Three days ago while I was riding my motorcycle through Ir. Soekarno - Hatta highway, and saw a small cook shop which serve Banyuwangi Yellow Chicken Soup. Then I decided to stop at that cook shop, It was quite a little interesteng for me.

Then I came inside to that cook shop and ordered regular Banyuwangi Yellow Chicken Soup. It was look ordinary Lamongan Yellow Chicken Soup but there was a difference, this kind of food using a tooping made from shredded coconut.

I looked at that time, many visitors at there. I think they were a group of the biker community. They talked loudly and discussed motorcycle modification and soo on.

At the corner of the inside of that cookshop, I saw big ballyhoo and contain of menu about Banyuwangi Yellow Chicken Soup.

While I eating this kind of chicken soup, the owner greet me and give a warm welcome, he knew that I was not his regular customer. (ser)