Hallo friends steemian how are you today, Come again with me @jefrim503 I will discuss about online games and Android. In this post I will explain a little hero in mobile legends, I explain a little bit about hero Moskov.
Moskov Mobile Legend's Story:
Moskov, shooting to fame during the dhamu tournament, was already a battle master at his youth. He inherited the family's occult spear fighting skills, And as the next leader of the clan wildsand, he was loved and respected by many. Watching wildsand clan growing stronger day by day, the khan of thornwolf which is the hegemony on hietala grassland couldn't sit back any longer. One day whe the youngsters of wildsand went out hunting, he slaughtered the entire clan with his own people. The whole land was scorched by blazing flames of war. Blood flowed like stream, yet a slight warmth stil remained on the bodies of died families and friends. Faced with this cruel vision, Moskov could not persuade himself to accept it. But even worse, khan dispatched a formidable cavalty trying to hunt down the Moskov's hunting party which was the only survivors from the massacre. In a panic, some escaped an some wanted to surrender, and Moskov, for the very first time, lifted his spear and aimed at his own buddies. Suffring from this painful experience, Moskov became ruthless with a thought of revenge haunting him constantly. However, the khan was too strong to defeat. In order to obtain more power, Moskov chose to fall into the abyss of shadow and serve the Queen of doom, Becoming Notorius as 'the spear of Quiescence' ever since.
Attributes owned by Moskov:
- Movement Speed: 240
- Physical Attack: 117
- Magic Power: 0
- Armor: 16
- Magic Resistance: 10
- HP: 2455
- Where: 420
- Attack speed: 0.814
- HP Regen: 32
- Where Regen: 15
- Basic Attack Crit Rate: 0
- Ability crit rate: 0
In the legend mobile game Moskov has its own trick capabilities and tips as follows:
Moskov Mobile Legend Skill:
1. Spear Of Quiescence: Passive
Basic attack Moskov can pemetrate the target and give damage to the opponent behind them. If the basic attack succeeds about the opponent, the Cooldown of the abyss walker and spear of death will be reduced by 0.7 seconds.
2. Abyss Walker: Cooldown: 7.5 Mana Cost: 60
Moskov uses the power of the shadow to teleport to a specific position, increase penetration ability of attack and increase 20% of attack speed, for 3 seconds.
3. Spear Of Death: Cooldown: 12.0 Mana Cost: 90
Moskov attacks the opposing heroes with full force, giving 140 (+ 40% physical attack) points of physical damage and knockback targets. If airborne targets hit another opponent's hero, then both will receive 210 (+ 60% total physical ATK) points of physical damage and stun for 1 second. If the target is obstructed, he will be stunned for 2 seconds. Opponents hit Hit By skill can not enter stealth for a while.
4. Spear Of Destruction: Cooldown: 45.0 Mana Cost: 130
Moskov throws a spear of destruction after powering up a few moments. gives 450 (+ 140% total physical ATK) points of physical damage against the opponent in a straight line. Each hit hit opponent raises 10 points from physical attack to moskov, accumulates up to 5 times, for 5 seconds.
Items used in Moskov:
a. Demon Hunter Sword: +35 physical Attack + 25% Attack Speed.
Unique Passive-devour: The basic attack will handle 10% of current target HP as additional physical damage (up to 60 against moster). Unique passive-devour: each basic attack gives 4% health stealing for 4 seconds, up to 3 times.
b. Swift boots: + 15% Attack speed
uniqueness: + 40 SPD movements.
c. Windtalker: + 25% attack speed + 20 SPD movement + 20% crit. Chance
passive unique-typhoon: after all 4 basic attacks inflict 125 magic damage to 3 passive opponents unique_activate: every time a typhoon in gunakab, movement speed will increase 5% for a while.
d. Berserker Anger: +65 Physical Attack + 25% crit.Chance
Uniqueness: + 40% crit. Unique passive doom-doom: crit strike will increase 5% physical attack for 2 seconds.
e. Malefic Roar: + 60 physical attacks
Uniqueness: + 40% physical PEN unique passive-armor buster: basic attack will feel 20% defensive from dampen armor suspension.
f. Rose Gold Meteor: +60 physical attacks +30 rites RES + 5% lifesteal
passive unique-lifeline: get a shield that can absorb 510-1350 damage (increase with level) when HP is below (+ 0%). The effect has a second cooldown of 30.
