Haaai Steemian !!!
Assalamualaikum wr. wb. Let me introduce myself as a newcomer to the steemian community. On this occasion, I would like to introduce myself to all of my steemian friends. My full name is Aulia Rahman, Usually called Aulia. I was born in Semarang regency, Central Java, February 12, 1985. My elementary school took place in Semarang and Jepara districts. Then I continued my education at Madrasah Tsanawiah Negeri Bawu, in Jepara. After graduation, I went to High School State (SMAN) 1 Jepara. Graduated from Senior High School in 2002, I went to Strata 1 to Airlangga University, Surabaya to take a degree in History program. In 2009, I continued my education to the undergraduate level to Universitas Gadjah Mada by taking the same program with my S1. I currently work as a lecturer in the History Education Studies Program, Ocean University in Langsa, Aceh. In addition, I have many hobbies: like Listening to music, reading books, climbing mountains. But my favorite hobby is to climb to the top of the mountain. This activity is very exciting in my opinion, because climbing to the top of the mountain is not about conquering its peak, but conquering our ego. The greatest enemy of man is his ego. By doing this activity, I am always reminded to conquer ego and grow a sense of togetherness with the surrounding environment and implement it into everyday life.
But for now, I no longer do mountain climbing because the age factor that is not like when young. this is a little photo of my hobby:
While at Lake Taman Hidup, Mount Argopuro climbing lane, Situbondo, East Java.
While at the top of Mahameru, Gunung Semeru, Lumajang, East Java
I have long known steemit from my students @muhammadarsyad and @teguhrianto. But because of my busyness as a lecturer, the desire to be active in steemit I hold first, while waiting for the right time to vent. Just after this odd semester lectureer ended there was little breath to pursue the delayed desire in steemit. Especially with the encouragement of my two students above, I am more excited to be active in the steemit community.
My hope, by being active in the steemit community, I hope to improve my writing skills, learning ability, and problem solving on a rational basis. Lastly, I would like to thank the steemit community of Indonesia and all the colleagues who are members of this community. Hopefully the existence of this community can be a means of liaison to always communicate, build silaturrahim through the spread of ideas, ideas, and most importantly become a medium to share about many things.
Finally, hopefully the steemans wherever you are, always in good shape.
Thank You I Speak to the Steemit Community of Indonesia Specifically to Curator @aiqabrago and @levycore, and Curator Gaming @jodipamungkas who has supported me to be able to channel my hobby to my friends Steemian in Indonesia.Wassalamualaikum, Wr. Wb
Langsa, January 24, 2018.
Follow @auliarahman_12
ORIGINAL WRITING BY ME @auliarahman_12
Best regards pak @auliarahman12. Creat to any post....
Thank You buk @muftee. meskipun awalnya tergopoh2 untuk mengedit ini itu, akhirnya selesai juga. mohon bantuannya buk
Selamat datang pak Aulia, selamat bergabung, semoga sukses.
terimakasih pak dodi. semoga kita semua selalu sukses