needed: 40
Skill 2
- Ability: No Target
- Dispellable: Yes
- Radius: 725
- Duration: 6/8/10/12
- Slow Per Cooldown: 14%
- Cooldown Skill: 40/34/28/22
- Mana needed: 75
Skill 3
- Ability: Passive
- Damage Type: Magical
- Pierces Spell: Yes
- Dispellable: Strong Dispels Only
- Duration: 1
- Chance: 10% / 15% / 20% / 25%
- Bonus Damage: 50/75/100/125
Skill 4 Ultimate
- Ability: Target Point
- Pierces Spell: Yes
- Dispellable: Can not Be Dispelled
- Radius: 425
- Duration: 4 / 4.5 / 5
- Scepter Cooldown: 60
- Cooldown Skill: 140/125/110
- Mana needed: 150/225/300
Starting Items: Tango use: devour, Range: 165, Stout Shield Passive: Damage Block, Healing Salve, Use: Salve, Range: 250, Iron branch +1 All attributes range: 200, Iron branch +1 All attributes range: 200. Early Game: Boots Of Speed, +40 Movement Speed, Magic wand + 2 All attributes +1.5 Hp regeneration Active: Cooldown energy 13 seconds.
Core Items: Power Treads +45 Movement Speed, +10 Selected Attribute, +25 Attack Speed, Mask Of Madness, +20 Damage, +10 Attack Speed, Active: Berserk, Mana needed: 25, Cooldown item: 22 seconds Passive: Lifesteal, Shadow Blade, +22 Damage, +30 Attack Speed, Active: Shadow Walk, Where needed: 75, Cooldown Item: 28 seconds, Manta Style, +10 Strength, +26 Agility, +10 Intelligence, +10 Attack Speed, + 8% Movement Speed, Active: Mirror Image, Where needed: 125, Cooldown Item: 45 seconds.
Luxury: Linken's Sphere, +15 All Attributes, +5.5 Hp Regeneration, +2.25 Where Regeneration, Passive: Spellblock, Cooldown Item: 13 seconds, Mjollnir, +24 Damage, +80 Attack Speed, Active: Static Charge, Where needed: 50 , Cooldown Item: 35 Seconds, Range: 800, Monkey King Bar, +60 Attack Speed, Passive: Pierce, Butterfly, +35 Agility, +30 Damage, + 35% Evasion, +30 Attack Speed, Active: Flutter, Cooldown item : 25 seconds.
- Level 10 Skill talent tree : +8 Strength
- Level 15 Skill talent tree : +100 Time Lock Damage
- Level 20 Skill talent tree : +500 Timewalk Cast Range
- Level 25 Skill talent tree : +25% Backtrack
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Hey Guys....! bagai mana kabar para Steemian semua, Saya harap semua baik-baik saja Amiin...! kembali lagi dengan saya @agoesdeuge hehehehe, di tulisan saya kali, ini saya akan membahas tentang hero yang sering sekali ultimate nya jadi sebagai ICON Dota WTF, kenapa tidak, dengan skill chrono yang akan membuat musuh anda terdiam didalam lingkaran tersebut dan lebih menyakitkan apabila ada team anda terperangkap di dalamnya, maka akan terdiam dan tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa, maka dari itu hero ini harus fokus untuk menggunakan skill ultimate yang mematikan ini, hero yang akan saya bahas adalah FACELESS VOID, Faceless Void adalah hero agility yang type attack (mele), sering sekali hero ini digunakan untuk posisi OFFLANE, dengan mempunyai skill untuk melarikan diri saat diserang oleh musuh anda dan bisa regen HP seperti saat diserang musuh anda apabila menggunakan skill 1 tersebut.
Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Hero Faceless Void
Mempunyai kelebihan untuk menyelamatkan team anda saat war figth dengan ultimate yang membuat musuh anda masuk kedalam lingkaran akan terdiam seperti patung.
