Please see this post, i found it from another source.
please follow up.
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Apakah Anda tidak membaca jika posting berisi sejarah .. haruskah seseorang kembali ke masa lampau untuk mendapatkan foto sebagai bentuk posting asli ???
@ekaputri Do you read if the post contains history ..??? should someone go back in time to get the photo as the original post form ??? Stupid
@rahmat , maksudnya @ekaputri itu kalau fotonya bukan foto asli, dicantumkan juga sumbernya, bila perlu dengan linknya, untuk mencegah @cheetah mampir ke postingan kita. Sip juga postingannya.:)
The photo is genuine but we have to buy it for $125 usd or $500 usd
woow ! So expensive ! :)
I'm curious where the same where, one image is writing getty image while the one there is no getty image ... then I downloaded and I have to pay by size ... I pay ... it turns out the photo was like in the post, @steemcleaner and @cheetah would have been quick to respond, but if his affair favors money he does not respond
Violation @syarrf in here
If you are willing to redeem the photo ,, I want you to replace all this ... with the price of the photo that I downloaded .... The link that you give me throw my money in useless fuck U@ekaputri Thanks to the link you showed me to the link you gave, and I download it for $ 125
savage U @ekaputri 너 내 돈이 없어 졌기 때문에.
Lah ngapain sampai ngundang si steemcleaner, coba komunikasi dengan penulis dulu. Kasihan siapa tahu sang penulis lupa memberikan linknya.