elementary school children go to school across the river by a traditional boat ride
The story in this photo is a real story that happened in the hinterland of East Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia, that is in the hinterland of Pante Bidari. As I am a journalist, local residents who are concerned about their living conditions sent me photos via cell phone around early 2017. Their hope, the condition of their lives is very apprehensive it is reported that the government knows that their living conditions are very sad.
Cerita dalam foto ini merupakan cerita nyata yang terjadi di daerah pedalaman Aceh Timur, Aceh, Indonesia, yaitu di pedalaman Kecamatan Pante Bidari. Karena saya seorang wartawan, warga daerah setempat yang prihatin atas kondisi kehidupan mereka mengirimkan foto tersebut kepada saya melalui telepon seluler sekitar awal tahun 2017 lalu. Harapan mereka, kondisi kehidupan mereka yang sangat memprihatinkan itu diberitakan agar pemerintah tahu bahwa kondisi kehidupan mereka sangat menyedihkan.
Who is not sad and worried to see elementary school children who go to school must cross the flow of a rushing river using a traditional boat. The boat was boarded by seven people. Of the six primary school children, one woman. Meanwhile, paddle boat students male high school students. For the sake of education they keep the spirit every morning to go to school. They realize if the boat reversed their risk of losing their lives. However, this risk they never feared. They just imagine able to follow the process of teaching and learning activities in order to realize their ideals in order to become a useful generai for the nation and state.
Siapa yang tidak sedih dan khawatir melihat anak-anak sekolah dasar yang pergi ke sekolah harus menyeberangi arus sungai yang deras menggunakan perahu tradisional. Perahu itu dinaiki tujuh orang. Dari enam anak sekolah dasar, satu orang wanita. Sedangkan, pengayuh perahu siswa laki-laki siswa sekolah menengah atas. Demi menempuh pendidikan mereka tetap semangat setiap pagi pergi sekolah. Mereka sadar jika perahu terbalik resiko mereka hilang nyawa. Namun, resiko ini tidak pernah mereka takuti. Mereka justru menghayalkan bisa mengikuti proses kegiatan belajar mengajar demi mewujudkan cita-cita mereka agar bisa menjadi generai yang berguna bagi bangsa dan negara.
Until now such conditions of life they continue to live. What can make, until now the bridge facilities in the interior area has not been built by the local government. Therefore, however sad, and bitter the risks they face they remain passionate through their days for the hope and ideals of a bright future.
Thank you for reading my writing
For your attention I thank you
Yours sincerely @Senihendri
Sampai saat ini kondisi kehidupan seperti itu masih terus mereka jalani. Apa boleh buat, hingga saat ini fasilitas jembatan di daerah pedalaman ini belum dibangun oleh pemerintah setempat. Karena itu, bagaimana pun sedih, dan pahitnya resiko yang mereka hadapi mereka tetap semangat melewati hari-hari mereka demi harapan dan cita-cita masa depan yang cerah.
Terimakasih telah membaca tulisan saya
Atas perhatian Anda saya ucapkan terimakasih
Salam KSI, Hormat Saya @Senihendri
Cerita Bereeh,,,,, menakjubkan ,,, hehe
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