Gayo arabica coffee dominates the type of coffee developed by coffee farmers in Gayo aceh own, arabica coffee production in produce in Gayo aceh land is the largest in Asia
"Kopi gayo arabica mendominasi jenis kopi yang di kembangkan oleh para petani kopi di gayo aceh sendiri,produksi kopi arabica di hasilkan di tanah gayo aceh merupakan yang terbesar di asia"
The bitterness is hardly felt in this coffee, the taste of genuine gayo coffee is also found in the aroma of fragrant coffee and savory taste is almost not bitter
In fact there is also a opinion that the taste of coffee gayo more than the taste of blumante coffee derived from jamaika
"Rasa pahit hampir tidak terasa pada kopi ini, cita rasa kopi gayo yang asli juga terdapat pada aroma kopi yang harum dan rasa gurih hampir tidak pahit
Bahkan ada juga yang berpendapat bahwa rasa kopi gayo melebihi cita rasa kopi blumante yang berasal dari jamaika"
This coffee is so popular because now he can prevent
kidney stones, reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by 50%, prevent cancer, heart disease and struk.
"Kopi ini begitu digemari lantaran kini dia bisa mencegah batu ginjal,menurunkan resiko terkena penyakit diabetes tipe 2 hingga 50%, mencegah kanker,penyakit jantung dan struk."
Cafe Aman kuba takengon
Mantap, marii ngopi, 😀
Mari mari bg,izin follow nya
espresso coffe
Yes brader,it is espresso coffe
yes sir