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Best wishes for a steemian friend ...?
Hallo teman-teman steemian apa kabar hari ini, Datang lagi dengan saya @jefrim503 saya akan membahas tentang game online dan Android.Di postingan kali ini saya akan menjelaskan sedikit hero di dalam mobile legends,langsung saya jelaskan sedikit tentang hero Moskov.
Kisah Moskov Mobile legend's:
Atribut yang dimiliki oleh Moskov:
- Movement Speed: 240
- Physical Attack: 117
- Magic Power: 0
- Armor: 16
- Magic Resistance: 10
- HP: 2455
- Where: 420
- Attack speed: 0.814
- HP Regen: 32
- Where Regen: 15
- Basic Attack Crit Rate: 0
- Ability crit rate: 0
Dalam game mobile legend Moskov memiliki kemampuan trik sendiri dan tips sebagai berikut:
Skill Moskov Mobile Legend:
1. Spear Of Quiescence: Pasif
Basic attack Moskov dapat pemetrate target dan memberikan damage kepada lawan di belakang mereka. Jika basic attack berhasil mengenai lawan, Cooldown dari abyss walker dan spear of death akan berkurang sebesar 0.7 detik.
2. Abyss Walker: Cooldown:7.5 Mana Cost: 60
Moskov menggunakan kekuatan bayangan untuk teleport ke posisi yang spesifik, meningkatkan kemampuan penetration serangan dan meningkatkan 20% dari attack speed, selama 3 detik.
3. Spear Of Death: Cooldown:12.0 Mana Cost:90
Moskov menyerang hero lawan dengan kekuatan penuh, memberikan 140(+40%physical attack)poin dari physical damage dan knockback target. Jika target airborne menabrak hero lawan lainnya, maka keduanya akan menerima 210(+60% total physical ATK) poin dari physical damage dan stun selama 1 detik. Jika target terkena penghalang, dia akan terkena stun selama 2 detik. Lawan yang terkena Hit Oleh skill tidak dapat memasuki stealth untuk beberapa saat.
4. Spear Of Destruction: Cooldown: 45.0 Mana Cost: 130
Moskov melempar spear of destruction setelah powering up beberapa saat. memberikan 450(+140%total physical ATK) poin dari physical damage terhadap lawan dalam satu garis lurus. Setiap lawan yang terkena hit meningkatkan 10 poin dari physical attack ke moskov, menumpuk sampai dengan 5 kali, selama 5 detik.
Item yang di gunakan Moskov:
a. Demon Hunter Sword: +35 physical Attack +25%Attack Speed.
Pasif unik-devour:Serangan dasar akan menangani 10% dari HP target saat ini sebagai kerusakan fisik tambahan (hingga 60 melawan moster).Pasif unik-devour:setiap basic attack memberikan 4% health stealing selama4 detik,hingga 3 kali.
b. Swift boots: + 15% kecepatan Attack
keunikan: +40 gerakan SPD.
c. Windtalker: + 25% kecepatan serangan +20 gerakan SPD + 20% crit. Kesempatan
pasif unik-typhoon: setelah semua 4 serangan dasar menimpakan 125 magic damage ke 3 lawan pasif unik_activate: setiap kali topan di gunakab, kecepatan gerakan akan meningkat 5% untuk sementara.
d. Kemarahan Berserker: +65 fisik Attack + 25% crit.Chance
Keunikan: + 40% crit.Kerusakan pasif unik-kiamat : crit strike akan meningkatklan serangan fisik 5% selama 2 detik.
e. Badai jantan: +60 serangan fisik
Keunikan: + 40% fisik PEN pasif unik-armor buster: serangan dasar akan terasa 20% pertahanan dari peredam lapis baja denfensif.
f. Meteor emas mawar: +60 serangan fisik +30 ritual RES + 5% lifesteal
pasif unik-lifeline: dapatkan perisai yang bisa menyerap 510-1350 kerusakan (meningkat dengan level) saat HP di bawah (+ 0%). Efeknya memiliki cooldown kedua 30.
Mascov is a bit hard to used character, I tried it sometimes but I cant used it well:D only pro can manage him well