Just Looking Forward

in #indonesia7 years ago

My original drawing

Our past time is history, now is our present, tommorow is our future. Let's the past become our history, present is our grace for preparing better future. This is my reflection before get rest and preparing for better tomorrow. (hpx)

Topinya keren kayak tompi. Lukisannya jauh lebih keren....sukses mas @happyphoenix

wah.. terima kasih, sukes juga ya :)

Karya seni yang sangat luar biasa kawan,bagus sekali,saya harus belajar banyak dari anda kawan,sukses selalu @happyphoenix

terima kasih kawan :)

sama-sama kawan..!


terima kasih kawan :)

Sama sama teman

lukisan dan kata2 yang luar biasa ... kebaikan dan rahmat Allah SWT semoga selalu tercurah dari kita semua ...

amin, semoga rahmat Yang Maha Kuasa menyertai kita :)

reflection of a happy phoenix 😁

yes... indeed...ha..ha.. ! :D

Wahh, kata-kata motivasinya bikin saya jadi tambah semangat, saya setuju sekali, yang lalu biarlah berlalu. Weiss, gambarnya keren, sosok pria yang gagah dan baik hati.

Salam ceria @happyphoenix😊

terima kasih kawan :)

mantap, tapi jangan lupa juga kebelakang, pandangan boleh kedepan tapi dibelakang merupakan sejarah yang berharga brother

betul, saya setuju itu :)

Masa lalu akan tertoreh dalam lukisan, masa sekarang adalah masa melukis (hpx & jg) hahaha

ha..ha..! betul juga :)

if our past is beautiful maybe we can pick a sweet fruit but if we go through with the evil must be its reverse, the future is a picture or white paper, depending on what we want to write in it, @happyphoenix you write well today

indeed... I agree with you :)

YePz! Agreed.
every one shoul hold this rule to journey in our life.
Simple, past, and future.

Nice senteces Mas @happyphoenix😉

thank you my lovely beauty lady :)

Lukisan yang indah, kereeen @happyphoenix

terima kasih :)

"Present is our grace for preparing better future." I LOVE that. Thank you for continued loyal support @happyphoenix :) x

you are welcome :)

Great drawing! It is well said that the present is grace! We must live the present and thank for what we have. The future is the result of our actions in the present! Well, the past is exactly history. Memory remains in the heart, but you need to move forward! The sages say that the one who lives by the past has no future!

indeed.. sometimes we should thankful about what we have in this present. Thank you :)

I also do not always agree with this. But I was taught that what I have is the result of my actions in the past! I try to accept this fact with humility!