In the struggle of the history of the nation of Indonesia until finally succeeded in formulating the basic state of the Pancasila colored with various challenges. This is related facts about Indonesia is a country with a majority embraced the religion of Islam is even a country with the largest Muslims in the world. Approximately 85% more than 261.1 million in 2016.
But what is interesting here is how the state of Indonesia does not become an Islamic country? Well this is where the uniqueness of Indonesia. In addition to the exclusion of the political process at that time.
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In plain view that the basis of the Indonesian state of Pancasila is substantially a concept agreed upon by various groups, including the ulama.karena in it manifested the values of divinity, the value of justice, unity, populist, social justice.
Clearly Pancasila has the success of embracing the interests of each group because the state ideology of pancasil is a mix between the concept of Islam with the concept of Indonesian-ness.
With the ideological struggle at the time between nationalist, religious, democratic, socialist
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Pancasila itself is dila-sila value inside the eagle body in which there are several elements dga symbol, the star symbolizes the divinity, the chain symbolizes justice, the banyan tree symbolizes unity, the head of the populist bull who uphold the deliberation and rice and cotton symbolizes social welfare.()