Selamat pagi teman-teman Steemian, apa kabarnya di akhir pekan ini ? Semoga sehat dan bahagia, Amin.
Di hari Sabtu yang cerah ini saya ingin berbagi resep masakan yang berbahan dasat ikan, berkuah dan memakai banyak bumbu. Masakannya yaitu ikan patin bumbu asam padeh. Jika teman-teman Steemian ingin tahu resepnya silahkan disimak resep IKAN PATIN BUMBU ASAM PADEH :
- 1 kilogram ikan patin, bersihkan, taburi dengan garam dan jeruk nipis
- 1 ons belimbing wuluh
- 1 buah tomat, potong-potong
- 1 lembar daun kunyit
- 3 lembar daun jeruk
- 1 ruas lengkuas, memarkan
- 1 batang sereh
- 2 sendok makan minyak goreng
- 2 gelas air
- 1 sendok teh garam
- Bumbu penyedap rasa secukupnya
- 5 butir bawang merah
- 5 siung bawang putih
- 1 ons cabai merah
- 1 ruas jari jahe
Haluskan semua bumbu, nyalakan api, panaskan minyak goreng dalam wajan. Tumis bumbu hingga harum, kemudian masukkan daun kunyit, daun jeruk, lengkuas dan serai, lalu tuang air dan masak hingga mendidih.
Masukkan ikan yang sudah dibersihkan dan dipotong menjadi dua bagian, masukkan belimbing wuluh, masak sampai hampir matang, kecilkan api, beri bumbu penyedap rasa dan masukkan tomat. Cicipi rasanya.
Matikan api.
Ikan Patin Bumbu Asam Padeh siap dihidangkan bersama dengan nasi hangat.
Selamat mencoba, terima kasih.
English Language :
Good morning, friends of Steemian, how are you doing this weekend ? Hopefully healthy and happy, Amen. On this sunny Saturday I want to share recipes that are made from Iridescent Shark, have a soup and use a lot of spices. The cuisine is Iridescent Shark Seasoning Asam Padeh. If friends of Steemian want to know the recipe, please listen to the recipe for Iridescent Shark Seasoning Asam Padeh :
- 1 kilogram of Iridescent Shark, clean, sprinkle with salt and lime
- 1 ounce vegetable starfruit (bilimbi fruit)
- 1 tomato, cut into pieces
- 1 turmeric leaf
- 3 orange leaves
- 1 segment of the galangal, which is radiant
- 1 lemongrass
- 2 tablespoons of cooking oil
- 2 cups of water
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- Sufficient flavoring seasoning
- 5 onion grains
- 5 cloves of garlic
- 1 ounce of red chili
- 1 ginger finger segment
- Blend all seasonings, turn on the fire, heat cooking oil in a pan. Saute the spices until fragrant, then add the turmeric leaves, orange leaves, galangal and lemongrass, then pour the water and cook until boiling.
- Enter the fish that has been cleaned and cut into two parts, enter the vegetable starfruit, cook until almost cooked, reduce the heat, give flavorings and add tomatoes. Try the taste.
- Turn off the fire.
- Iridescent Shark Seasoning Asam Padeh is ready to be served together with warm rice.
- Good luck, thank you.
Terima kasih mbak @firstsufa :)
itu terlihat bagus
Terima kasih @babai1995
Salam kenal
Hello foodie steemian!
You get an homemade upvote from SteemKitchen! 👍
This was given by hand and not by a bot.
You have received this as motivation from us, so you can keep going on with your great dishes.
---Hmmm yummy fish recipe :-) ---
We are looking forward to see you soon on our discord server , so we can exchange fresh new recipes and delicious meals with each other 🌮🍔🍩.
With friendly regards, your curator of today @avizor ;-)
Thank you @steemkitchen