Siapa yang Menyangkal Kenyamanan Masjid Oman? (Who Denied the Convenience of Oman Mosque?) #billingual

in #indonesia7 years ago (edited)

Masjid Oman.jpg

Tidak ada yang menyangkal keindahan Masjid Agung Al-Makmur (Masjid Oman). Lokasinya di Lampriet, Banda Aceh, berdekatan persimpangan lampu lalu lintas. Dari kejauhan kita sudah bisa melihat kubah hijau dengan ornamen khas timur tengah. Pantulan sinar hijau yang menyejukkan mata memandang.

Tidak ada juga yang menyangkal kenyamanan melaksanakan ibadah di Masjid Oman. Masjid ini telah mendapatkan ruang di setiap hati para jamaah. Orang perantauan pun menjadikan masjid dengan arsitektur ini untuk beribadah sekaligus melepas penat.

Penampilan Masjid Omah megah. Berdiri dua menara bertingkat menjulang tinggi di sudutnya. Ornamen luarnya kental dengan kesenian-kesenian bernafaskan Islam. Paduan warna tampilan masjid sempurna. Sekilas melihatnya kita sudah dapat menilai kekhasan masjid ini.

Masjid Oman dibangun di atas lahan seluas 7.571,98 meter. 7.321 lahannya merupakan wakaf Pemerintah Kota Banda Aceh dan 250,98 meter wakaf Tgk Hj Ainul Mardhiah Ali. Masjid ini sudah dibangun sejak 1979. Peletakan batu pertama oleh Prof Drs A Madjid Ibrahim. Pada mulanya, Tgk H Abdullah Ujung Rimba memberikan nama masjid ini Masjid Baitul Makmur. Sayangnya, akibat gempa dan tsunami pada 26 Desember 2004, bangunan masjid rusak parah. Kemudian, dibangun lagi dengan bantuan Negara Kesultanan Oman. Hal inilah ihwal masjid ini dikenal dengan nama Masjid Oman. (

Saya sering melaksanakan salat di masjid. Tempat wudunya bersih. Ketika kita akan memasuki masjid, ada lantai miring yang dialiri air membasahi telapak kaki. Mungkin tujuannya menjaga kesucian telapak kaki jamaah sebelum memasuki masjid. Hal ini selaras dengan ajaran Islam yang mengajarkan umatnya menyucikan tempat, pakaian, dan diri kita sebelum bertemu dengan-Nya.

Pintu-pintu Masjid Oman tertutup rapat. Pintu berkaca indah karena lukisannya ditutup agar kesejukan pendingin (AC) senantiasa terjaga. Rasa penat di badan terasa rontok seketika. Belum lagi ketika telapak kaki menginjak lantai masjid berlapisan permadani panjang nan lembut seluas sekitar 1.600 meter. Permadani ini berfungsi sebagai sajadah yang menutupi seluruh alas masjid dengan rapat.
Lantai Masjid Oman dilapisi permadani lembut.

Mata kita akan manja melihat sekeliling dinding masjid ini. Ukiran kaligrafi menyentuh dinding masjid dengan memesona. Lafaz-lafaz firman Allah dilukis dengan rapi sepenuh hati. Butuh penjiwaan mendalam menciptakan karya seindah ini. Di dalam, wujud kubah dilihat dari dalam adalah pemandangan terbaik atau klimaks. Seluruhnya rapat dengan ukiran kaligrafi dan ornamen pendukungnya. Seperti jiwa dan raga yang takkan pernah lepas. Benar-benar menyatu. Bahkan, saat saya mendampingi belasan mahasiswa Taiwan ke sini, mereka merasa takjub. Satu di antara mereka tegas mengatakan bahwa dia merasa sangat damai ketika berada di masjid, termasuk Masjid Oman.
Bagian dalam kubah Masjid Oman.

Keindahan Masjid Oman bertambah lagi dengan suara merdu sang imam. Lafaz dan tajwidnya sangat baik. Tanpa irama mencolok, suara para imam di sana menenteramkan jiwa. Penjiwaan mendalam terhadap agama Islam dapat diikuti setelah salat maghrib. Di sana, ada pengajian rutin. Para jamaah dapat menyimakan materi-materi agama dari para nara sumber andal.

Ketika pelaksanaan salat sunat, seperti salat gerhana bulan dan gerhana matahari, jamaah sangat ramai. Tapi, karena masjid ini berlantai dua, persoalan tersebut teratasi dengan baik. Di paling depan dalam masjid, ada lima jam terbingkai yang menunjukkan waktu salat. Tertera pula tulisan yang menyebutkan Masjid Oman termasuk ke dalam nominasi Masjid Agung percontohan se-Indonesia.
Pemandangan Masjid Oman dari Taman Ratu Safiatuddin.

Soal keamanan, nampaknya pengurus Masjid Oman sudah mempersiapkannya jauh-jauh hari. Buktinya, di berbagai sudut masjid terdapat kamera pengontrol (CCTV). Berkat fasilitas ini, alhamdulillah beberapa pencuri dapat tertangkap. Di sana juga terdapat petugas keamanan. Mereka senantiasa memandu jamaah untuk memarkir atau mengeluarkan kenderannya. Bahkan, tak jarang mereka melemparkan senyuman. Meskipun tidak ada mereka, para jamaah sudah disiplin memarkirkan kenderaan sesuai instruksi tertulis.

