Let's Care for Politics ...

in #indonesia7 years ago
  • Let's Care for Politics ...

#Brother, we are all political beings. No nation in any country is left untouched by politics.

We are one of three parts;


none of us is untouched by politics.

Where is the proof?

As citizens, we are subject to the law. If it violates the law then we will be punished and in jail. Brother, know that the law is the House of Representatives. dPR political institution is not it? Political institutions. So that is a political decision.

Members of the House of Representatives deliberations, making laws, taken decisions and finally the law is applied to every citizen. Well that's a political decision.

so we can not be separated from politics. Hence misguided if there are people who talk, just ngaji only. Ngaji, kga ... We do not have to talk politics.

My brother! If we do not talk politics, then the bastards who play politics. if the good people of Muslims are not playing politics, then the rogues, the corrupters, the secular, the liberals, the shia, the unbelievers and the bad guys who will play politics.

the result of the Islamic people do not want to care about politics and do not want to talk politics, consequently Muslims become stupid against politics. kiyai no one speaks politics, habaib no one draws closer to politics, ultimately the rogues are the ones playing politics, the corruptors are the politics filling. They sit in the House of Representatives, those who make the rules, those who make laws and we Muslims who carry out.

if we do not want to practice politics, please. But do not say "I do not want to talk politics at all". If you do not speak politics then you will become a political commodity.

how many assemblies taklim became a political commodity, how many pesantren cottages that became a political commodity. Only made screw by political party. so again election season, pilpres donations that are not given to the assemblies taklim, boarding schools to support candidates of the party. Support the party, support the party. Well that's called a political commodity. Only used for screws.

therefore for anyone of the Muslims, good people who believe and cautious, have noble character, have knowledge and insight and happy and have political talent, let's go into politics world. Do not let politics in our beloved country be filled by bad guys.

my brother, to care about politics does not have to be a politician.

CARE politics enough 5 years, what's the loss? Can be done in accordance with the capacity and maqomnya respectively. Just invite nyoblos the right course, we do not want to fight.

  • The kyai invites santri and his parents.
  • The lecturer invites his students.
  • The muballigh invites his congregation.
  • The entrepreneur invites his employees and associates etc, ...

So do not forget to invite family, relatives, neighbors. This is our minimal jihad.



Brother, here is the advice of Five People Facing Legislative Elections, Pilkada & Pilpres;

  1. Ali ibn Abi Talib radhiyallahu 'anhu

"Injustice will continue to exist, not because of the many bad people, but because of the silence of good people."

  1. Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qardhawi (Chairman of the International Association of Muslim Scholars)

There are at least 3 (three) ways to consider options:

• If all is well, choose the most kindness.

• If there are good and bad things, choose good ones.

• If everything is bad, choose the least of the bad.

  1. Dr. Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi, MA. M. Phil. (Chairman MIUMI Center, son of Founder of Gontor Pesantren)

"If you do not want to vote because you are disappointed with the government and members of the House of Representatives, or Islamic political parties, that's your right, but remember if you & millions do not vote then millions of wicked, secular, liberal, atheists will vote in power and control usintention to do good, even if the result is not necessarily as good as you want. "

  1. Recep Toyyib Erdogan

"If good people do not go into politics, then the bad guys will fill it."

  1. Necmetti Erbakan

"Muslims who do not care about politics will be led by politicians who do not care about Islam."

O my brother, the Muslims! Do not Golput ...

Evil will arise when good people are all on DIAM.

remember my brother, how effective power when held by good people, then goodness and good will be present for us all.

the companions of the glorious Prophet, 'Uthman ibn' Affan radhiyallahu 'anhu once delivered some very worthy phrases to contemplate and very remarkable;

إن الله يزع بالسلطان ما لا يزع بالقرآن

"Surely Allah ta'ala prevents something with what power can not be prevented only by the Qur'an."

Brethren, those who are weak in faith, they are more afraid of the rules / laws made by the ruler than the law of God. therefore the power must be held by good men, who believe and pious, who fear God, so that rules and laws or laws are made in accordance with the law of God and not contrary to the law of God.

a reflection, how effective it is when power is in the hands of good people;

"To stop the disobedience and munkar, the Ustadz, Kiyai, Muballigh, Da'i or Laskar Islamic organizations need months or even yearsbut with the alias power of political decision just one day the signature of the head of service on the orders of the Governor, then "ALEXIS" is closed.

do not be political allergy, let us seize the constitutional power by choosing candidates and candidates for regional head and candidate for governor and pro-president candidate to Islam, which is pro to the people's interest. choose to support the establishment of God's law in our beloved country to come blessing and benefit to us all.

do not choose a leader who is supported and supported by a party in which gather the insulters of Islam, insults and haters of the scholars, supporters of Quran, anti-Shari'ah, supporting the Perpmas Ormas etc.

change it before our brother, do not waste this opportunity.

Let's Jihad the Constitution!
Your weapons are ballot papers ...
Your bow is your hand ...
Make no mistake. !!!

Ust. Roni Abdul Fatah