Mothers' Me Time could be easily built through this kind of activity . With this activity the bond of love between mother and child will be more and more tightly. What do you think, my dear fellow Stemians? Do you agree with it? Of course you can build other activities in line with your idea.
Halo bunda apa kabar?
Salam kenal ya bun
Peluk jauh dari Medan
Halo juga, salam kenal balik dari Bunda untuk bundaqubeki. Terima kasih sudahd berkunjung.Peluk hangat in the air dari Ciputat.
Setuju Bunda, lewat belajar renang bisa membuat bonding Ibu dan anak tambah kuat. Dan aktifitas lainnya seperti masak bareng, traveling, dll.
Salam hangat dari Yogyakarta buat Bunda Yati dan keluarga.