Break the fast with the tradition of Indonesia.

in #indonesia7 years ago (edited)


On the 11th day of Ramadan 1439 H, we held a joint event. The event took place at Barista Coffee, Langsa City, Aceh Province, Sunday (5/27/2018).

Attending the event were Aulia, Riska, Topan, Lian, Kemal, Alun, Hafiz and Maya. Open together is a tradition of Muslims that exist only in Indonesia. The tradition is maintained because according to the diversity and customs of the Indonesian nation.

Through the tradition of open together, Indonesia's diverse ethnicities, nations and languages ​​perform silaturrahmi, while keeping ukhuwah.

Because we are religious, making open together feels more needed to maintain a sense of mutual understanding and understanding between one another.

Many problems can be solved if continue to cultivate silaturrahmi at the event open together, because with silaturrahmi will be established understanding and togetherness the better.

Fasting is one of the ways God uses to generalize his people in a single command.

If in the life of the world the end is satisfaction, then the end of fasting is devotion.

In the month of fasting we are also required to pay zakat. In addition to purifying the treasure, zakat also means that in our possessions there is a right for others to be paid.