Drugs | bilingual

in #indonesia7 years ago


Dozens of residents of Ujong Pacu Village, Muara Satu Sub-district, Lhokseumawe City, Friday (23/2/2018) at around 23.30 pm, besieged two youths suspected of being a shabu dealer in the region. The two youths had the initials A (25) and F (28) West Batuphat villagers, Muara Satu sub-district, Lhokseumawe city.

Kapolsek Muara Satu, Lhokseumawe City, AKP Ahmad Yani, Saturday (24/04/2018) mentions, initially the community was sitting in a village coffee shop.

"As they sit down to the coffee shop, there are two young men riding on a motorcycle type CB150 R BL 6326 NAC black police number, passing towards Kecamata Nisam, passing through their village. They are suspicious, because the middle of the night, "said Kapolsek.

Then the residents contacted the village head and a number of other communities. Arranged a strategy to stop the motorcycle and interrogate the two young men.

"Communication between these citizens by phone. So the two boys were stopped and surrounded in the village B's hallway. When searched, it turns out to be a package of shabu-shabu. Alleged citizens are both dealers, this is we are deep, "sebutnya.

After finding the haram objects, the residents directly contact the Muara Batu Police. "They call me, and we pick up the suspect. Other evidence, there is money Rp 749,000 and one handphone, "said Kapolsek.

Kapolsek appreciate the steps people anticipate the arrival of cool people around him. Moreover, the village has declared itself as an anti-drug village in Lhokseumawe. "The active participation of the community is certainly very much appreciated," he concluded.



Puluhan warga Desa Ujong Pacu, Kecamatan Muara Satu, Kota Lhokseumawe, Jumat (23/2/2018) sekitar pukul 23.30 WIB malam, mengepung dua pemuda yang diduga menjadi pengedar sabu di kawasan itu. Kedua pemuda itu berinisial A (25) dan F (28) warga Desa Batuphat Barat, Kecamatan Muara Satu, Kota Lhokseumawe.

Kapolsek Muara Satu, Kota Lhokseumawe, AKP Ahmad Yani, Sabtu (24/4/2018) menyebutkan, awalnya masyarakat sedang duduk di sebuah warung kopi desa tersebut.

“Saat mereka duduk warung kopi, ada dua pemuda naik sepeda motor jenis CB150 R nomor polisi BL 6326 NAC warna hitam, melintas ke arah Kecamata Nisam, melewati desa mereka. Mereka curiga, karena tengah malam,” sebut Kapolsek.

Lalu warga menghubungi kepala desa dan sejumlah masyarakat lainnya. Diatur strategi untuk menghentikan sepeda motor itu dan mengintrogasi kedua pemuda tersebut.

“Komunikasi antar warga ini by phone. Jadi kedua pemuda itu dihentikan dan dikepung di lorong B desa itu. Ketika digeledah, ternyata asa satu paket sabu-sabu. Dugaan warga keduanya pengedar, ini sedang kita dalami,” sebutnya.

Setelah menemukan benda haram itu, warga langsung menghubungi Polsek Muara Batu. “Mereka telepon saya, dan kita jemput itu tersangkanya. Barang bukti lainnya, ada uang Rp 749.000 dan satu handphone,” sebut Kapolsek.

Kapolsek mengapresiasi langkah masyarakat mengantisipasi kedatangan orang asik di sekitarnya. Apalagi, desa tersebut telah mendeklarasikan diri sebagai desa anti narkoba di Lhokseumawe. “Partisipasi aktif masyarakat begini tentu sangat kita hargai,” pungkasnya.