Another Series Of Random Photos - Serial Foto Acak Selanjutnya
Afew days ago, when i watering the garden in my house I notice that some of the Michelia leaves were torn out, like it has been eaten by something. I took a closer look and found the culprit. It was a caterpillar which i am not sure what kind of caterpillar it is. Funny thing is that i keep the caterpillar that day, so that I could take a picture the next day, as my phone was off that day. ahhaha
beberapa hari lalu, ketika kau menyiram tanaman di halaman rumahku, aku lihat beberapa daun cempakaku rusak seperti telah dimakan. aku cari biang keroknya dan ternyata tersangkanya adalah seekor ulat yang aku tidak tahu apa jenisnya. lucunya aku malah membiarkan ulat tersebut sampai esok harinya, agar bisa mengambil gambarnya keesokan harinya, karena HPku mati waktu itu. hahaha
Nice photos. I only noticed the caterpillar on the 3rd photo haha
Are you in Bali? I'm in Ubud!
look it blend really well isn't it?
yes I am Balinese myself, living in Karangasem. Ubud is the center of crypto lover in Bali isn't it?
Oh cool Karangasem is not so far from Ubud. Yea there are some crypto people here, there used to be a lot more though. Do you know any other Hive bloggers in Bali? Would be cool to have a meetup!
yes there are a few active balinese Hive and steem Blogger. @putu300 is one of them would be nice to have a meet up when the social distancing policy is lifted
Thanks! I wrote to him. He is having financial troubles so I upvoted a bunch of his posts, he has interesting blogs posts too. Would be awesome if we could have a meetup. Have you met some other balinese Hivians in real life?
so far I have not seen or met any other Balinese Hivian. it would be nice to do a meet up later. actually we have never meet up ion real life yet, only made a plan before Covid struck.