ENGLISH---Hoping for Rain Water ...
Hundreds of residents of Pirak Timu Sub-district, North Aceh District held a dhikr and bershalawat together for seven consecutive nights at the sub-district office in Alue Bungkoh Village, District of Pirak Timu, North Aceh Regency.
The activity began on February 15, 2018 and then a week to appeal to Allah SWT to bring rain to the region. Sub-district of Pirak Timu, Ismuhar, Friday (16/2/2018) mentions the activity started after sunset prayer, then berzikir, bershalawat until closed with Isya prayers in congregation.
A number of kharismatic clerics from the district also attended such as Abati Tgk Marzuki, Tgk Sulaiman and others. "We ask the mercy of God hopefully what our wishes granted to rain down. The drought this time worst, the land is broken, on the other hand the lack of clean water hit the community, "explained Ismuhadi.
Meanwhile, one of the residents, T Faisal Razi, requested that the Government of North Aceh to help supply clean water to the community in the region. "The government does have PDAMs, it should be able to help supply clean water, for household needs just like drinking. So that people do not go too far to find a source of drinking water, "he said.
Previous BMKG Sultan Malikussaleh Airport Office, North Aceh, states the next ten days there has been no sign of rain in the region. "Pirak Timu, Matangkuli and Nibong are the worst affected districts this time," said BMKG Prakirawan, Kharendra Muiz.
As previously reported, six districts in Aceh suffered drought, namely Lhokseumawe, Aceh Utara, Aceh Timur, Langsa, Aceh Tamiang and Bireuen districts.
INDONESIA--Berharap Air Hujan ...
Ratusan warga Kecamatan Pirak Timu, Kabupaten Aceh Utara menggelar zikir dan bershalawat bersama selama tujuh malam berturut-turut di halaman kantor camat di Desa Alue Bungkoh, Kecamatan Pirak Timu, Kabupaten Aceh Utara.
Kegiatan itu dimulai sejak 15 Februari 2018 lalu hingga sepekan untuk memohon pada Allah SWT agar diturunkan hujan untuk kawasan itu. Camat Pirak Timu, Ismuhar, Jumat (16/2/2018) menyebutkan kegiatan dimulai setelah shalat magrib, lalu berzikir, bershalawat hingga ditutup dengan shalat Isya berjamaah.
Sejumlah ulama kharismatik dari kabupaten itu turut hadir seperti Abati Tgk Marzuki, Tgk Sulaiman dan lainnya. “Kita memohon rahmat dari Allah semoga apa keinginan kita terkabul agar hujan turun. Kemarau kali ini terparah, tanah-tanah sudah pecah, disisi lain kekurangan air bersih melanda masyarakat,” terang Ismuhadi.
Sementara itu, salah seorang warga, T Faisal Razi, meminta agar Pemerintah Aceh Utara membantu suplai air bersih ke masyarakat di kawasan itu. “Pemerintah kan punya PDAM, harusnya ini bisa membantu suplai air bersih, untuk kebutuhan rumah tangga saja seperti minum. Agar masyarakat tak terlalu jauh mencari sumber air minum,” sebutnya.
Sebelumnya BMKG Kantor Bandara Sultan Malikussaleh, Aceh Utara, menyatakan sepuluh hari ke depan belum ada tanda-tanda hujan di kawasan itu. “Pirak Timu, Matangkuli dan Nibong memang kecamatan terparah yang mengalami kekeringan kali ini,” sebut Prakirawan BMKG, Kharendra Muiz.
Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, enam kabupaten di Aceh mengalami kekeringan yaitu Lhokseumawe, Aceh Utara, Aceh Timur, Langsa, Aceh Tamiang dan Kabupaten Bireuen.
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yes sir @abrhem