Hallo Steemian .....! How are you all, I hope all is well, Amiin ...! Back again with me @agoesdeuge who always post about the heroes contained in Game Dota 2, still the same as before, I have not been bored to write about the hero Dota 2, and this time I will discuss about the hero very strong and often played by the beginner (newbie), because it is easy to play and skill that he has active 2 skill course and 2 more passive skill, often called hero Right Click. The Hero I mean is PHANTOM ASSASSIN.
Phantom Assassin is a hero Agility type attack (mele), a position often played in games for Safelane or midlane, we often see now Phantom Assassin is often played in midlane position, to easily get Gold / Xp to buy items that are effective and useful to attack your enemies . let's see what role is owned by hero Phantom Assassin.
Roles :
- Hard Carry
- Escape
Unlike the other heroes, only 2 roles are owned, so often called hero Right Click hehehehe.
So below I will explain the Skill + Ability Hero Phantom Assassin
1). Stifling Dagger: The skill that removes the blade to slow the enemy's movement and has damage when the blade is hit by your enemy.
- Ability : Unit Target
- Affects : Enemy Units
- Damage Type : Physical
- Pierces Spell : No
- Dispellable : Yes
- Move Slow : 50%
- Slow Duration : 1/2/3/4
- Base Damage : 65
- Attack Damage : 25%/40%/55%/70%
- Cooldown Skill : 6 Seconds
- Mana : 30/25/20/15
2). Phantom Strike: Skill that works to jump up your enemy and can to attack or to escape when you are attacked and you have minimal Hp. and when you use this skill to attack then you will get attack speed automatically.
- Ability : Unit Target
- Pierces Spell : Yes
- Dispellable : Yes
- Bonus Attack Speed : 130
- Max Attack : 4
- Range : 1000
- Cooldown Skill : 14/11/8/5 Seconds
- Mana : 50
3). Blur: Skill that produces Miss when attacked by your enemy and this skill passive if active then you also like disappeared dimap though you still diarea map, unless your enemy menyarhkan camera or crusor to your position.
- Ability : Passive
- Evasion : 20%/30%/40%/50%
- Map Vanish Radius : 1600
4). Coup De Grace (ultimate): Passive skill that produces Critical when you are in blur mode, when you attack the enemy then the amount of damage received by your enemy and let alone you have Desolator item.
- Ability : Passive
- Pierces Spell : Yes
- Critical Chance : 15%
- Critical Damage : 230%/340%/450%
"And you can see the video below for Phantom Assassin functions"
Starting Items: Tango use: devour, Range: 165, Iron Branch, +1 All attributes, Use: Plant Tree, Range : 200, Iron Branch, +1 All attributes, Use: Plant Tree, Range : 200, Stout Shield Passive: Damage Block, Enchanted Mango, +1 HP Regeneration.
Core Items (safelane) : Desolator, +50 Damage, Passive: Corruption, Black king bar + 10 strength +24 damage Active: Avatar Cooldown 80 seconds, Duration 10/9/8/7/6/5, Dispel type: Basic dispel.
Core Items (Battle Fury) : Battle Fury, +45 Damage, +6 Hp Regeneration, +2.25 Mana Regeneration, Active : Chop Tree/Ward, Cooldown Item : 4 Seconds.
Situational Items : Manta Style, +10 Strength, +26 Agility, +10 Intelligence, +10 Attack Speed, +8% Movement Speed, Active : Mirror Image, Mana : 125, Cooldown Item : 45 Seconds.
Extension Items : Monkey King Bar, +60 Attack Speed, Passive: Pierce, Eye Of Skadi, +25 All Attributes, +225 Health, +250 Mana, Passive : Cold Attack, Satanic, +25 Strength, +50 Damage, Active : Unholy Rage, Cooldown Item : 35 Seconds.
- Level 10 Skill talent tree : +15 Damage
- Level 15 Skill talent tree : -4 Armor Corruptiom
- Level 20 Skill talent tree : 20% Lifesteal
- Level 25 Skill talent tree : +25% Blur Evasion
Advantages and Disadvantages Hero Phantom Assassin
Having a critical overload of damage while attacking your enemies and daggers with the 2 skills he has, very strong dilate game because it is called Hard Carry.
Having a deficiency with no skill area except to have items Battle Fury to get Area by way of Attack in front will be affected also behind.
This is all I can share for Steemian, more or less I'm sorry, See you at the next hero.
REGARDS GAMERS @agoesdeuge
Original Image Screenshot From In Game Dota 2
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Hallo Steemian.....! Apa kabar kalian semua, saya harap semua baik-baik saja, Amiin...! Kembali lagi bersama saya @agoesdeuge yang selalu post tentang hero-hero yang terdapat didalam Game Dota 2, masih sama seperti yang sebelumnya, saya belum ada kata bosan untuk menulis tentang hero yang ada digame Dota 2, dan kali ini saya akan membahas tentang hero yang sangat kuat dan sering dimainkan oleh para pemula (newbie), karena mudah untuk dimainkan dan skill yang ia punya yang aktif 2 skill saja dan 2 lagi skill passive, sering disebut hero Right Klik. Hero yang saya maksud adalah PHANTOM ASSASSIN.
