Dear Steemians
When I first started writing in Steemit I just focus on writing, it is writing that I post at all do not have quality at that time. I myself realize it by looking at some posts written by others. But I have never been discouraged by all this little work, until this moment I still write various topics in my steemit account.
Sharing posts in Steemit posts is no longer a hobby for me, but it has become a comfort and tranquility when I write. Previously I only limited to try even less interested in writing in the post Steemit. As time goes by I do a little change, in silence I think why other people can and why I do not. That's all I can think of, and then it's up to me to try to write.
Kini saya menggunakan setiap ada waktu luang saya untuk menulis setiap topik yang bisa saya bagikan di postingan Steemit walaupun tidak semua yang saya tulis menarik untuk dibaca oleh orang lain itu urusan nomor dua. Saya mengutamakan menulis hal-hal yang terbaru supaya lebih menarik perhatian para pembaca dan sekaligus banyak manfaatnya.
Jadi sangat wajar jika teman-teman sering melihat wajah manis saya berkumpul dengan kawan-kawan hingga larut malam berkumpul dan berbagi berbagai hal yang berkenaan dengan steemit ataupun berbagai pelatihan menulis. Perlu teman-teman ketahui berkumpul dalam beberapa kegiatan tersebut bukanlah untuk mencari muka kepada orang, hanya saja kita ingin mencari sedikit pengalaman. Berbagai pengalaman baru terus saya dapatkan, inilah satu keuntungan besar bagi jika kita mau berpartisipasi dalam berbagai kegiatan.
Now I use every time I spare to write every topic that I can share in the post Steemit although not everything I write interesting to read by others it's two nimor business. I prefer to write the latest stuff to make it more interesting to the readers and also the many benefits.
So it's natural that my friends often see my sweet face hanging out with friends until late at night gathering and sharing various things related to steemit or various writing training. Need to know friends gathered in some of these activities is not to seek face to the person, it's just that we want to find a little experience. Many new experiences continue to get me, this is one big advantage for if we want to participate in various activities.
Jangan hanya menjadi katak di bawah temburung, kita harus membuka wawasan kita untuk mempelajari berbagai hal yang baru. Usahakan terus menggunakan prinsip tidak malu untuk bertanya jika memang belum mengerti, karena bertanya dengan memberi jawaban tidak jauh bedanya. Intinya memberi banyak peluang bagi setiap orang untuk mendapatkan informasi.
Sering sekali saya tulis dalam postingan steemit saya supaya sesama pengguna akun Steemit haruslah saling memahami. Jika tidak, banyak sekali hal-hal negatif yang akan muncul. Diantaranya adalah sering sekali susah ketika melihat orang senang dan juga sebaliknya merasa senang jika melihat orang lain susah.
just to be a frog under a cage, we must open our horizons to learn new things. Try to keep using the principle of not shy to ask if it does not understand, because asking by giving answers is not much difference. The point is to give people plenty of opportunities to get information.
Very often I write in my steemit post so that fellow users of Steemit account must understand each other. Otherwise, a lot of negative things will come up. Among them is often difficult when looking at people happy and also feel happy when seeing others difficult.
Maka bersabarlah dan terus berusaha menulis sesuai dengan kemampuanmu. Tidak perlu takut salah ketika kamu hendak menulis, tuliskan saja sekurangnya satu kalimat yang bermanfaat. Jangan pernah merasa putus asa ketika tulisanmu tidak mendapat banyak reward, karena lebih baik sedikit reward tapi banyak manfaat dibandingkan banyak reward tetapi sedikit manfaatnya. Jangan pernah memiliki rasa iri dan cemburu dengan reward yang diperoleh oleh orang lain, tetapi pelajarilah mengapa mereka bisa dan kenapa kita tidak bisa. Semoga ini menjadi suatu motivasi yang bisa mendorong kita untuk saling menghargai sesama.
So be patient and keep trying to write according to your ability. No need to fear wrong when you want to write, just write at least one useful sentence. Do not ever feel desperate when your writing does not get much reward, because a little better reward but many benefits compared to many rewards but little benefit. Never have jealousy and jealousy with rewards earned by others, but learn why they can and why we can not. Hopefully this becomes a motivation that can encourage us to respect each other.
Jangan terlalu bangga jika orang-orang memberimu pujian, tetapi kamu harus senang jika mendapatkan kritikan dari orang-orang tersebut. Semakin kamu dikritik semakin pula kamu bisa untuk lebih mengubah diri. Jaga sikap dan emosionalmu kemudian Begegaslah secara cepat setelah menerima kritikan dari orang lain. Karena orang menilai setiap gerak-gerik serta kelakuan kita, begitu pula dengan setiap karya yang kita postingkan. Oleh karena itu, tegurlah jika orang lain melakukan kesalahan, maka orang lain juga akan menegurmu. Bangunkanlah hubungan dan komunikasi yang baik dengan semua orang. Jangan hanya mencari keuntungannya saja tetapi jalin hubungan untuk lebih saling mengenal. Dan jangan pernah kamu memanfaatkan orang lain demi kepentinganmu, karena akan berakibat buruk untuk kedepannya.
Do not be too proud if people give you praise, but you should be happy if you get criticism from those people. The more you are criticized the more you can to change yourself more. Take care of your attitude and emotions then hurry quickly after receiving criticism from others. Because people judge our every move and behavior, so does every work we post. Therefore, admonish if others make mistakes, then others will also reprimand you. Build good relationships and communication with everyone. Do not just look for profits, but build relationships to get to know each other better. And do not you ever use other people for your benefit, because it will be bad for the future.
Patner by.
Follow and vote @kadafi
Mantap bg
Di vot back ya
dude... excellent writing.
For real.
You've captured many ideas and attitudes in here essential to success, and have done a great job putting them into writing. (Although I was just reading the English part - *and am grateful for your bilingual translation!)
side note: did you write both the Indonesian and English parts yourself, or used Google Translate into English?
thanks for visiting @rok-sivante to my blog.
yes it is true once I use google translate to convert Indonesian to ingris language
greetings friendship from me @kadafi
ah ok. it did a good job. sometimes the translations are horrible, but this reads very well. :-)
nicethank you mr @rok-sivante @kadafi he is my brother . Good job
Thank my brother.Good job @bangmimi.
Thank my brother.Good job @bangmimi.
that really.
sometimes the translations do not match the original.
but it's okay.
the important person reading it understands the content of his writing.
maybe in the future I will try to improve again to be more perfect.
Thank you for visiting my blog.
please landing and input let my writing more perfect again.
You got a 4.05% upvote from @mercurybot courtesy of @kadafi!
Thank brother @mercurybot
nyoe ka mantap sekali aduen @kadafi kajeut tamee u Takengon
Bek gabuek adoe.
Jitupue le lawan eunteuk.
Ka ikat jih bek di tupu
Curhatan yang sangat indah dan jujur sekali, tentusaja kritikan itu bukan untuk di benci, tapi dia untuk memperbaiki. 👍👍👍
Bener banget @bangmax
Asek asek jos
Galak teuh meunoe sabe.
yang penteng abang seunang
asek asek jos......!
Bos khadafi... Mantrapppp
Terima kasih @mizzy