Good morning friends of steemian games .... meet again with me @moezak we will follow adventure Game Cut The Rope 2 level 6. The green animal is the special character of this game called Om Nom. This game adventure is full of puzzles that we have to solve initially ordinary but gradually get more exciting and gokil .... "Om Nom birthday" Okeeee ... we just follow the trip the Om completed the mission.
With the age of the Om ... he became an adult in living life in a jungle filled with horrible, fierce beasts, very handsome Om .... Inside the forest he finds two directions of the other road towards the high mountain but the journey must climb and the other to the river the way must decrease ...! In which direction will Om nom go? ..... he took the road wearing and continue to walk although feels tired he remains tough, not easy to despair, while walking he fantasize whether I will be able to travel full of teta- this puzzle. Look at the picture below:
This is the picture on level 6 Waaaooo ... pretty picture not bored, saturated to see, before we continue the journey I will explain about some of the icons that exist at this level:
1. Sugar candy
2. Balloon fly
This balloon has the air inside it is oxygen that can help the Om if to the out of breath while completing the mission that the excess, and can appear whenever the Om want. Click on where it is needed, the lack of this balloon is quickly flying and erupts his name aja baloooon .... Wk ... wk
3. Magic Apples Glass
This apple fruit floats in the air and has 1 point
4. Magic Glass Wines
more points than before. Follow these steps:
We already know some of the existing icons on Game Cut The Rope 2 level 6, this game really attracted my attention @ moezak. Okeee ... .. steemean friends we follow again the journey of Om Nom in solving a puzzle, pay attention to how the Om nom finish the mission, in the appearance of the picture we can see a lot of fruits flying in the air and sugar candy attached to the rope hanging on three magic balloons, here we are required to take the fruits flying in the air and given to the Om Nom in order to get more points than before. Follow these steps:
Click and slide the to side or cut the rope in the middle, its balloon immediately flew into the air and grabbed the fruits that are in the air then Click on the magic balloon on the left .... .Dooooaaarr ..meletus balloon .... Wk ... wk ... like the song of my time when the kids "Balloons I'm There Five" Only two more balloons are left, the candy goes straight to the left and right this is still ... Ambon sweeteeee style ... following the remaining balloons, the balloon goes directly to the direction wind and snatch again fruits in the air and then click again on the right balloon apparently the result is the same .. Dooooarr .. balloon erupted candy gulanya keep swaying again see picture below:
Bloooop .... Nyam ... sounds / noises Om no longer chew sugar candy is very Delicious taste. After chewing sugar candy finished the end of Game Cut The Rope2 Level 6. The success of Om completed his mission the Om in give pengghargaan and get points of satisfactory value. Beginila life of Om Nom in mengghadapi tantanga in the forest filled with jungle.To see the process / how to solve the puzzle Game Cut the Rope 2 level 6. click on the video I have provided below:
In the Game Cut The Rope 2 level 6 I @moezak hope to be useful for all members of steemian and all visitors on my blog. Only this can I @moezak in Cut The Rope 2 level 6 game post. If there is a less precise writing and contents that deviate from the game, I apologize profusely, Content, pictures and this video I sceenschoot with Thosiba satellite L735.
Thank you for your visit.
Follow The Game Post Cut The Rope 2 Next Power Om Nom
Together @moezak and Om Nom
(IND)Selamat pagi para sahabat games steemian…. berjumpa lagi dengan saya @moezak kita akan mengikuti petualangan Game Cut The Rope 2 level 6-7. Binatang yang berwarna hijau itulah karakter spesial dari game ini yang disebut dengan namanya Om Nom. Petualangan game ini penuh dengan teka teki yang harus kita selesaikan awalnya biasa saja tapi lama-kelamaan bertambah seru dan gokil…. “ Om Nom berulang tahun” Okeeee… langsung saja kita ikuti perjalan si Om menyelesaikan misi
Dengan bertambahnya umur si Om… dia menjadi dewasa dalam menjalani kehidupan di dalam hutan rimba yang penuh dengan binata-binatang buas yang mengerikan, ganteng banget si Om …. Di dalam hutan dia menemukan dua arah jalan yang satunya ke arah gunung yang tinggi tetapi perjalananya harus mendaki dan satunya lagi ke arah sungai jalannya harus menurun….! Ke arah manakah si Om nom akan pergi?.....dia menempuh jalan yang mendakai dan terus berjalan walaupun terasa lelah dia tetap tegar, tidak mudah putus asa, sambil berjalan dia berhayal akan kah saya sampai bisa menempuh perjalanan yang penuh dengan teta-teki ini. Perhatikan gambar dibawah ini:
Ini adalah gambar pada level 6 Waaaooo… gambarnya cantik tidak bosan, jenuh untuk melihat, sebelum kita melanjutkan perjalanannya saya akan menjelaskan tentang beberapa icon yang ada pada level ini:
Balon Ini memiliki udara di dalamnya yaitu oksigen yang bisa membantu si Om kalau ke habisan nafas sewaktu menyelesaikan misi itulah kelebihannya, dan bisa muncul kapan pun si Om mau. Klik pada tempat yang di butuhkan, kekurangan dari balon ini adalah cepat terbang dan meletus namanya aja baloooon…. Wk…wk
3.Buah Apel kaca Ajaib
This apple fruit floats in the air and has 1 point
Buah apel ini melayang di udara dan memiliki poin 1
4. Buah Anggur kaca Ajaib
Bloooop …. Nyam-nyam…bunyi/suara Om nom lagi mengunyah permen gula sangat Lezat rasanya. Sehabis mengunyah permen gula selesailah akhir dari Game Cut The Rope2 Level 6. Berhasilnya si Om menyelesaikan misinya si Om di beri pengghargaan dan mendapatkan poin nilai yang memuaskan. Beginila kehidupan si Om Nom dalam mengghadapi tantanga di dalam hutan yang di penuhi hutan rimba.
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