Gado-Gado ( Vegetables Mix With Peanut Sauce)

in #indonesia7 years ago

Hi steemians, today I cook gado-gado. For Indonesia steemians is no strange anymore right? Because this is a typical Indonesian cuisine.


For the steemians who are not citizen of Indonesia I will explain about it. Gado-gado is vegetables salad that is eaten with cooked peanut sauce. Gado-gado is very tasty, because we can get variants taste in it such as sweet, sour, salty and also spicy. I will share how to make gado-gado, wish Indonesian cullinary more loved by the citizens of Indonesia and increasingly known by citizens outside the country.

Gado-Gado ( mixed vegetable and peanut sauce)
Ingredients :

  • 300 gr peanut
  • 1000 ml of coconut milk
  • 2 tbsp of sweet soy sauce
  • 100 gr palm sugar
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 2 tbsp Tamarind water
  • 1.5 tbsp salt
  • 6 leafs small fragnant
  • 3 laurellike leafs
  • 2 stalks of lemongrass
  • 3 tbsp oil meal
  • 1 piece of red onion (sliced)

Ground spices :

  • 6 cloves of red onion
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 50 gr greater galingale
  • 10 pieces of chili pepper
  • 4 pieces of red curly

Gado-gado Vegetables :

  • 100 gr lettuce
  • 100 gr sprouts
  • 100 gr beans long (cut 2 cm)
  • 2 pieces of potato (diced)
  • 1 piece of carrot (diced)
  • 1 cucumber (sliced ​​lengthwise)
  • 100 gr cabbage (sliced)
  • Tempe fry to taste

Steps :

  • Roasted peanuts with a little oil until cooked, then blender with a dry blender (can also be ground).


  • Saute onion, bay leaf, lemon grass and also leaves until wilted.


  • Enter the spices finely stir until half-baked.


  • Enter the peanut and a little coconut milk stir until blended


  • Then enter the remaining coconut milk and other spices, cook over medium heat.


  • Correction of flavor, stirring until thick condiment and turn off the fire (do not be too thick, because after the cold seasoning will be thicker than before).


  • Steam carrots, potatoes, bean sprouts and also long beans. Then place in 1 container with other vegetables.


  • Enter the peanut sauce to mix well.


  • Gado-gado is ready to be served ..
    Happy, happy, happy ... 😍

Indonesian Language

Hai steemian, hari ini saya masak gado-gado. Bagi steemian indonesia sudah tidak asing lagi kan? Karena ini merupakan kuliner khas indonesia.


Untuk steemian yang bukan warga indonesia akan saya jelaskan. Gado-gado merupakan salad sayur yang dimakan dengan bumbu kacang yang telah dimasak. Gado-gado sangat enak rasanya, karena tedapat varian rasa didalamnya seperti manis, asam, asin dan juga pedas. Saya akan membagikan resp cara membuat gado-gado, semoga kuliner indonesia semakin dicintai oleh warga indonesia dan semakin dikenal oleh warga negara luar.


Bahan - bahan :

  • 300 gr kacang tanah
  • 1000 ml santan
  • 2 sdm kecap manis
  • 100 gr gula jawa
  • 2 sdm gala pasir
  • 2 sdm Air asam jawa
  • 1,5 sdm garam
  • 6 lbr daun jeruk
  • 3 lbr daun salam
  • 2 batang serai
  • 3 sdm minyak makan
  • 1 buah bawang merah (iris)

Bumbu halus :

  • 6 siung bawang merah
  • 4 siung bawang putih
  • 50 gr kencur
  • 10 buah cabe rawit
  • 4 buah cabe merah keriting

Sayur gado-gado :

  • 100 gr selada
  • 100 gr taoge
  • 100 gr kacang panjang (potong 2 cm)
  • 2 buah kentang (potong dadu)
  • 1 buah wortel (potong dadu)
  • 1 buah timun (iris memanjang)
  • 100 gr kubis (iris)
  • Tempe goreng secukupnya


  • Sangrai kacang tanah dengan sedikit minyak sampai matang, kemudian blender dengan blender kering (bisa juga ditumbuk).


  • Tumis bawang merah, daun salam, serai dan juga daun jeruk hingga layu.


  • Masukkan bumbu halus aduk-aduk sampai setengah matang.


  • Masukkan kacang tanah dan sedikit santan aduk sampai rata


  • Kemudian masukkan sisa santan dan bumbu lainnya,masak dengan api sedang.


  • Koreksi rasa, aduk bumbu sampai kental dan matikan api (jangan terlalu kental, karena setelah dingin bumbu akan lebih kental dari sebelumnya).


  • Kukus wortel, kentang, tauge dan juga kacang panjang. Kemudian letak dalam 1 wadah dengan sayur lainnya.


  • Masukkan bumbu kacang aduk hingga rata

  • Gado-gado siap untuk disajikan..
    Happy, happy, happy... 😍

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It looks so delicious.
I have to try it.
Thanks for the good recipe.

Nicely made and it looks delicious

Yes it's delicious..

im from indonesia and i live at USA and i really miss this gado gado , ive tryed to make one but we dont have all the bahan bahan kaya tempe kacang dll , but on what have u post i still can cut corner on the bahan bahannya BTW thanks for posting and make me miss my country

If u want eat the gado-gado U should back to Indonesia..

mantap @putristeem

Lumayan... enak dan sehat..

Looks delicious.
I want to eat it.

You can try to make it.

Very Nice recipe

Gado-gado makanan favorit saya.
Kelezatan nya terletak bagaimana cara meracik bumbu kacang yang tepat, selanjutnya ditambahkan sayuran maka akan berpadu kelezatan

Kelezatannya sempurna jika bumbu kacangnya terasa manis, asam dan asinnya..

Please follow back and upvote me. Look at my fhotos. Thank you.

You are welcome @riniagustina... yes I'll do it.

@putristeem thnx for putting this information all with each other..

You are welcome sister..

@putristeem This demands somewhat more time and energy to Consider in excess of. Wonderful you provide it from a unique angle. Mhhh not really easy... and it had been previously Very hard. Many thanks for allow us to Consider.

Dont't mention it, I'm very happy if I can share my knowledge to another.

@putristeem This is awesome! Love it.

@putristeem Excellent submit and very insightful. Have learnt a whole lot from it..

The best Indonesia salad!

Right, enak dan murah lagi.hehee

It seems good

I'v lived in Indonesia(jakarta) for a month.. its a great city.. people are very cooporative there.. i miss nasi goring!!

Follow me @nissha

I have follow U, when U have time U can come again to indonesia. U can eat many various of nasi goreng..
Nice to be ur friend..

tulisannya keren, sy suka sy suka

Gado2nya juga kereen.

When I go to Indonesia, I'll have to try these recipes. They look wonderful and as always I love seeing the ingredients I've never heard of in Canada. Like the Tamarind water and the leafs :)

If u come here, U should try many of indonesian culinary.

@putristeem Great submit. Hardwork pays a lot more so preserve Functioning tough!.

Gado-gado juara
Kaya vitamin dan enak rasanya

looks good. I'm not sure what the fragrant leaves would be but I will try the recipe...