Zuckerberg Urged to Apologize to President Jokowi

Jakarta - Leakage and misuse of a million subscriber data in Indonesia by Facebook, is considered to have tarnished the trust and damaged the honor of President Joko Widodo.
It was stated in a lawsuit initiated by the Institute for Development of Information Society Empowerment of Indonesia (LPPMII) and Indonesia ICT Institute (IDICTI) against Facebook in Indonesia.
Through the written statement, this step is taken after getting the blessing and support from a number of people, especially the support of the Non-Government Organization (NGO) in Indonesia.
According to LPPMII Chairman Kamilov Sagala, the incident of leakage and misuse of customer data by Facebook, has tarnished the trust and damaged the honor of President Jokowi who visited Mark Zuckerberg at Facebook headquarters in Silicon Valley, California, United States last year.
Therefore, according to Kamilov, it is proper and appropriate Mark Zuckerberg and all ranks of Facebook wherever located, without waiting for the verdict of the court, immediately announced an apology to the people of Indonesia and President of Indonesia Joko Widodo in writing and open to the whole world.
"Like Facebook has announced the visit of President Jokowi to his office to the world," he said.
Furthermore, the legal counsel of Rhama R.V. who is also managing partner of Law office Equal & Co. Counselors and Attourneys at Law, said that a class action lawsuit to Facebook is not a matter of who will win or lose. But for the whole world to know that the Indonesian people are obedient and aware of the law.
"The law must be upheld, even if the sky collapses," Rhama said.