Dari permulaan kita parkir sepeda motor, kita dapat langsung melihat 99 asma Allah (nama-nama Allah) dari Ar-Rahman (Mahapengasih) hingga As-Shaburu (Mahasabar). Nama-nama itu ditulis berjejeran dari atas ke bawah menjadi beberapa baris.

Lantas, siapa yang menyangkal kenyamanan Masjid Oman?

Silahkan follow saya @furqanzedef dan upvote-nya. Terima kasih sudah mengunjungi blog saya.

Who Denied the Convenience of Oman Mosque?

No one denies the beauty of the Grand Mosque of Al-Makmur (Oman Mosque). Its location in Lampriet, Banda Aceh, adjacent crossing traffic lights. From a distance we can already see the green dome with ornament typical of the middle east. A glowing green reflection of the eye.

Nothing also menyangkan comfort worship in the Oman Mosque. The mosque has gained space in every heart of the pilgrims. Overseas people also make a mosque with this architecture to worship while releasing fatigue.

The appearance of the Omah Mosque is magnificent. Standing two towers towering high in the corner. Outer ornaments thick with Islamic artistry breath. The perfect blend of the mosque's look. At a glance to see it we can assess the uniqueness of this mosque.

Oman Mosque was built on an area of ​​7,571.98 meters. 7,321 of its land is a waqf of Banda Aceh City Government and 250.98 meters of waqf Tgk Hj Ainul Mardhiah Ali. This mosque has been built since 1979. The laying of the first stone by Prof Drs A Madjid Ibrahim. In the beginning, Tgk H Abdullah Ujung Rimba gave the name of this mosque Baitul Makmur Mosque. Unfortunately, due to the earthquake and tsunami on December 26, 2004, the building of the mosque was badly damaged. Later, it was rebuilt with the help of the State of the Sultanate of Oman. This is the case of this mosque known as Oman Mosque. (

I often perform prayers in mosques. The place was clean. When we will enter the mosque, there is a sloping floor that flowed water wetting the soles of the feet. Perhaps the goal is to keep the sanctum of the worshipers' feet before entering the mosque. This is in harmony with the teachings of Islam that teaches people to cleanse our place, clothing, and selves before meeting with Him.

The doors of the Oman Mosque are closed. The door is mirrored beautifully because the painting is closed so cool cooling (AC) is always awake. Taste in the body feels fall instantly. Not to mention when the soles of the foot stepped on the floor of the mosque lined with soft rugs covering an area of ​​approximately 1600 meters .. This prayer mats cover the entire mosque with a meeting.

Our eyes will be spoiled looking around the walls of this mosque. Caring for calligraphy touched the walls of the mosque with dazzling. Lafaz-lafaz God's word is neatly painted wholeheartedly. It takes deep inspiration to create this beautiful masterpiece. Inside, the dome of dilihar from within is the best or the best. Entirely meeting with carved calligraphy and supporting ornament. Like a soul and a body that will never escape. Really united. In fact, when I accompanied dozens of Taiwanese students here, they were amazed. One of them sternly said that he felt very peaceful while in the mosque, including the Oman Mosque.

The beauty of the Oman Mosque is increasing again with the melodious voice of the priest. Lafaz and tajwidnya very good. Without a striking rhythm, the voices of the priests there reassured the soul. Deep spiritualization of Islam can be followed after the maghrib prayer. There, there is regular recitation. Pilgrims can receive religious material from resource persons reliably.

When the practice of the circumcision prayer, such as the lunar eclipse and the solar eclipse, the congregation is very crowded. But, because this mosque is two-story, the problem is solved well. At the front of the mosque, there are five framed hours showing the times of prayer. Also included writing that mention the Oman Mosque is included in the nomination of the Great Mosque pilot in Indonesia.

Concerning security, it seems that the Oman Mosque's board has prepared it well in advance. The proof, in various corners of the mosque there is a camera controller (CCTV). Thanks to this facility, alhamdulillah some thieves can be caught. There is also a security guard there. They constantly guide pilgrims to park or pull out their kenderan. In fact, not infrequently they throw a smile. Although none of them, pilgrims have been disciplined parked vehicles according to written instructions.

From the beginning we parked motorcycles, we can immediately see 99 God's asthma (the names of Allah) from Ar-Rahman (Mahapengasih) to As-Shaburu (Mahasabar). The names were written from top to bottom into several lines.

Who denied the convenience the Oman Mosque?

Please follow me @furqanzedef and upvote it. Thanks for visiting my blog.


Great place! I dream of traveling there!

I am ready to welcome u here..hehehe..Please, welcome to Aceh..u'll see the great places here.. @olga.maslievich

Greet post..
Good writing, useful information, hopefully Aceh is more known, very mosquitoes are in this mosque.
keep giving the best @furqanzadef

We should give the best..hehehe..Thank u mr @mfaisalyusuf.

aku termasuk paling favorit sama masjid ini, jarak tempat wudhu dengan area salat nggak jauh, begitu juga dengan lahan parkirnya...

Pasti banyak yg setuju sama kita..hehehe.Hehe..berarti kita sama Kak @ihansunrise

Oman punya cerita, hahaii

Hehe..iya. Cerita yg positif @kilaisme

Sangat nyamqn bahkan di Mesjid ini

Alhamdulillah, mudah-mudahan masjid ini terus berkembanh @rahmayn