Hallo friends steemian how are you today, Come again with me @jefrim503 I will discuss about online games and Android. In this post I will explain a little hero in mobile legends, I explain a little bit about hero Gord.
Gord Mobile Legend's Story:
Gord was born in a magic world, and from brith manipulating magic energy was like breathing air to him. His love of mystic magic was particularly powerful, and almost immediately he was able to master some of the most profoud mystic spells in all of magic. As he slowly grew older, his reliance on mystic energy became more severe, until finaly mystic emblems seeped into his skin and bones and transformed his appearance.
Attributes owned by Gord:
- Movement Speed: 240
- Physical Attack: 110
- Magic Power: 0
- Armor: 13
- Magic Resistance: 10
- HP: 2478
- Where: 570
- Attack speed: 0.772
- HP Regen: 32
- Where Regen: 25
- Basic Attack Crit Rate: 0
- Ability crit rate: 0
In the legend mobile game Gord has its own trick capabilities and tips as follows:
Gord Mobile Legend Skill:
a. Mystic Favor: Passive
Attacking the same target with skill 5 times in a short time gives an extra 200 (120% total magic power) magical damage.
b. Mystic Projectile: Cooldown: 8.0 Mana Cost: 90
Slow the magic bomb in the target area, deal 270 (+ 80% total magic power) magic damage to enemies in the area and decrease the movement speed of 70%, lasts 2s. Offer up to 30% extra damage to enemies in central areas and their stuns.
c. Mystic Injunction: Cooldown: 8.0 Mana Cost: 90
Calling the energy field associated 80 (+ 20% total magic power) magic damage per 0.45 s for enemies in it.
d. Mystic Gush: Cooldown: 38.0 Mana Cost: 150
The ongoing fire from the explosion of energy symbols in a particular direction, gives 190 (+ 60% total magic power) magic damage per 0.3s to the opponents who are impacted from the energy rays and slow them 10%, over 3s. The direction of the explosion can be controlled using a pad direction during the capability.
Items used in Gord:
a. Enchanted Talisman: +50 magic power + 250HP + 20% cooldown reduction.
passive unique-where spring: regen 10% total of max where every 10 seconds.
b. Holy crystal: +90 magic power.
uniqueness: + 25% unique passive magic power -exterminate: after the target hits skill, magic attack will soon increase 15% next damage will end this effect. This effect can last up to 3 s with buil-in buil-in time of 10 s.
c. Magic Shoes: + 10% Cooldown Reduction
Uniqueness: + 40 movement SPD
d. Devil tears: +65 Magic Power
Uniqueness: + 40% magical PEN unique passive-spellbreaker: when HP is higher than 70%, unique effects bonus increases 30%.
e. Concentrated Energy: +70 Magic power + 700 HP
Uniqueness: + 30% Unique Passive Vamp-Pass Recharge: Regen 10% of HP after killing hero.
f. Blood Wings: +150 Magic Power + 150 HP
Unique Passive-nirvana: add 2 HP for every 1 magic power in add.
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Best wishes for a steemian friend ...?
Hallo teman-teman steemian apa kabar hari ini, Datang lagi dengan saya @jefrim503 saya akan membahas tentang game online dan Android.Di postingan kali ini saya akan menjelaskan sedikit hero di dalam mobile legends,langsung saya jelaskan sedikit tentang hero Gord.
Kisah Gord Mobile legend's:
Gord lahir di dunia sihir, dan dari sihir yang memanipulasi energi sihir seperti menghirup udara kepadanya. Cintanya pada sihir mistik sangat kuat, dan hampir seketika ia bisa menguasai beberapa mantra mistis paling profensif dalam semua sihir. Seiring bertambahnya usia, ketergantungannya pada energi mistik menjadi lebih parah, sampai emblem mistis terakhir meresap ke kulit dan tulangnya dan mengubah penampilannya.
Atribut yang dimiliki oleh Gord:
- Movement Speed: 240
- Physical Attack: 110
- Magic Power: 0
- Armor: 13
- Magic Resistance: 10
- HP: 2478
- Mana: 570
- Attack speed: 0.772
- HP Regen: 32
- Where Regen: 25
- Basic Attack Crit Rate: 0
- Ability crit rate: 0
Dalam game mobile legend Gord memiliki kemampuan trik sendiri dan tips sebagai berikut:
Skill Gord Mobile Legend:
a. Mystic Favor: Pasif
Menyerang target yang sama dengan skill 5 kali dalam waktu yang singkat memberikan ekstra 200(120%total magic power) magical damage.
b. Mystic Projectile: Cooldown: 8.0 Mana Cost: 90
Memperlambat bom sihir di daerah sasaran, berurusan 270(+80%total magic power) magic kerusakan untuk musuh di daerah tersebut dan menurunkan kecepatan gerak 70%, berlangsung 2s. Penawaran sampai dengan 30% kerusakan ekstra untuk musuh di pusat daerah dan stuns mereka.
c. Mystic Injunction: Cooldown: 8.0 Mana Cost: 90
Memanggil bidang energi yang berkaitan 80(+20%total magic power) magic damage per 0.45 s untuk musuh di dalamnya.
d. Mystic Gush: Cooldown: 38.0 Mana Cost: 150
Kebakaran yang berkelanjutan dari ledakan energi lambang ke arah tertentu, memberi 190(+60%total magic power) magic damage per 0.3s kepada lawan yang terkena dampak dari sinar energi dan memperlambat mereka 10%, selama 3s. Arah ledakan dapat dikendalikan menggunakan arah pad selama kemampuan berlangsung.
Item yang di gunakan Gord:
a. Enchanted Talisman:+50 magic power +250HP +20% cooldown reduction.
pasif unik-mana spring:regen 10% total dari max mana setiap 10 detik.
b. Holy crystal:+90 magic power.
keunikan:+25% magic power pasif unik-exterminate:setelah keterampilan hits target,serangan sihir akan segera meningkatkan 15% kerusakan keteranpilan berikutnya akan mengakhiri efek ini.efek ini dapat bertahan hingga 3 s dengan waktu cooldown buil-in dari 10 s.
c. Magic Shoes:+10% Cooldown Reduction
Keunikan:+40 movement SPD
d. Devil tears:+65 Magic Power
keunikan:+40%magical PEN pasif unik-spellbreaker:ketika HP lebih tinggi dari 70%,bonus efek unik meningkat 30%.
e. Concentrated Energy: +70 Magic power +700 HP
Keunikan:+30% Spell Vamp Pasif unik-Recharge:Regen 10% dari HP setelah membunuh hero.
f. Blood Wings:+150 Magic Power +150 HP
Pasif unik-nirvana:tambahkan 2 HP untuk setiap 1 magic power yang di tambahkan.