Do you know your Target Audience?

in #indonesia7 years ago

If you have been in business for any length of time you know who your target audience.You need to have your target demographics nailed down and completely on point long before you start planning an event. Have a marketing professional to help you define that immediately or use a buyer persona. It’s imperative that you have your demographics figured out because it impacts everything from your messaging, marketing and advertising... down to location, entertainment, food and more. Who do you want to attend this event? Can your target audience afford to attend your event?
What are their hard costs?
What are their intangible costs?
Time away from family, work, other events, etc Will your audience travel to your event?
What is the draw for them?
What is the value and benefit?
WIIFM (What’s in it for me (them)?)
Are they coming to see you?
Your speakers?
Define what they gain for showing up. What is their take away?
How many do you want in attendance? Hundreds?
What problems are you going to solve?
What issues are they concerned with?
What are their specific needs Will your message attract them or isolate them?