Crab noodle typical aceh
Crab noodle is one of aceh typical culinary that is very tasty and impressive, for those who have not tried the crab noodle typical aceh please try not in the long wait, once tried would be addictive, crab noodles in aceh made with special spices and secrets added with spices choice,
Actually in aceh there are many culinary, but culinary aceh noodles become a favorite let alone in added crab so that is familiar with crab noodle typical aceh. !
Mie kepiting khas aceh
Mie kepiting merupakan salah satu kuliner khas aceh yang sangat enak dan mengesankan, bagi yang belum mencoba mie kepiting khas aceh silahkan di coba jangan di tunggu lama,sekali mencoba pasti menjadi ketagihan,mie kepiting di aceh di buat dengan bumbu khas dan rahasia di tambah dengan rempah-rempah pilihan,
Sebenarnya di aceh terdapat banyak kuliner,namun kuliner mie aceh menjadi yang favorit apalagi di tambah kepiting sehingga di kenal dengan mie kepiting khas aceh.
Mandum ka kuvote beuh