outdated cannon

in #indonesia7 years ago


terjawab sudah pemenang dari final carabao cup , manchester city membantai arsenal dengan skor telak 3-0, tiga gol tersebut tercipta dimenit 18" oleh aguero, kompany 58" dan silva "65.
kekalahan telak berawal dari kesalahan bodoh dimenit 18 yang membuka keunggulan manchester city.

seorang legenda hidup united berkomentar semua bukan kesalahan dilini bertahan saja, di lapangan tengah kita melihat mereka cuma berjalan saat timnya tertinggal 3 gol, anda berjalan dilapangan sepak bola wembley, anda sangat memalukan.tuturnya.

Answered was the winner of the final carabao cup, manchester city slaughtered the arsenal with a 3-0 landslide score, three goals were created dimenit 18 "by aguero, kompany 58" and silva "65.
a landslide defeat begins with a stupid mistake dimenit 18 that opened the benefits of manchester city.

an united live legend commented that it was not a mistake just to survive, in midfield we see them just walking when their team is 3 goals down, you are walking in wembley football field, you are very embarrassing.


komentar Arsene Wenger: "Ketika Anda kalah 0-3, tentu Anda akan melihat pada pertahanan. Saya pikir pada sebagian besar momen kami bertahan dengan baik. Tapi, kami kehilangan konsentrasi beberapa kali dan saat melawan tim besar, Anda harus membayar itu dengan kekalahan pada hari ini,"
"Konsentrasi yang hilang pada periode penting,kami memberi mereka gol dari kesalah yang terlihat bodoh"
"Pada akhirnya selamat untuk City, mereka pantas menang. Anda harus menerima kritik ketika kalah. Tapi, saya percaya kami harus cepat pulih dari kekalahan ini. Kami berhasil ke final, kemudian kalah. Sekarang kami harus fokus di Premier League,"

comments Arsene Wenger: "When you lose 0-3, you will see in defense, I think for most of our moments we are going well, but we lose concentration a few times and when against big teams you have to pay it in defeat at today,"
"Concentrations are missing during this important period, we give them a goal of a foolish looking mistake"
"In the end congratulations to City, they deserved to win.You have to accept criticism when you lose, but I believe we have to recover quickly from this defeat.We made it to the final, then lost.Now we have to focus in the Premier League,