Mempunyai kekurangan dengan tergantungan dengan item build dan level up di awal game atau di late game.
- Time Walk : Skill yang menghasilkan perpindahan yang sangat cepat, apabila terkena damage musuh maka HP kembali seperti semula dengan menggunakan skill ini.
- Time Dilation : Skill yang berfungsi membuat skill musuh delay 100% apabila skill sudah di gunakan maka akan lama bisa menggunkan skill kembali.
- Time Lock : Skill yang berdampak mini stun dan damage, kemungkinan ada stun dan tiada stun.
- Chronosphere : Skill yang membuat lingkaran besar, yang akan membuat musuh anda terdiam apabila terjebak di dalam lingkaran tersebut, maka sangat mudah anda untuk menyerang musuh anda.
" Bisa anda saksikan video dibawah ini untuk skill Faceless Void"
Skill 1
- Ability : Point Target
- Pierces Spell : No
- Range : 675
- Backtrack Duration : 2
- Cooldown Skill : 24/18/12/6
- Mana dibutuhkan : 40
Skill 2
- Ability : No Target
- Dispellable : Yes
- Radius : 725
- Duration : 6/8/10/12
- Slow Per Cooldown : 14%
- Cooldown Skill : 40/34/28/22
- Mana dibutuhkan : 75
Skill 3
- Ability : Passive
- Damage Type : Magical
- Pierces Spell : Yes
- Dispellable : Strong Dispels Only
- Duration : 1
- Chance : 10%/15%/20%/25%
- Bonus Damage : 50/75/100/125
Skill 4 Ultimate
- Ability : Point Target
- Pierces Spell : Yes
- Dispellable : Cannot Be Dispelled
- Radius : 425
- Duration : 4/4.5/5
- Scepter Cooldown : 60
- Cooldown Skill : 140/125/110
- Mana dibutuhkan : 150/225/300
Starting Items: Tango use: devour, Range: 165, Stout Shield Passive: Damage Block, Healing Salve, Use : Salve, Range : 250, Iron branch +1 All attributes range: 200, Iron branch +1 All attributes range: 200. Early Game : Boots Of Speed, +40 Movement Speed, Magic wand + 2 All attributes +1.5 Hp regeneration Active: Cooldown energy 13 detik.
Core Items : Power Treads +45 Movement Speed, +10 Selected Attribute, +25 Attack Speed, Mask Of Madness, +20 Damage, +10 Attack Speed, Active: Berserk, Mana dibutuhkan: 25, Cooldown item: 22 detik,Passive: Lifesteal, Shadow Blade, +22 Damage, +30 Attack Speed, Active: Shadow Walk, Mana dibutuhkan: 75, Cooldown Item: 28 detik, Manta Style, +10 Strength, +26 Agility, +10 Intelligence, +10 Attack Speed, +8% Movement Speed, Active : Mirror Image, Mana dibutuhkan : 125, Cooldown Item : 45 detik.
Luxury : Linken's Sphere, +15 All Attributes, +5.5 Hp Regeneration, +2.25 Mana Regeneration, Passive: Spellblock, Cooldown Item: 13 detik, Mjollnir, +24 Damage, +80 Attack Speed, Active: Static Charge, Mana dibutuhkan: 50, Cooldown Item: 35 Detik, Range: 800, Monkey King Bar, +60 Attack Speed, Passive: Pierce, Butterfly, +35 Agility, +30 Damage, +35% Evasion, +30 Attack Speed, Active: Flutter, Cooldown item: 25 detik.
- Level 10 Skill talent tree : +8 Strength
- Level 15 Skill talent tree : +100 Time Lock Damage
- Level 20 Skill talent tree : +500 Timewalk Cast Range
- Level 25 Skill talent tree : +25% Backtrack
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Nice post. Ggwp end
@ubay0077 GG(GAK GUNA) :D
Hahaha piece bang
Deadly of Chrono..!!! Very Nice @agoesdeuge :D
@rahmadi91 yup thanks