How to make Empek-Empek Palembang Indonesia

in #indonesia7 years ago

Who does not know the food typical of Palembang this one? Empek-Empek increasingly widespread and can easily be encountered in various places, especially large cities. If we visit a mall and there is a food court area, generally we will find a kiosk that sells this food. Many young people who like fried empek, but some others like the boiled-tambours. Children will immediately fall in love as soon as you present this menu especially for those who like the type of food kriuk. Various options can also be found, ranging from lenjer, submarine, curly, adaan, and others. Here are the ingredients and easy way to make the simplest lenjer empress.


  • 1 kg of belida or mackerel fish
  • 1500 gr of sago flour
  • 1 tbsp salt
  • Flavor taste sufficiently
  • 1 cup cold water
  • 2 L of water to boil
  • 250 grams of palm sugar
  • 200 gr of garlic
  • 50 gr of Javanese acid
  • Cayenne pepper to taste
  • Kitchen vinegar to taste (according to taste)

How to make

  • Milled fish according to choice.
  • Insert the fish mill into a clean container.
  • Add salt and flavor.
  • Pour cold water, to flat. Keep the dough completely flat to get the best results.
  • Put the sago flour into the fish batter. Adjust the flour content with the dough. If the dough is already dull and can be formed, stop adding the flour.
  • Take a little flour, mix in your hands.
  • Take enough dough. Shape to taste.
  • Boil 1L of water and add 2 tablespoons of clean cooking oil so that the fish dough is not attached to each other.
  • Put the fish dough into the water. Wait about 5 minutes.
  • Drain.
  • Open garlic puree until smooth (you can use blander spice to further help).
  • Enter 1L of water in other clean containers, mixed with palm sugar, tamarind, cayenne pepper, fine garlic, and also kitchen vinegar.
  • Cook until boiling and then turn off the heat.
  • If you like boiled empek-duck, dough stew ready to eat by using sauce (cuko).
  • If you like fried empek, prepare a frying pan with enough oil to fry the empek-empek.
  • Enter the decoction of empek-empek into hot oil. Use medium fire.
  • Lift the empek-empek when the color reach yellowish.
  • Serve.
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