Travel Destinations | 7 Very Beautiful Beach Tourist Spot in Lombok

in #indonesia7 years ago

Good morning steemian ✋

On this occasion I would like to share a post about the most beautiful and most comfortable sights, which is sure to be your favorite tourist destination for beach lovers and the island.

Who is not familiar with the Lombok region that has a million charms and amazing natural panaroma and still many hidden, so there are still many people who do not know the beauty of the existing place in Lombok. In Lombok very many places of cool attractions, ranging from cultural sites, historic sites, to the waterfall is very pampering the eyes and you should immediately explore.

Photo of the beauty of the beach and nature is a testament to the beauty of West Nusa Tenggara Province, where the people are known friendly and courteous, plus beautiful scenery extraordinary, perfect journey of steemian holidays when it comes here.

Anyone want to go here? 👇

I. Bukit Mereset
location : 👉Jalan Kuta Lombok, Pujut, Kabupaten Lombok Tengah, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia.

II. Pulau Gili Air
the island is famous for its beautiful beaches, it is no wonder if Gili Air became one of the favorite tourist destinations in Lombok.

III. Pura Batu Bolong
Location : 👉 Batu Layar, Denpasar, Kabupaten Lombok Barat, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia.

IV. Tanjung Ringgit
Location : 👉 Jerowaru, Kabupaten Lombok Timur, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia.

V. Gili Meno
Location : 👉 Sekotong Tengah, Kabupaten Lombok Barat, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia.

VI. Gili Kedis
Location : 👉 Sekotong Tengah, Kabupaten Lombok Barat, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia.

VII. Pendakian Gunung Rinjani
Mount Rinjani is the second highest volcano in Indonesia with an altitude of 3726 m above sea level

that is the beauty of one of the regions in Indonesia may be useful.

Referensi :

Thanks, @sabil95


Menyo lagenyo tempat wisata han ek tajak, hama galak teuh meu limong pih. Kiban post ile hana gren sagai, nyo lagenyo post atra awak manteng 25 reputasi.

Ci post yg bermanfaat ile... 😁😁😁😁😁😂😂😂

Hahahaha... Macam Dum @teungkuzur Nyoe, itulah Tempat-tempat wisata yang ada di provinsi yang dipimpin oleh tuan guru bajang, sungguh Keindahan alam nya super aduhai.. 😁

Bng kiban cara lee lagenyan ureung upvote bg

Harus neu posting antara judul,isi, dan tag harus sesuai, kemudian beuseureng neukomentar dan upvote postingan orang lain.

I want, tempatnya adem diliat

Bak tempat lee Keube nyan, mangat meen

Beutoi Rakan, pulom ta ek Ateuh keubeu nyan ta potret ta peu ek bak steemit that Jai kiraju awak vote

Pemandangan yang luar biasa, tempat wisata yang wajib kita kunjungi apabila berkunjung ke NTB.

Terimakasih teman, tapi tidak wajib juga di kunjungi, cuma setingkat mubah saja kalau wajib nantik gak kita kunjungi dosa pula kan ngeri itu namanya.

Sungguh indah dan sempurna bumi ciptaan tuhan. Yang dihiasi pergunungan,lautan.
Bekarya terus @sabil95.

Coment and upvoteFollow akun me @rereza081217

thank you, may you succeed always friend