Dear Steemian
Since I first joined the Steemit platform, I started with writing. Almost every day I try to make some content in the form of writing, then I share it as a post Steemit. If today I listen to the word bored and lose the idea, then I'm very concerned about the friends who have started his career in the media Steemit. I'm not a writer and I'm also not a successful blogger, I'm just a Steemian who initially just wanted to try to join. But after joining, I started to study it and then I tried it in an irregular way. This is very much related to my activities when posting on Steemit account, most of the discussion I wrote in my post is based on my experience. Maybe friends can try it out, so we don't need to look for material that is too burdensome to us and we can tell the experience in accordance with reality. When we want to create content that is luxurious, surely we will need equipment and complete preparation. So I suggest to do a simple course, do according to our experience and ability.
Sejak pertama bergabung dengan platform Steemit, saya memulainya dengan menekuni bidang tulisan. Hampir setiap harinya saya mencoba membuat beberapa konten dalam bentuk tulisan, kemudian saya membagikannya sebagai sebuah postingan Steemit. Jika hari ini saya mendengarkan kata bosan dan kehilangan ide, maka saya sangat prihatin dengan teman-teman yang sudah memulai karirnya di media Steemit. Saya bukanlah penulis dan saya juga bukan seorang blogger yang sukses, saya hanyalah seorang Steemian yang pada awalnya hanya ingin mencoba untuk bergabung. Namun setelah bergabung, saya mulai mempelajarinya dan kemudian saya mencobanya dengan cara yang tidak beraturan. Hal ini sangat berkaitan dengan aktifitas saya saat membuat postingan pada akun Steemit, kebanyakan pembahasan yang saya tulis dalam postingan adalah berdasarkan pengalaman yang saya lewati. Mungkin teman-teman bisa mencobanya, dengan demikian kita tidak perlu mencari bahan yang terlalu membebani kita dan kita bisa menceritakan pengalaman sesuai dengan kenyataannya. Ketika kita hendak membuat konten yang mewah, pasti kita akan membutuhkan peralatan dan persiapan yang lengkap. Maka saya menyarankan untuk melakukan yang sederhana saja, lakukan sesuai pengalaman dan kemampuan yang kita miliki.
I completely agree! Putting so much thought into a post to make it perfect will be too time-consuming and may even lead to disappointment and feelings of failure from putting so much time into a single post, just to see it go only so far.
In this age with so much information and content being pumped out, we cannot be perfect like every bit we release is a artful masterpiece. That does not mean it is okay to put out cheap material that isn't well-thought out! Great post, @bangmimi
I like that you're adding both English and Indonesian to your content like this. Pretty neat to see you're enabling two different ethnic audiences to understand you!
Normally I also take hours to pour ideas into a post, but now I evaluate them a bit so I write and tell the reality. that's it
Thank you for giving me a compliment, it is only from my own experience. At that time I was very difficult to understand some posts of foreigners, so I took the initiative to make two languages in my own post.