this sholawat group we used to form in 2014 which consists of approximately thirty people. the beginning of this group was formed because there is one of our teachers who propose an idea to establish it
this sholawat group is an Islamic arts group combined with adat aceh, because when the sholawat leader reads sholawat they do body movements that we usually call with (grup dikee lingiek) in aceh language.
we also modernize the art of Islamic music by adding the sound of music using the mouth which is usually referred to as "Acapella" or "Beatbox" which certainly does not come out in view of Islamic norms.
the leader of this sholawat consists of three people, the one being a money vocalist named "FAHMI" the second became accompanist of the beatboxer named "AQSHA" and the latter also became accompanist of the bassist named "MULYA".
in addition to being a sholawatan leader, we also established a nasyid group called "Darsa Acapella"
So, how our excitement in performing when performing sholawat is also accompanied by instruments from the mouth? can you see in the video below
Regards : @MISBAHH