This is an update of the volcano
As I said on my previous post yesterday, I am visiting my home town. And this evening when I was on my way, the volcano erupt (again). It has been for so many times, but have not affected the villagers so much. In fact for the reason that I can't believe the red zone is reduce from 10Km into 6 Km from the crater. And this evening She proves that She is active and her power has not been thrown out yet. I hope that bad things will never happen to my people
Seperti saya bilang kemarin saya mengunjungi rumah hari ini. Dan sore ini saat saya sedang dalam perjalanan, gunungnya meletus (lagi). Telah beberapa kali gunungnya meletus, tapi tidak banyak mempengaruhi penduduk desa. Bahkan dengan alasan yang tidak bisa saya terima zona merahnya diturunkan dari 10Km menjadi 6Km dari puncak kawah. Dan sore ini Beliau membuktikan bahwa beliau masih aktif dan kekuatannya belum di keluarkan sepenuhnya. Semoga tidak ada hal buruk yang terjadi pada warga desa.
You and your pepole are in my prayers. Stay safe.
thanks so much sis. : )
Stay safe and God Bless
thanks so much
Oh wow! That is such a scary view, but amazing in the same time! I would love to see it (from a safe distance) myself one day.
yes it is a very well mixed feelings, you are scared, and yet so excited. LOL
Ngambek lagi ini ya mas @ekavieka merapinya :D
ia nieh, masih suka main-main, hehe, Belum penuh mungkin kekuatannaya
Wah bahaya juga kalau uda kekuatan penuh ini mas, letupannya ngeri :)
Amazing events, stay safe!
thanks so much my friend. : )
Oh no. All I can do is to continue to keep you and everyone in my prayers. Please be safe @ekavieka. Those photos are powerful.
Thanks so much for your prayer my friend. That is more than enough for me and all of us here in Bali.
yes, really intense when i saw it with my eyes. Scared but excited at the same time.
I can only imagine what all of you are going through. You all must be on edge. God speed my friend! : )
Bro... amidst her wrath, the volcano looks beautiful. It's a good thing that no one was hurt. Keep safe everyone there! ^^
thanks so much sist, yes I am hoping the same also. I Live in another town now, but my familly are still at home.
Sure bro... I hope everyone is safe from it. ^^
Mulai bocor lagi gas nya....
ia nieh, masih seneng beliau bermain-main. : )
Semoga tidak terjadi hal apapun bli
Kerumahku aja om..
Om..maaf ini aku kepencet dikomenku, kalo tak downvote ngaruh nggak ya?
Gpp om, santai aja, biarin aja po. kasihan voting powermu udah kepake
Hehe..takutnya ketemu om @happyphoenix✌ ntar dikira sex solo😂.
Mas bali httdj
ia om, makasih
😮Good to know the villagers weren't affected, keep posted.!
thnks so much for your concern
Is this the Bali?
yes it is. The Agung Volcano in Bali island of Indonesia. : )
Waduh ngeri juga liatnya mas
Lumayan lah ngerinya. padahal tadinya lihatnya santai aja, eh 5 menitnya lagi udah ngebul aja
Yang sabar ya mas, semoga erupsinya semakin menurun
terimasksih mas. ia semoga saja. atau paling tidak erupsi besar, kemudian berhenti. Tapi kit ahanya bisa menunggu kehendak-Nya
Semoga selalu dilindungi sang pencipta,,, tidak ada hal buruk terjadi 😞
terima kasih banyak mbak atas doanya
Wow ! extraordinary photography
Beautiful pictures thank you..Greets
as a photographer i can say this is very good work!