Situkang lompat Belalang ( grasshopper jumper ) makro Photography

in #indonesia8 years ago (edited)

Izin share salah satu karya fotography macro saya yang saya capture pakai eos canon 1000d with lens fix 18-55 mm pada saat kami hunting bersama kawan kawan fotographer lain nya di kawasan jalan line pipa exxon mobil aceh utara.
Saya sangat suka Makro fotography itu khusus nya still life karena sangat menantang, sebab untuk mendapatkan gambar yang kita inginkan di lapangan kadang kita harus mengintai,berkamuflase,merayap pelan pelan seolah olah seperti seorang intelijen atau tentara,hehehehe!)

Mohon masukan nya untuk gambar ini agar kedepan nya saya bisa mempersembahkan yang terbaik untuk kawan kawan steemiter semua!

Saleum dari bumoe atjeh


Permission to share one of my photography macros I capture using eos canon 1000d with lens fix 18-55 mm at the time we hunting with other photographer friends in the area of ​​the road line exxon pipe aceh north car.

really like the macro photography that is special for his life because it is very challenging, because to get the picture we want on the field sometimes we have to lurk, camouflage, slowly creeping as if like an intelligence or an army, hehehehe!

Please advise him for this drawing in order for his future I can offer the best for all steemiter friends!

Saleum from bumoe atjeh


really nice photo. his eyes are amazing

thank you for the input