Phantom Assassin adalah hero Agility type attack (mele), posisi sering dimainkan dalam game untuk Safelane atau midlane, kita sering lihat sekarang Phantom Assassin sering sekali dimainkan diposisi midlane, untuk mudah mendapatkan Gold/Xp untuk membeli item yang efektif dan berguna untuk menyerang musuh anda. mari kita lihat role apa saja yang dimiliki oleh hero Phantom Assassin.
Roles :
- Hard Carry
- Escape
Berbeda dengan hero-hero lain, hanya 2 roles dimiliki, makanya sering disebut hero Right Klik hehehehe.
Maka dibawah ini saya akan menjelaskan Skill + Ability Hero Phantom Assassin
1). Stifling Dagger : Skill yang mengeluarkan pisau untuk memperlambat gerakan musuh dan memiliki damage saat pisau terkena musuh anda.
- Ability : Unit Target
- Affects : Enemy Units
- Damage Type : Physical
- Pierces Spell : No
- Dispellable : Yes
- Move Slow : 50%
- Slow Duration : 1/2/3/4
- Base Damage : 65
- Attack Damage : 25%/40%/55%/70%
- Cooldown Skill : 6 Seconds
- Mana : 30/25/20/15
2). Phantom Strike : Skill yang berfungsi untuk lompat ke atas musuh anda dan bisa untuk menyerang atau untuk melarikan diri saat anda diserang dan anda memiliki Hp yang minim. dan saat anda menggunakan skill ini untuk menyerang maka anda akan mendapatkan attack speed secara auto.
- Ability : Unit Target
- Pierces Spell : Yes
- Dispellable : Yes
- Bonus Attack Speed : 130
- Max Attack : 4
- Range : 1000
- Cooldown Skill : 14/11/8/5 Seconds
- Mana : 50
3). Blur : Skill yang menghasilkan Miss saat diserang oleh musuh anda dan skill ini passive apabila aktif maka anda pun seperti menghilang dimap walaupun anda masih diarea map, kecuali musuh anda mengarhkan camera atau crusor ke posisi anda.
- Ability : Passive
- Evasion : 20%/30%/40%/50%
- Map Vanish Radius : 1600
4). Coup De Grace (ultimate) : Skill yang passive tapi menghasilikan Critical apabila anda di mode blur, saat anda attack musuh maka besar damage yang diterima oleh musuh anda dan apalagi anda memiliki item Desolator.
- Ability : Passive
- Pierces Spell : Yes
- Critical Chance : 15%
- Critical Damage : 230%/340%/450%
"Dan bisa anda lihat video dibawah ini untuk fungsi-fungsi Phantom Assassin"
Starting Items: Tango use: devour, Range: 165, Iron Branch, +1 All attributes, Use: Plant Tree, Range : 200, Iron Branch, +1 All attributes, Use: Plant Tree, Range : 200, Stout Shield Passive: Damage Block, Enchanted Mango, +1 HP Regeneration.
Core Items (safelane) : Desolator, +50 Damage, Passive: Corruption, Black king bar + 10 strength +24 damage Active: Avatar Cooldown 80 seconds, Duration 10/9/8/7/6/5, Dispel type: Basic dispel.
Core Items (Battle Fury) : Battle Fury, +45 Damage, +6 Hp Regeneration, +2.25 Mana Regeneration, Active : Chop Tree/Ward, Cooldown Item : 4 Seconds.
Situational Items : Manta Style, +10 Strength, +26 Agility, +10 Intelligence, +10 Attack Speed, +8% Movement Speed, Active : Mirror Image, Mana : 125, Cooldown Item : 45 Seconds.
Extension Items : Monkey King Bar, +60 Attack Speed, Passive: Pierce, Eye Of Skadi, +25 All Attributes, +225 Health, +250 Mana, Passive : Cold Attack, Satanic, +25 Strength, +50 Damage, Active : Unholy Rage, Cooldown Item : 35 Seconds.
- Level 10 Skill talent tree : +15 Damage
- Level 15 Skill talent tree : -4 Armor Corruptiom
- Level 20 Skill talent tree : 20% Lifesteal
- Level 25 Skill talent tree : +25% Blur Evasion
Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Hero Phantom Assassin
Mempunyai kelebihan damage yang critical saat menyerang musuh anda dan dagger dengan skill 2 yang ia miliki, sangat kuat dilate game karena itu disebut Hard Carry.
Mempunyai kekurangan dengan tidak mempunyai skill area kecuali mempunyai item Battle Fury untuk mendapatkan Area dengan cara Attack yang ada didepan akan terkena juga yang ada dibelakang.
Hanya ini yang bisa saya bagikan untuk Steemian, kurang lebih saya mohon maaf, Sampai jumpa di hero selanjutnya.
SALAM GAMERS @agoesdeuge
Original Image Screenshot From In Game Dota 2
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steady Dota 2
Wes master game dota 2 ni. Mantap bang. Sudah saya follow dan upvote ya. Semoga kedepannya kita bisa bertemu kembali dan saling sharing.
Iyaa smoga bisa berjumpa kembali di acara yg sama @nawanisnt