Rare brown animal from indonesia forest -aceh (Bilingual)

in #indonesia7 years ago



sultan- video 1.png



Hewan-hewan semacam ini, saya tidak pernah berkulit putih, tapi yang saya dapatkan hari ini, warnanya sangat berbeda. Anda juga bisa melihat yang putih di sini, link yang saya berikan di bawah galeri.

these animals of this kind, I never get in white, but what I got today, the colors are very different. You can also see the white ones here, the links I have provided under the gallery.

Anda bisa melihatnya di video yang saya tunjukkan di sini, semoga terhibur.

you can see it in the video that I show here, hopefully entertained.

Lihatlah galeri foto yang saya tunjukkan di bawah ini :

Take a look at the photo gallery I show below :


Gambar 1 ( Figure 1 )


Gambar 2 ( Figure 2 )


Gambar 3 ( Figure 3 )


Gambar 4 ( Figure 4 )


Gambar 5 ( Figure 5 )


Gambar 6 ( Figure 6 )


Gambar 7 ( Figure 7 )

Lihatlah hewan yang sama berwarna putih, klik di bawah ini

See the same animal in white, click below

Hewan langka itu berwarna putih

Rare animals are white

semoga apa yang anda lihat di video ini, bisa bermanfaat bagi semua steemian, agar kita bersama-sama membangun tumbuh di komunitas Steemit.

hopefully what you see in this video, can be beneficial for all steemian, that we must together build a grow in a community Steemit.

Terima kasih telah mengunjungi dan melihat fotografi dan video di blog saya

Thank you for visiting and looking photography and video on my blog

salam @sultan-aceh

regards @sultan-aceh

  • Camera Photo Nikon Outo Selector
  • Camera Video Nikon Outo Selector
  • Location Indonesia forest - aceh
  • Videographer @sultan-aceh
  • Photographer @sultan-aceh


Hi, @ sultan-aceh ... how are you doing bro.
We re-discuss and add insight about the animals called dragonfly.
Dragonflies (subordo Anisoptera) Odonata order, infraorder Anisoptera. In Indonesia there are 1672 types of dragonflies that have been registered by the institution of flora and fauna, this is very impressive because dragonflies and butterflies are playmates when we were children.
The oldest dragonfly fossils in the world were found more or less 325 years ago in a carbon rock with a wingspan of 750 cm. Dragonflies multiply more than 300 species of tropical climates. Dragonflies include predator animals at the larval stage.
Reproductive System: They have an indirect mode of indirect insemination, delayed fertilization, and sperm competition. During mating, the male captures the female behind her head or in the prothorax, and the female curls down her belly beneath her body to retrieve the sperm from the male genitalia in the front of her abdomen.
At the time of laying dragonflies lay their eggs on the stagnant water there is also in the flow that in order to swift. After hatching he would rather stay a few weeks as a nimfla while waiting for the metamorphosis process, once the dragonfly matures and becomes a true carnovore then flies away from his surroundings. A dragonfly is only 4 months old.
What is interesting to the dragonfly:
a. Dragonflies make you get lost way home .. (still remember ...?)
b. Dragonflies can make us aware of a beautiful day.
c. Dragonflies can make us want to go home and run like a child.
d. Dragonflies the imaginations of the fairies.
e..I've got a girl friend her names "capung", Very cute girls and I'm very dear to him ... hehehe. Please Do not imagine my girls hahahaha.

very good info @fajar16

Looks like a stick to me hehe. I started new contest my friend. You can join @sultan-aceh :)

yes @asbonclz

happy to hear it and happy to help each other
Regard @sultan-aceh and @xpilar to you ok

heheheh ... ok @asbonclz

Thank you, do you want to share your food with us? You can participate in the contest, you and @sultan-aceh

thanks, Maybe @asbonclz

Thanks @xpilar.

hey bro it's quite natural with great sensation
thank you
very much

terima kasih ya @shawn4745

Outstanding photography also nice flowers i love flower thanks for sharing with us lovely post @sultan-aceh

terima kasih ya @mizanrahman

Bunganya terlihat seperti indung telur, sangat cantik. Apakah bintang yang hinggap dibunga tersebut, capung?

ya benar heheh @saifoel77

Woooow Wonderful and very nice
I encourage you to take such pictures
I also take pictures like this😉😍

thank @ultras28

keren bang unik unik fotonya

ya unik @fahmiramlan

Berkualitas 🤔

terima kasih @ifulmirwanda

Comelnya very cute and i like flowers . Good capture . What is this flower name . I appreciated your effort.
@sultan-aceh thanks for sharing nice cute blog.

Stay blesse

thank @syedkashifhussai

Filsafah hewan dan bunga, hidup saling membutuhkan, seperti kita di Steemit kita butuh komunitas, salam kenal bang..pu keh nyan, den-den dara baro bang?

Menyo betoi lage nyan, bit bit tari dara baro nyan..

hai @agusriandi

pubut dikah lam lampoh gob nyow ... hehhe
peuget entry komen drow ... tinggai lon upvote enteuk ... handeuh ok

saling membantu ...
saling menjaga ....
dan jangan saling mengangap postingan teman tidak bagus

yang paling utama ... hargai karya temanmu walaupun tidak bagus
jika tidak pandai berkomentar ... diam saja ok heheh

Saya setuju itu bang, Jangan pernah menghina postingan kawan, karena kita pun belum tentu bisa seperti dia. Terimakasih . Sukses selalu bang @sultan-aceh

@sultan-aceh These pictures are very beautiful honestly I loved them so much
Upvoted and resteemed

Luar biasa bang @sultan-aceh, terus terang saya belum pernah melihat hewan langka ini..

terima kasih ya @ susanlhokseumawe

Bagus banget gambarnya, salam kenal bang @sultan-aceh

hai @raini

terma kasih telah melihat
salam kenal juga untuk mu.. semoga cepat tumbuh di steemit

Qualitas foto sangat bagus. MUngkin fotographernya udah mahir

gak kok ... biasa aja @halidabahri
terima kasih ya

the picture is very good, thanks @sultan-aceh about the information, here I understand about the miracle of this rare animal, I like you ;-)

thank @sailor01

Sepertinya itu sejenis kupu-kupu ya bang @sultan-aceh?

terima kasih @ultras28

binatang apa itu bg.
saya belum pernah melihatnya

terima kasih

Terlihat seperti lebah penghisap sari pada bunga, juga bisa dibayangkan layaknya capung yang hinggap di bunga
Saya bingung hehehe

nikmati saja bang @riskyananda
jangan bingung2 ok hehehhe

sangat menikmati kanda @sultan-aceh hehehehe

Sama seperti binatang yang saya temukan bg... Uda lama saya posting..

Dulu saat saya mau posting binatang seperti ab ini saya gak tau mau nanya namanya sama siapa.. Ke google pun saya cari gak dapat heheheheh


Itu linknya bang..

Aapakah itu sejenis nyamuk?

terima kasih

WOW, just amazing
Keep up the good work

thank @pinktrip

Hey bro
saya paham bahasa indonesia .tapi belum pandai

Hana get meuphom lom nyo bang

Baro meuruno

Bang @sultan -aceh apakah itu capung sepertinya saya belum pernah melihat nya, dan bunga semacam itu saya rasa jarang kita melihat nya, focus yang sangat sempurna bang. Semoga kedepan nya bisa semacam ini lagi.