O Beauty Sunrise, Hang On Please..

in #indonesia7 years ago (edited)

[Dokumentasi Pribadi]

Sajian Alam tetap dan selalu indah, setiap hari dari waktu ke waktunya, diantar setiap menit dan detiknya, ia tak pernah bosan memberikan tebaran pesona untuk mata yang memandangnya.

Nature's offerings are always beautiful, every day from time to time, every minute and second, Natures never tires of giving out the enchantment for the eyes look at it.

Keindahan yang tersaji diberikan oleh Sang Pemilik Keindahan, namun penerima keindahan terkadang lupa keindahan itu bukan sekedar dinikmati mata, akan tetapi hati ikut menikmati dalam rangkaian pujian suci Ilahi.

The beauty presented by the Owner of Beauty, but sometimes the recipient of beauty forget that beauty is not just enjoyed by eyes, but heart enjoys in the holy praise for Him.

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It's really beautiful. I hope I too capture the sunrise photo sometimes.

@puregrace : thank you much. Hope someday you will get here in Aceh Jaya. In this place you can find many sunrise in the beach, montain and island. Welcome to Aceh. God Bless You

Tulisan minim tp membungkus maksud yg lebih.yg tidak pernah terpikirkan tp selalu menikmati.trimakasih pak khaimi.,

Terimakasih @yusranzam, semoga sama2 kita bisa menikmati dan melestarikan wisata daerah. Good luck for you

This place is really beautiful @khaimi. Thanks for the beautiful sunrise photo.

Thanks @evarich,, hope you someday get here. We wait you. This located in Calang, Aceh Jaya, Aceh Province, iNdonesia. Please keep supporting me in discord. Tks and God Bless yOu

Amen! I hope to be there too.

We win together.