"Amaq News Regency reports, ISIS is responsible for 3 suicide bombings in churches in Surabaya, Indonesia," wrote and quoted from the site Siteintelgroup.com, Sunday (13/05/2018).
Quoted from the page detikcom, Amaq News ISIS news agency. Amaq posted the post with Arabic script via Telegram application. Then the text was translated and posted on the antiterrorist intelligence community site, Siteintelgroup.com.
While National Police Chief Tito Karnavian suspect there is a connection suicide bombings in Surabaya is associated with ISIS in Syria. According to him, ISIS globally has been pressed by the US and Russia.
"Indeed this action we suspect the motive, first, is at the international level, ISIS is pressed by good forces from America and others, Russia and others, so in a corner," said Tito Karnavian at Bhayangkara Hospital Surabaya .
Tito also explained that the perpetrators of this terror can not be separated from JAT (Jamaah Ansarut Tauhid) and JAD (Jamaah Ansarut Daulah) which is a major supporter of ISIS in Indonesia.
In Surabaya alone, a family of three church bombers linked to JAD in Surabaya is led by Dita Oepriarto.
"This group of perpetrators, whose family is linked to JAD cells in Surabaya, is the chairman, Dita," Tito said.
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@therealwolf 's created platform smartsteem scammed my post this morning (mothersday) that was supposed to be for an Abused Childrens Charity. Dude literally stole from abused children that don't have mothers ... on mothersday.