Indomie goreng udang/Indomie fried shrimp (IND-ENG

in #indonesia8 years ago



Sahabat steemit bingung dengan menu sahur??? Rasanya bosan ya dengan menu itu-itu saja!!! Sahabat steemit, kebetulan abang saya memberi udang hasil dari tangkapannya di tambak. Jadi terbesit di pikiran istri saya untuk mengolah udang tersebut menjadi menu hidangan sahur yang istimewa yaitu indomie goreng udang. Bagaimana cara membuatnya??
Yuk ikuti postingan saya!!!


Friend steemit confused with menu dawn ??? It feels bored with that menu-that's all !!! Friends steemit, coincidentally my brother gave the shrimp from the catch in the pond. So terbesit in my wife's mind to process the shrimp become a special meal menu that is shrimp fried indomie shrimp. How to make??
Let's follow my post !!!IMG_20170613_121427.jpg

Pertama-tama bersihkan udang, kemudian beri garam dan perasan jeruk nipis secukupnya agar udang tidak bau amis.


First clean the shrimp, then give salt and lime juice to taste so that the shrimp does not smell fishy.IMG_20170613_170745.jpg


Sediakan bumbu giling, irisan kol dan daun seledri, dan 2 bungkus indomie.
Kemudian panaskan minyak, tumis bawang dan bumbu giling, terus masukkan udang. Tunggu beberapa menit masukkan indomie beserta sedikit air, setelah kol setengah matang langsung masukkan indomie beserta bumbu. Ingat!!! Walau mie yang di gunakan sebanyak 2 bungkus, namun bumbu garam cukup di gunakan satu bungkus saja, karena jika digunakan semua, maka hasil mie goreng akan terasa asin.

Setelah beberapa menit, jadilah indomie goreng udang yang menggiurkan.


Provide ground spices, sliced ​​cabbage and celery leaves, and 2 packets of indomie.
Then heat the oil, saute onion and seasoning, continue to enter the shrimp. Wait a few minutes enter the indomie along with a little water, after cabbage half cooked immediately enter the indomie with the spices. Remember!!! Although the noodles in use as much as 2 packs, but seasoning salt is enough to use a packet only, because if used all, then the fried noodle will taste salty.

After a few minutes, be a lively indomie fried shrimp.

Follow @berkat biar jadi teman dekat


Looks delicious. followed you . follow me back :)

follow me upvote me.. inturn i will follow you upvote you

kalo indomie sudah kenak dengan bumbu aceh mana ad lawan :D

Ya itu makanan favorit keluarga kami.

the ramen .. we have it in Turkey too :)

Aceh with Turkey is like a brother so his food taste is almost the same


Bukan mie sedap tetapi mie soto medan hehehehe

Bukan mie sedap, tetapi mie soto medan hehehehe