Random Photos: Shy Butterfly - Foto Acak: Kupu-kupu yang Malu (PP2W)

in #indonesia7 years ago

Another Series Of Random Photos - Serial Foto Acak Selanjutnya

This butterfly i took on my way home a few days ago, after taking a few shot of the volcano which I presented in the post of volcano on various spot . This butterfly fly close to me, when I took the shot of the volcano, tempting me to shoot for her. But when I try to get close to her, then she fly away. Got a few shot of her shy but good looking pose. Enjoy

Kupu-kupu ini saya ambil saat dalam perjalanan pulang, setelah mengambil beberapa foto dari guung yang saya posting di post gunung dari berbagai lokasi . Kupu-kupu ini terbang dekat dengan saya, ketika saya mengambil foto gunung, membuat saya ingin untuk memfotonya. Tapi ketika saya mendekatinya, dy malah terbang. Mampu mengambil beberapa fotonya yang malu-malu tapi kelihatan bagus. Nikmatilah









Taken With Canon Kiss X8i



Shes beautiful. Great pictures buddy !

thank you so much for your support my friend.

Makin tajam aja lensanya bg @ekavieka.. 😎😎

makasi om, masih perlu banyak belajar nieh

Kedepannya pasti lebih cetar karyanya om hehe

Pinjam kamera dong om heheh, sukses

sini om aku kasi pinjem, ambil ke Bali yah. hahah

cantik kali Om photonya...good job..👍

hehe, gambarmu juga keren om

hasil jepret sangat bagus om,,,

makasi om, : )

malu atau takut ya dia :D

taku-takut malu mbak. hahaha

Another beautiful butterfly! You have to walk slowly and stand very still. If it flies away, stay still and it might come back. : )

that is the probem,,just can't control my patience. When she fly, i just walked away.
But thanks for the advice,,I have to keep my patience under control. 😂😂