My Family Inspiration.

in #indonesia7 years ago


Dear Steemians.

The family is a source of inspiration that is never consumed by the times. Because, the family is the successor of success. Motivation, keep coming from family so demanded to succeed. Of course, by instilling a belief that Allah SWT gives to every human beings or potential to achieve success.


Who is the most capable, manage the potential and maximize it, is the most likely to achieve success. The main task of man is, earnest in life. What is clear, using the principle of Man jadda wajada, who really does work.


"When, busyness comes. So, should not reduce the rights of family members to feel togetherness. For that, as far as possible look for time to gather with family, whether at home, visiting relatives or tourist attractions. However, in situations of heavy and urgent workload, we must strive to provide understanding and maintain communication, for example by telephone, mobile phone, BB or small notes that we can write and place in places that our families often see.
