Ricky Muslim:
Innalillahi wa innalillahi rojiun, wa laa hawlaa walaa quwwata illa billah ...
GREAT MUSIBAH for Native Citizens
Speaking in Beijing, Kemenkumham will Launch an Online Application for Anyone Who Wants to Ask So WNI https://www.google.com/amp/m.republika.co.id/amp_version/oh6iuh366
Want proof what else if you look like this, this country is again pawned to China ......
Achieve Good Shalih ...
sEBARKAN as much of this useful information to the Indigenous Nusantara citizens especially the majority of Muslims.Sukron
- All that is said HOAX, simultaneously proved
- The Chinese army is caught in HALIM.
- LION AIR INTERNATIONAL, drop off passengers at local arrivals.
3.hundreds of Chinese farmers have land in Bogor, Puncak, Cianjur. - China smuggling via sea.
- Thousands of Chinese workers invaded plantations in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi.
Do not forget:
1.dozens of caught Chinese youths sucked votes at the KPU during the presidential election, which Jokowi won.
- The mobilization of Chinese citizens who can not speak Indonesian in TPS-TPS to the countryside.
- Smuggling Thousands of tons of drugs captured by BNN, not to mention those not captured.
4.auction of SOEs to China.
Unfortunately, there are still native and Muslim circles who are hypnotized to volunteer, or at least, to coin cash.
(copas edition of FE Unair Group of Economists and Accountants alumni)
Please spread it to the gruop2 you have.
(* T * NUMBERS * U * SIR * W * ARGA * A * SING * I * LEGAL)
Let's Help State Defense from foreign intruders all over Indonesia. Their presence has an influence on the proliferation of drug trafficking, prostitution, sabotage potential. Activities mata2, WNI dark, until the preparation of control of the territory of NKRI. some dr mrk allegedly adlh foreign soldiers disguised as tourists or foreign workers.
The result of smtr identification, the intruders entered systematically and coordinated strategically. This infiltration program has been going on for a long time, but it's getting crazy and widespread in the last 2 yrs. acceleration this insane infiltration can occur Of course they work with the traitors of the nation. The number of intruders is estimated to have now more than 1 million intruders .. in various modes:
- via tourist visa, then overstay
- passing goods ship, usually disguised as Foreign Workers (coordination as if sdh have permission)
- Dark entrance by ship in the SEA TOLL line. Then the group landed on Pulau2. There are even those who inhabit pulau2 empty.
- through foreign companies in the maritime sector and fishing.
- As an official foreign worker, but to accommodate the illegal foreign workers.
- Other modes
Living in the location of the projects diareal plantations, mining, oil and gas, Energy power plants, infrastructure as an illegal foreign worker (Truly Averse Sabotage).
Living in new apartment owned by black tycoon spread over DKI, Bodetabek dsk. Then suddenly can have ID card.
Living in a relative's house who already had ID card.
live in a closed territory controlled by Black Tariffs.
Eastern part of Sumatra island, especially Natuna island, Anambas island dsk.
North Coast of Java, with plans as a central command around the islands reclaimed by the DKI government.
Western part of Borneo island.
Central Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, West Sulawesi and surrounding islands
North and West Halmahera
Papua bordering with Australia and PNG
On strategic projects that are labor intensive, such as infrastructure projects, plantations, mining, oil and gas, energy generation.
For lovers of NKRI this is the time to do for a country that is currently in a state of weakness.
it is time for all elements to unite to catch and expel them. Foil enemy big plans to colonize and divide the NKRI ..
Who are the parties who can help defend the country?
Let's take part in the "CALO-TUH" MOVEMENT MOVEMENT program:
- C * ari
- A * wasi
- L * ap * O * r
- T * catch
- U * sir or * H * law