Trade is where transactions meet sellers and buyers. trade is not just happening in the market alone. the market is divided into two forms. traditional and modern markets. the traditional market is a market where the location is in a crowded corner of the city visited by traders. and in the modern market that is in the mall is often visited by the community up and down. both markets are highly positive for the economic development of society.
Traditional markets are always in slums and crammed when buyers start arriving. while in the modern market is very well organized location. so sellers and buyers are very easy to transact in a modern way too.
Traditional markets are mostly sellers of various circles of parents. while in the modern market the sellers are almost average among the youth or the young. from this paper I want to illustrate the difference in turnover rate that is produced by the seller is very different. in the traditional market the seller will sell his or her merchandise which will not be in charge of taxes and other fees.
While in the modern market wear taxes and other additional costs. so the profit generated by the seller is different
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Modern market place where the shopping center is comfortable and peaceful. the modern market is much in the interest of middle and upper society so that the modern market is very easy to make transactions between the seller and the buyer.!
Perdagangan adalah tempat transaksi bertemu dengan penjual dan pembeli. Perdagangan tidak hanya terjadi di pasar saja. Pasar dibagi menjadi dua bentuk. pasar tradisional dan modern. Pasar tradisional merupakan pasar dimana lokasinya berada di sudut keramaian kota yang dikunjungi para pedagang. dan di pasar modern yang ada di mal ini sering dikunjungi oleh masyarakat naik turun. Kedua pasar sangat positif bagi perkembangan ekonomi masyarakat.
Pasar tradisional selalu berada di daerah kumuh dan dijejali saat pembeli mulai berdatangan. Sementara di pasar modern lokasinya sangat terorganisasi dengan baik. Jadi penjual dan pembeli sangat mudah bertransaksi secara modern juga.
Pasar tradisional sebagian besar penjual dari berbagai kalangan orang tua. Sementara di pasar modern para penjual hampir rata-rata di kalangan pemuda atau kaum muda. Dari tulisan ini saya ingin mengilustrasikan perbedaan tingkat turnover yang dihasilkan oleh penjual sangat berbeda. Di pasar tradisional penjual akan menjual barang dagangannya yang tidak bertanggung jawab atas pajak dan biaya lainnya.
Sementara di pasar modern dikenakan pajak dan biaya tambahan lainnya. sehingga keuntungan yang dihasilkan oleh penjual berbeda
Tempat pasar modern dimana pusat perbelanjaannya nyaman dan damai. Pasar modern sangat diminati masyarakat menengah ke atas sehingga pasar modern sangat mudah melakukan transaksi antara penjual dan pembeli.!