There were couple of time when people asked me, how we - indonesia student abroad - spend the time, like having fun time. It was quite understandable, as we were not reallt into party ( like how our foreigners friend would do)
So I said,
We talk, we eat, we drink coffee, we laugh. Repeat !
Just like tonight, even after returning to our home country. We do that still. We gather - usually due to some event like this time , have small talk with each other, have a nice diner, some will follow it with coffee time.
Pas jaman kuliah dulu, saya cukup sering ditanyain teman-teman bule, orang indo kalau ngumpul dan having fun itu kayak gimana, ngapain aja, kan pada gak suka party
Jawabannya sederhana
Makan, ngobrol, ngemil, becanda, ketawa. Gitu-gitu aja :D
Ngumpul-ngumpul yang bahkan ketika kembali ke negara asal pun, tak jauh dari kebiasaan ini. Biasa dilanjutkan lagi dengan kopi bersama. Seolah masih kurang waktu untuk bercengkrama dengan sesama
Tonight german alumni were gathered in Kuala Village , a new restaurant in town - well, I just knew about it :D . We will have an FGD tomorrow, so it is so normal to have such informal gathering before or after the event
Kuala Village might be one of the choice for those who loves sea food. They have quite choices - unfortunately I did not captured much since I was too busy talking around .
Beside the food, it is recomended to have gala dinner here if you have big number of guess. The place is fine, big, and bit far from the busy life in the town
Kebiasaan itu berulang. Berulang di setiap event gathering kita. Biasanya gathering ini kita buat informal, sebelum atau sesudah acara inti.
Malam ini alumni Jerman chapter Aceh berkumpul di kuala village, restoran yang baru kali ini saya dengar namanya. Makanan yang disajikan cukup banyak pilihannya, sayangnya saya gak sempat mengabadikan semua karena keasikan ngobrol hehe
Dari segi lokasi dan tempat, sepertinya Kuala Village bisa dijadikan pilihan untuk Gala dinner dengan jumlah tamu yang cukup ramai. Lokasinya pun jauh dari bisingnya kota.
It is impossible gathering without taking picture together right? :D . So we took this chance to capture sweet reunion moment :)
Ya kali gathering tapi gak foto-foto kan? :) . Jadilah kita memanfaatkan moment ini untuk berfoto bersama. Sekali-kali juga :D
Ada yang udah gendong anak hahaa
Hahahahah begitulah hampir semuanya 😁😁
Malam2 posting mkanan ya.. Itu hal sensitif loohh
Udah malam yak 😁😁
Ada Aidaaaaa.. Bang Ju mana Bang Ju?
Bang ju tereliminasi 😂😂 , motoenya bermasalah otw ke sini.. besok kita ngumpul lagiii
Sukses terus ya ka :)
Makasih @gehachan :)
Masama ka @rahmanovic
Aku alumni jerman jugak lohh.. Ha ha
Sini lah bang, lagi ada pertemuan alumni ni di hermes 😁
We are having fun without have to get drunk! hahaha...
Seandainya kopi bisa bikin mabok, maka pasti maboklah kita tiap hari 😂😂😂