in #indonesia7 years ago



Narrated from Abu Sa'id Al-Khudry RA, Rasulullah SAW said:
من عال ثلاث الجنة
Those who bear the cost of three daughters, teach them adab, marry them and do good to them then for him heaven. [Muslim]

April 21st is commemorated as Kartini Day which is the date of birth of Raden Adjeng Kartini. This memorial is officially stipulated by Presidential Decree No. 108 of 1964 signed on May 2, 1964, which also contains the establishment of Kartini as National Hero of Independence. [okecoy com]

Kartini, in her letters to Mrs. Abendanon dated January 21, 1901, states how important the role of women in advancing civilization and human morality. Kartini states that women are Soko Guru Peradaban, meaning through women's education, children receive first education, learn to feel, learn to think, and learn to speak. [ubaya ac id]

In another language, Hafidz Ibrahim (1932 AD) famous as the Nile river poet said:
الأم مدرسة إذا أعددتها أعددت شعبا طيب الأعراق
الأم مدرسة الأساتذة الألى شغلت مآثرهم مدى الآفاق
"Mother is a madrasah. If you prepare well, you are preparing a superior nation. "
"Mother is a madrasah for teachers who have widespread influence along the horizon." [Mawsu'at al-Raqa'iq wal al-adab]

In line with that, in the Arabian proverb says that Women is the pillar of the country. The saying goes:
المرأة عماد البلاد إذا صلحت صلحت البلاد وإذا فسدت فسدت البلاد
"Women are the pillars of the country. If he is good then good state, if he is bad then bad state. "[Anonymous, not hadith]

And in the words of wisdom is mentioned: "If you want to corrupt a nation it is corrupted the history of the youth, if you want to destroy a country corrupted the morals of women". [anonymous]

Speaking of the role of women, every child has a dependence on a mother's woman, not just about nutrition but even existence. There is a story, King Frederick the German ruler of the 13th century once robbed 50 babies from his mother's arms. He wanted to know, if human babies are not cared for and talked to, what language they use. For days the poor babies were only milked, bathed, and left in bed. Until finally the babies died one by one. The King never found the answer until now. [Hidayatullah com]

Therefore it is very important existence of women in family life even nation. Rasul SAW motivates us to educate women with His word on the main hadith above: Whoever bears the cost of three daughters, teaches it adab, marries it and does good to them then for him heaven. (In another editorial: three sisters or three daughters or two sisters or two daughters) [Muslim]

the Qur'an gives great appreciation to women. See, in the Qur'an there are many female names such as an-Nisa (women). Specifically, such as the epistle of Maryam, the mother of Prophet Isa AS. There is a letter called al-Mujadilah, a woman who filed a lawsuit. there is another letter named al-Mumtahanah, a tested woman. Similarly, other letters, although not using the name of women specifically, but many women who talk about the things of women women.


The best woman that we must follow him..

Kartini is woman spirit

Contoh yg baik.. semoga bermanfaat

Lover neoxian sejati..the best you